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41. 98.03.08: The Environmental Adaption Of The Native American Indian used communities in North America were created by Pueblo indians. The hopi would tellyou that their rituals and the least nomadic of all native American tribes http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1998/3/98.03.08.x.html | |
42. CMMR - Native American Resources student created resources organized by Goals for American indians, Alaskan Nativesand national hopi Villages An overview and discussion of the hopi http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~cmmr/Native_American.html | |
43. Cherokee Messenger - Native American Herbal Remedies hopi women drank a tea of the whole Indian native Hemlock (as opposed Poison Hemlockof Socrates fame). The Plains indians used this as a universal application http://www.powersource.com/cherokee/herbal.html | |
44. Native American Resources hopi Way Cloud Dancing hopi Information Network Coast History Directories IndianNations Links Organizations PBS The native americans Specific Tribes The http://www.geocities.com/~webwinds/friends/bknative.htm | |
45. El Centro's American Indian Links Page native American Genealogy. American Indian Maps. Texas indians; hopi, Navajo,Zuni, and Caddo The Capstone Program; Cahokia; Web Sites about Cahokia; http://pw2.netcom.com/~wandaron/indians.html | |
46. Native American Web Sites languages, songs and dances of native North America. Animal Bridegrooms Tales toldby North American indians. hopi Cultural Preservation Office A joint project http://www.jammed.com/~mlb/nawbt.html | |
47. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Languages of Fire Essays on California Indian Languages (Berkeley ed., Linguistic Structuresof native America Viking Fund LaVerne Masayesva Jeanne hopi University of http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_019500_languages.htm | |
48. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Child Rearing to child rearing are still evident in native America. Today the contrast betweennative and European child Chief The Autobiography of a hopi Indian (New Haven http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_007000_childrearing.ht | |
49. Soul Wound: The Legacy Of Native American Schools hopi tribe members testified at a 1989 Senate to the traditional social structureof Indian communities the sexual assault rate among native americans was three http://www.amnestyusa.org/amnestynow/soulwound.html | |
50. INDIAN NATIVE AMERICANA - Vintage Old Antique Postcard Postcards Nevada natives (Published by CT 114997) (Unused Postcard). $10.00. american-indians14205- USA - Chief of the Snake Dancers (hopi indians) (Published by http://www.postcardman.net/indians.html | |
51. InterTRIBAL.net - Links To Native American Tribes And Resources Connections. Tlingit National Anthem Alaska Natives Online. APACHE. Connections.Delaware Tribe of indians, Oklahoma. ELWHA. The HoChunk Nation. hopi. Connections. http://www.intertribal.net/NAT/NATribes.htm | |
52. North, South, East, West: Native Americans In The Natural World Coast; a card on the hopi of the website North, South, East, West American Indiansand the For more information about native americans The First americans. http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/native/native.html | |
53. Hopi Prophecies (Morgana's Observatory) indians will be pushed into Four Corners. The hopi Survival Kit by Thomas E.Mails Chief Dan Evehema. native American Prophecies by Scott Peterson. http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/tethys.htm | |
54. NATIVE AMERICAN STORIES Stonee s Weblodge, a wonderful site for. American Indian lore Its full of stories,poetry, native art, quotes and How the hopi indians Reached Their World hopi 66 http://www.y-indianguides.com/pfm_st_nativestories.html | |
55. Native Peoples Magazine: 1997 Fall Featured Article, Continued... We almost never have a Pueblo Indian or hopi on the known for his sepiatoned stillshots, Edward A. Curtis pioneered cinematography of native americans. http://www.nativepeoples.com/np_features/np_articles/1997_fall_article/coyote_ho | |
56. Edifying Spectacle Posters : Americana : Native American : Native American Tribe American Pottery Makers, San Ildefanso indians native American Pottery Makers,San Ildefanso indians Two hopi indians with Bird Head Masks Two hopi http://edifyingspectacle.org/posters/shop/cat-958/sub-7200/low-9418.html | |
57. Native American Traditional Stories And Mythology, Anthropology Outreach Office, of the Short Blue Corn Tales and Legends of the hopi indians. American Indian Mythsand Legends Storytelling Stone Traditional native American Myths and Tales http://www.nmnh.si.edu/anthro/outreach/mytholog.htm | |
58. Swest SOUTHWEST native americans. HISTORY INFORMATION. The Southwest native americans come from the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Colorado, and the northern part of Mexico. Most of the land is http://inkido.indiana.edu/w310work/romac/swest.htm | |
59. American Indian Studies 19 hopi men by the US Army on Alcatraz Island in 1895. Federally Recognized CaliforniaTribes. Federally Recognized Indian Tribes. The native American Experience. http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
60. Indians.org - Welcome . . . Give Now Help those in need all year long. Your Support is greatly needed. You can DO WELL while DOING GOOD. the emergency relief needs of native peoples of this land for Country, you must http://www.indians.org/ | |
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