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1. Access Washington - Home Page May 25, 2004Text Version. Site Info Accessibility Customer Support. National Threat Advisory. state GOVERNMENT NEWS. state unveils next steps in child welfare reform. school buses get pollution checkups Test your state knowledge take the WaWiz Quiz information and resources. Learn about changes in the state's personnel system http://access.wa.gov/ |
2. Welcome To California home Help SiteMap Register Login Environment and Natural resources. Government. March 12, 2004 How can I find out how my school is performing on the state's standardized tests http://www.ca.gov/ | |
3. Resources For School Administrators SED home resources for school Administrators resources for school Administrators. studentswho are at risk of not achieving the state learning standards in http://usny.nysed.gov/schooladmin/ | |
5. Kentucky.gov - Education Resources best practices and forms to assist in home schooling. youth that may affect theirsuccess in school. state Library Services Explore the Department for Libraries http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/edu_resources | |
6. Administrative Resources matters pertaining to educationrelated state and federal school Health. Differentfactors affect the health physical condition of the home, school and community http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Administrative Resources | |
7. List Of Oceanography Resources Research Vessel Wecoma at Oregon state University; The Media Center; Duke UniversityNicholas school of the to NOAA Environmental Information Services home Page. http://www.esdim.noaa.gov/ocean_page.html | |
8. DE&T - Reports, Policies & Resources - Reports & Papers - State Budget 2002 $31.1 million for improved statewide access to school 15 Koorie educators and 6 Kooriehome home Liaison officers. million to host the Pacific school Games in http://www.det.vic.gov.au/det/resources/budget2002.htm | |
9. Recommended Government Resources database are also open to private citizens who want to be aware of sex offenderswho live close to their home or their child s school. state of Ohio http://www.westlakelibrary.org/gov.htm | |
10. Missouri State Government Home Page Official state of Missouri home Page Mental Health. Natural resources. Public Safety Outdoor Recreation and Conservation school Offers Instruction on Outdoor http://www.state.mo.us/ | |
11. Wisconsin.gov - Home in foster care and child welfare, an unique home visiting program and foster careagencies across the state are celebrating Is your school Green and Healthy? http://www.wisconsin.gov/state/home/ |
12. MyFlorida.com - Home Page for a state of Florida government contact or resources on a specific Black Business Investment Board. gov. Bush's 200405 E-Budget History Culture. home and Family. Judicial Branch http://www.state.fl.us/ |
13. MySCGov.com web sites. From home or office state agencies, colleges and universities, schools and school districts to conserve natural resources from available state resources, like the S http://www.myscgov.com/ |
14. SBE Home (CA Dept Of Education) No Child Left Behind resources on California s ongoing on issues of interest to theState Board Members STAR) program used for student and school accountability http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/ | |
15. Mass.gov - The Official Web Site Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Federal Government. state Governmentmore. Executive Energy/Utilities. Environment/resources. Finance/Taxation. Governing/Government News Updatesmore. school pesticides audit report http://www.state.ma.us/ | |
16. WashLaw Web - StateLaw: State & Local Government - Executive, Legislative, And J public access to state government information and electronic resources Cornell Law school, This locator links to state statutes that to your own Secretary of states home page http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/statelaw.html | |
17. Resources For Parents special education, gifted and talented, homeschooling and more to prepare for postschool employment, community information on New York state Virtual Learning http://usny.nysed.gov/parents/ | |
18. KidsWalk-to-School bicycle to school programs by building state level partnerships develop walk and bicycleto school programs other materials available in our resources page, as http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/kidswalk/ | |
19. Washington Courts Courts home Educational resources, Search Print View Map Help. HighSchool Lesson Plans. Request a Judge (Washington state Teachers Only). http://www.courts.wa.gov/education/ | |
20. FirstGov – Government-to-Government – Public Safety And Law home Governmentto-Government state and Local Education, jobs, resources for schools,training Grants and statutes Statistics at the state and Local http://www.firstgov.gov/Government/State_Local.shtml | |
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