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81. Xxx The holy see takes this opportunity to thank the organizers of the Forumfor the invitation and the Dutch government for its kind hospitality. http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/secretariat_state/documents/rc_seg-st_doc_1102 | |
82. Instrument Of Ratification Between The Holy See And The Spanish State (1976) The holy see and the Spanish government in view of the profound process of transformationexperienced by Spanish society in recent years concerning relations http://spcp.prf.cuni.cz/dokument/esp2a.htm | |
83. Holy See (Vatican City), With National Anthem, Flag, Map And Its People, Economy holy see information includes Anthems, Defense, Economy, Flags, Geography,government, Maps, News, Weather. government, holy see (Vatican City). http://www.countryreports.org/content/holysee.htm | |
84. Action On The Holy See As a UN NonMember State Permanent Observer, the holy see (the government of theRoman Catholic Church) exercises a presence equal to that of any UN member http://www.fafia-afai.org/action/int2_e.htm | |
85. The Terrorism Research Center :: Significant Dates No events noted for holy see (Vatican City). government backto top. Current Form of government ecclesiastical. Current Leader Not recorded. http://www.terrorism.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Countries&file=index&view=1 |
86. The United States Embassy To The Holy See Special Events. The holy see. Vatican News. Vatican.va HomePage. VaticanGovernment. Today the Embassy is Closed for business. Contact Us. FAQ. http://vatican.usembassy.it/ | |
87. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Golden Rose A precious and sacred ornament made of pure gold by skilled artificers, which the popes have been accustomed for centuries to bless each year, and occasionally confer upon illustrious churches and sanctuaries as a token of special reverence and devotion, upon Catholic kings or queens, princes or princesses, renowned generals or other distinguished personages, upon governments or cities conspicuous for their Catholic spirit and loyalty to the holy see, as a mark of esteem and paternal affection. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06629a.htm | |
88. Wikipedia Holy See Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'holy see' The term holy see (Latin Sancta Sedes, lit. " holy seat sense the holy see comprises both the Pope and the Roman Curia, it is effectually http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See&y=023 |
89. Holy See Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide Lonely Planet Guides. Postcards. holy see. Not many religions actually own a country, but Catholicism isn't just any religion. holy see (Vatican City) Area . 44 sq km. Population 911. Capital http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/europe/holy_see | |
90. PolitInfo US: Country Information On Holy See, The (Profile) prisoners in the Vatican. Finally, in 1929, the Italian Governmentand the holy see signed three agreements resolving the dispute http://us.politinfo.com/Information/Country_Profiles/country_profile_128.html | |
91. Holy See Encyclopedia : Maps - Weather - Travel - History - Economy - Government holy see. Often the term holy see is defined as the office or jurisdiction of thePope. Apart from Rome the episcopal see of Mainz is also called a holy see. http://thailand.asinah.net/en/wikipedia/h/ho/holy_see.html | |
92. Holy See (Vatican City) - 2002 - Introduction Geography People Government Econom holy see (Vatican City) 2002 - Introduction Geography Population GovernmentEconomy Communications Transportation Military Issues Maps Flags. http://www.greekorthodoxchurch.org/wfb2002/holy_see_/ | |
93. Christian Network In the case of any territorial reorganization within the German Reich, the ReichGovernment will communicate with the holy see with a view to rearrangement of http://www.cnetwork.co.uk/catholic8.htm | |
94. Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome bishops. It has the holy see suggest several names among which thegovernment chooses the candidate it considers opportune. The http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=52978 |
95. Holy See - Countrywatch.com holy see, holy see Flag. Map of holy see Click on map for larger image 5 of1226 articles for holy see. News Archive/Search Engine. Largest Cities. http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vcountry=074 |
96. Holy See - Countrywatch.com holy see, holy see Flag. Map of holy see Click on map for larger image 5 of1223 articles for holy see. News Archive/Search Engine. Largest Cities. http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vcountry=74 |
97. Vatican City (Holy See) I would suppose the holy see could be considered to be part of the governmentof the Vatican City State, which does have a small territory. http://flagspot.net/flags/va.html | |
98. Detailed Country Profile: Holy See (Vatican City) Europe holy see (Vatican City). http://www.nationmaster.com/country/vt | |
99. The World Factbook. 2003 holy see (Vatican City). residence of the pope at Rome (see papacy;Roman Catholic Church). Since the socalled Roman Question was http://www.bartleby.com/151/country/vt.html | |
100. Statement By The Permanent Observer Of The Holy See To The United Nations - FCNL of international peace and security are fully shared by the holy see, as evidenced Governmentsshould see this fact as not just a problem of national security http://www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=530&issue_id=54 |
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