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101. Economic Botany: Literature Useful To The Study Of Florida Plants herbs and spices. A golden nature guide. Golden Press, Western Publ. Co., New York, NY. 160 p. Morton, Julia F. 1977. Major medicinal plants botany, culture http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/herbarium/bib/bibecon.htm | |
102. Medicinal Herbs, Drugs Magical and Ritual Use of herbs. By Richard Alan Miller. Inner Traditions Intl Ltd, 1992. ISBN 0892814012. Marijuana botany. By http://www.gardendigest.com/herbmed.htm | |
103. UBC Department Of Botany - Links Medicinal/ Culinary herbs, Concerns everything about growing, harvesting, preserving, and using herbs. herbs, A list of herbs and what they are used for. http://www.botany.ubc.ca/links/herbal.html | |
104. Herbs 2nd Page Back to the herbs page. PICRORRHIZA Botanical Name Picorhiza Kurroa; Common Name Kutkin, Kutaki; botany Found in the high mountain regions of India, Kuktin is http://www.lifespa.com/Ayurvedic Health Care Products/Life Spa Library/Herb Desc | |
105. Botany [Early & Herbals], Asherbooks Rare Books 242 woodcuts of herbs in text. Ill., pp. 4548. Rare complete set of three volumes of Brunfels herbal destined to change the direction of botany (DSB). http://www.asherbooks.com/main_stock.phtml/subject/167/1/Botany_[Early_&_Herbals | |
106. Alibris: Botany of herbs in a full color AZ catalog of over 90 herbs, complete with 10. Cover may not depict edition offered for sale, botany for Gardeners An Introduction and http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Botany | |
107. Alibris: Science Botany is only just beginning to value the curative powers of plants and herbs found in the 8. Cover may not depict edition offered for sale, botany for Gardeners An http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Science Botany | |
108. American Indian Ethno Botany Database http//www.teleport.com/~howieb/howie.html. Internet Directory for botany Ethnobotany. http//www.helsinki.fi/kmus/botecon.html herbs. Medicinal Dictionary. http://medplant.nmsu.edu/resources.htm | |
109. Index Of Medieval Medical Images (IMMI) - Vermont Herbal (MS.2) - Index Of Fols. botany), fol. 4 Erba brance leonina maggiore. Erba canolo maggiore. Solanaceae Cruciferae Plants, Medicinal herbs Pods (botany) Berries Roots (botany) Demons, http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/biomed/his/immi/vermont/vermontindex2-17.h | |
110. Botany As Martial Art References. Keys, John D. Chinese herbs Their botany, Chemistry and Pharmacodynamics. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan, 1976. http://www.ittendojo.org/articles/general-6.htm | |
111. Herbs, Spices, And Medicinal Plants : Recent Advances In Botany, Horticulture, A herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants Recent Advances in botany, Horticulture, and Pharmacology. ISBN 1560220430. Craker, Lyle E./ Simon, James E. http://www.sofitware.com/books/sci04/1560220430.html | |
112. Sharefin's Preparedness & Survival Bookstore herbs Spices Medicinal Plants 1986 - Recent Advances in botany Horticulture Pharmacology by Lyle Craker. herbs Spices Medicinal http://www.sharelynx.com/books/prepbook10.php | |
113. Re: Where Do Most Medicinal Plants And Herbs Come From? MadSci Network botany. Re Where do most medicinal plants and herbs come from? Date Fri Mar 3 141045 2000 Posted By Joseph E http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/mar2000/952135951.Bt.r.html | |
114. NYPL, Natural History Research Guide and medical botany. Grieve, Maud. A modern herbal the medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folklore of herbs, grasses, fungi http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/nathist/plants.html | |
115. Herbs And Herbals Publications Indexing book Subjects biology, botanical illustration, botany, composting, crafts, food plants foodways, garden history, gardening, general science, herbs herbals http://www.bioindexers.org/herbs.html | |
116. Botany Publications Indexing, Botanical Indexing materials, technical manuals Subjects biology, botany, chemistry, crafts, gardening, general science, earth sciences, health environment, herbs herbals http://www.bioindexers.org/botany.html | |
117. The Healing Power Of Herbs Weekend At The New York Botanical Garden his Ph.D. as the first Fellow in the Institute of Economic botany at the of medicinal plants becomes more mainstream, it is time to reassess how herbs are used http://www.nybg.org/powerofherbs/ | |
118. L.E.R.'s Books. inches) 1.30 x 10.28 x 7.38. Chinese herbs Their botany, Chemistry, and Pharmacodynamics by John D. Keys. A Manual of Chinese Herbal http://www.ethnobotany.com/books/books-herbal.html | |
119. Www.thais.it - Botany Malacology. Special. HomePage. Email. © Frimart srl Milano 1995 - 2004. The herbs of love. Plants, roots, shrubs and aromatic herbs. Cacti Succulents. Indoor Plant. http://www.thais.it/botanica/default_uk.htm | |
120. SMSU Libraries Internet Directory for botany Help. Institute, Le Jardin du Gourmet Sample packets for .30 each, Legendary Ethnobotanical Resources, Medicinal herbs and Healing http://library.smsu.edu/resources/plants.shtml | |
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