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81. Autres Sites à Visiter. Botanique muséums, zoos, herbariums ou jardins des plantes du monde entier. http://cimbad.mnhn.fr/mnhn/bcm/frames/principale/sitesbot.htm | |
82. Australian Science And Technology On The Internet Discussion Lists. Botany. Major Sites; Botanic Gardens and herbariums; Other BotanySites; Universities; Associations and Societies; Botanic Gardens/herbariums. http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/sciencew.html | |
83. FLORA herbariums, photos and plaster casts of plants give an idea of the variety of northern,middle and southern Sakhalin flora, its most typical, rare, relic and http://museum.sakh.com/eng/4.shtml | |
84. Promising Research Abstract PRA-5017 Thus we will be able to create herbariums, which will later on provide forthe largescale reintroduction of the investigated species into nature. http://tech-db.istc.ru/istc/db/pra.nsf/we/5017 |
85. ALAWON V8n0085 (August 26, 1999) URL = A Href= A Href= A Href Mail pieces may be mailed at the Library Mail rate when sent between Schools,colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums, and nonprofit http://www.infomotions.com/serials/alawon/alawon-v8n0085.txt |
86. Links To Other Sites than 500 items, covering everything from tools and pesticides, togargoyles and bonsai. Botanical Gardens/Arboretums/herbariums. http://members.efn.org/~ipmpa/links.html | |
87. Wired News: Building A Database Of Specimens insect specimens. Australia s seven major herbariums located aroundthe country have nearly 6 million specimens among them. And http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,44777,00.html?tw=wn_story_related |
88. CU Museum: Botany Section: Vascular Plants Of Colorado Database Search Vascular Plant Species of Colorado Database. Welcome to the CU Museumherbariums Database of Colorado Vascular Plant Species! This http://cumuseum.colorado.edu/PHPStuff/search.php | |
89. MHN_co11.htm Herbarium friburgense Dr. F. Jaquet,1919, 37 boîtes 2000 plantes; http://www.fr.ch/mhn/collections/mhn_co11.htm | |
90. Hochschule Vechta - Biologie, Anleitung Zur Erstellung Eines Herbariums Translate this page Hinweise zur Anlage einer botanischen Vergleichssammlung (Herbarium).Das Herbarium vivum, heute kurz Herbarium, bezeichnet eine http://www.uni-vechta.de/institute/biologie/anleitung_herbarium.html | |
91. Respuestas Sobre Las Encuestas http://www.bellanet.org/medplants/studies/tramil.wpd?ois=no |
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