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41. Herbar Und Botanische Sammlungen Translate this page Am Aufbau des herbariums waren insbesondere sein Begründer und dessen AssistentenHermann ZABEL (1832 - 1912) und Ludwig HOLTZ (1824 - 1907) beteiligt. http://www.uni-greifswald.de/~pfloek/herbar.htm | |
42. NPWS - Weed Identification Resources hotline. herbariums. You can of invasive weeds. Weeds Australia hasa good overview of preserving plant specimens and herbariums. http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npws.nsf/Content/weed_identification_v2 | |
43. Australia State Of The Environment Report 2001 - Natural And Cultural Heritage T example; or they might be removed to another repository, as in the case of museumcollections of historic or Indigenous artefacts, or herbariums and natural http://www.deh.gov.au/soe/2001/heritage/heritage01-5.html | |
44. Anlage Eines Herbariums Translate this page Anlage eines herbariums. Das Anlegen des herbariums geschieht in häuslicherArbeit, wobei sich die Schüler gegenseitig unterstützen (Teamwork). http://www.agw-umweltportal.de:8080/umwelt2/content/e22/e62/e216/e326/index_ger. | |
45. Zentralregister Biologischer Forschungssammlungen In Deutschland (ZEFOD), Uebers Most of the German herbariums are registered in the Index Herbariorum, but thereexists no overview about their holdings and the degree of documentation. http://ice.zadi.de/zefod/projekt_e.cfm | |
46. Herbariums Sonoran Desert Links to More Information Verde Valley Nature Festival April of each year. Geology. GovernmentAgencies. US Forest Service Southwest Region. herbariums. http://www.thebigletterlist.net/word/h-Herbariums.html | |
47. LookSmart - Directory - Herbaria Herbaria. Herbaria Find herbariums and collections of plant specimensworldwide. plants. Consult the directory of world herbariums. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us55998/us587896/ | |
48. Herbariums The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jttk.zaq.ne.jp/bacoy009/herb.htm | |
49. Herbariums The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jttk.zaq.ne.jp/bacoy009/herbB.htm | |
50. Www.export.nl: The Dutch Export Site Product herbariums Exportpage Quality-exporters Business Category 925 - Library,archives, museums and other cultural activities (0). http://www.export.nl/uk/produkt/925/produkt-9253917.html | |
51. HCIB: Usage Regulations This herbarium may also lend its material to other herbariums in or out the country,but only if these herbariums are formally established and registered in http://www.cibnor.mx/colecciones/herbario/ireglame.php | |
52. Rosa Multiflora Var. Carnea As Redouté and Thory have not left herbariums which could serve as reference,this is therefore the first obstacle to overcome. .. there are herbariums! http://home.tiscali.be/ivan.louette/botarosa/roses/carnea_en.htm | |
53. Adventgemeinde Kiel - Pfadfinder ABC Translate this page Ãbungstest, Ãbungstest. Erstellung eines herbariums. Kapitel. 1, Einleitung. 6,Beschriftung und Gestaltung des herbariums. 7, Kosten. 8, Haltbarkeit des herbariums. http://www.sta-kiel.de/cpa/abc/show.pl?nr=14 |
54. Lewis And Clark In WA Shrub Steppe Habitat Both groups made sample herbariums. Students made several herbariumsto use as reference for students conducting studies in the future. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/ntep/f98/projects/pnnl/bkgrd.shtml | |
55. CORSICA Cap Corse Nature Patrimony Sea Flora, The posidonies ensure a good balance in the coastal environment.These sea plants form real submarine herbariums. On http://www.corsica.net/corsica/uk/regbast/capcorse/capc_130.htm | |
56. Herbariums herbariums. herbariums. If you need gardening life online, don t lookany further than here. We ve also got free information on english http://herbariums.com/ | |
57. DNR herbariums are a relatively easy method for verifying a volunteer sidentifications. Were herbariums always required for FW sites? http://dnr.state.il.us/orep/ecowatch/FOREST/herb.htm | |
58. The Courrier (environment) N°46, June 2002 The French Agricultural Scenery Highlights (Repères dans le paysage agricolefrançais). The ins and outs of herbariums? The ins and outs of herbariums? http://www.inra.fr/Internet/Produits/dpenv/som-ec46.htm | |
59. Botanische Sammlung Translate this page Die Ursprünge des herbariums gehen auf die Gründungszeit des OberösterreichischenLandesmuseums (Musealverein) 1833 zurück. http://www.biologiezentrum.at/biowww/de/sammlung/bota.html | |
60. Mail User Guide items may be mailed at the library rate when they are loaned or exchanged betweenschools, colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums and non http://www.cwru.edu/finadmin/matsupp/mailguide/mailguide.html | |
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