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1. Gardenscape.com Gardens Gardenscape.com's list of arboreta, botanical gardens and herbariums Arboreta, Botanical Gardens, Gardens, herbariums. This is our compendium of the Arboreta, Botanical Gardens, Gardens, and herbariums resources that we have found http://www.gardenscape.com/GSGardens.html | |
2. Acknowledgments - Herbariums Acknowledgments herbariums. Alabama. Steve Ginzbarg Robert R. Haynes - University of Alabama Herbarium. Jerome V. Ward - Auburn University Herbarium. Alaska. Alan Batten - University of Alaska Museum. Arizona http://w3.uwyo.edu/~caps/rkinventory/AckHerb.htm | |
3. Herbariums With Russian Knapweed Samples herbariums with Russian Knapweed Samples. Herbarium. Code. City. Latitude. Longitude. Ada Hayden Herbarium. ISC. Ames. 42.03472200 93.61972200. Arizona State University Herbarium. ASU. Tempe. 44.41472200 - 111.90861100. BLM Herbarium - Oregon. BLMLK. Lakeview http://w3.uwyo.edu/~caps/rkinventory/PosHerb.htm | |
4. National Gardening Association's WWW Links- Gardens, Arboreta, Herbariums Gardens, Arboreta, herbariums. Secrest Arboretum. The Arboretum of Los Angeles County. Arnold Arboretum Living Collections. Australian National Botanic Garden. Australian National Botanic Garden http://www.wowpages.com/nga/Links/arboreta.html | |
5. Herbariums herbariums in Croatia. MAKARSKA (MAKAR) Herbarium, Institut Planina I More,Malakoloski Muzej, Zrtava Fasizma 1, HR58 300 Makarska, Hrvatska. http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/herbariums/herbar.htm | |
6. Natural History Museums And Collections Links to natural history museums and collections botanical gardens, arboretums, herbaria, zoos, and aquariums. Botanical Gardens in Croatia. herbariums in Croatia. Zoos in Deutschland http://www.lib.washington.edu/sla/natmus.html | |
7. Internet Directory For Botany: Botanical Museums, Herbaria, Natural History Muse Moscow State University Herbarium was established in 18 century. It is one ofthe biggest Russian herbariums, containing more than one million specimens. http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/subject/botmus.html | |
8. Gardenscape.com And Horticultural Photography(TM) Gardenscape's List of Gardens, Arboreta, Botanical Gardens and herbariums. The Gardenscape Gallery http://www.gardenscape.com/ | |
9. Botanical, Horticultural Herbariums Botanical, Horticultural herbariums, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W Z A AL.Fetterman Educational Museum The American http://www.musee-online.org/asppages/PageMenu.asp?MT=34 |
10. Dr. Fungus -Links (Herbariums And Collections) Links. herbariums and Collections. Botanische Staatssammlung München http//www.botanik.biologie.unimuenchen.de/botsamml/This site presents the Botanische http://www.doctorfungus.org/educatio/category4.htm | |
11. Herbariums herbariums. National Herbarium. Mostly collection information. Content Botany. Affiliation Herbarium. Attributes Biodiversity Information, Collections Databases, Systematic Collections, Type Specimens. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew http://teacher.esuhsd.org/museums/Herbariums.html | |
12. Concepts By BotresearchConcepts By Botresearch Nonprofit botanical research consortium working with botanical institutes universities arboretums, herbariums and other botanical organizations http://www.botresearch.com/concepts | |
13. ROOT Index Ministry, DG6, Home page, Research, National Botanic Garden. herbariums. BT.Bryophytes. Fungi. NannengaBremekamp Herbarium Myxomycetes. SP. Poaceae ofBenin. http://www.br.fgov.be/SCIENCE/COLLECTIONS/HERBARIUMS/ | |
14. Herbariums - C & D Engineering Ltd herbariums. All Herbarium cabinets come with the following Design and Installation service to your requirements. 5 year Guarantee. Various standard sizes. Magnetic door seals. Choice of colours http://www.cdsheetmetal.com/Herbariums.htm | |
15. Herbarium Mycologicum Of The National Botanic Garden Of Belgium http://www.br.fgov.be/RESEARCH/COLLECTIONS/HERBARIUMS/FUNGI/SURVEY/ |
16. Dr. Fungus -Links (Herbariums And Collections) Databases and Search Vehicles. herbariums and Collections. Identification. Journals. Laboratories UseNet News. Links. herbariums and Collections. Botanische Staatssammlung München http://www.doctorfungus.com/educatio/category4.htm | |
17. Agriculture And The Outdoor World - Herbariums Links to herbariums web sites. Fowler Herbarium The Fowler HerbariumDepartment of Biology Queen s University Kingston, Ontario http://www.agsites.net/links/herbariums.html | |
18. Andrea's Weblog: June 21 2000 knew UserLand Frontier! bamboo Two beautiful herbariums The images weremade with a flatbed scanner. Herbarium Berolinensis Digitalis http://andrea.editthispage.com/2000/06/21 | |
19. Geschichte Des Herbariums HAUSSKNECHT http://www2.uni-jena.de/biologie/spezbot/herbar/geschich.html | |
20. Sammlung Des Herbariums Haussknecht Translate this page Die Sammlung. Orchis traunsteineri Sauter. Aufgaben Aufbewahrung, Aufbereitungund Ausleihe von Herbarmaterial und anderen Sammlungsteilen http://www2.uni-jena.de/biologie/spezbot/herbar/samml.html | |
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