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         Head Start Curriculum:     more books (54)
  1. Mathematics (Physical and intellectual development cluster) by Marvin Greenberg, 1975
  2. Understanding Hawaii's culture: Introductory materials on Hawaii's ethnic groups for parents and teachers of preschool children : Hawaiian ([Ethnic units]) by Louise Aloha Manuel, 1976
  3. Understanding Hawaii's culture: Introductory materials on Hawaii's ethnic groups for parents and teachers of preschool children : Chinese ([Ethnic units]) by Margaret C Young, 1976
  4. Understanding Hawaii's culture: Introductory materials on Hawaii's ethnic groups for parents and teachers of preschool children : Filipino ([Ethnic units]) by Jan Friedson, 1976
  5. Music (Physical and intellectual development cluster) by Marvin Greenberg, 1976
  6. Social studies (Self-concept and individual strength cluster) by Stephanie Feeney, 1975
  7. Task analysis (Children with special conditions cluster) by Elisabeth Chun, 1975
  8. Assessment (Supplemental responsibilities cluster) by Hannah Herman, 1975
  9. A child's self-concept (Self-concept and individual strength cluster) by Stephanie Feeney, 1975
  10. How children think (Child learning and development cluster) by Hannah Herman, 1976
  11. Language (Physical and intellectual development cluster) by Susan Nunes, 1977
  12. Children's literature (Physical and intellectual development cluster) by Susan Nunes, 1975

61. Learning Enrichment Activities Program
In particular, an area being explored for improving school readiness is a focus on incorporating a languagerich curriculum into head start Programs.
Home About Us Nell Carvell Connie Peters Learning Therapy Teacher Training Overview Sites TEA Guidelines Southern Methodist ...
Cone Center Collaboration Project Overview Model Pre-K Research Assessment
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LEAP Witnesses Testify on Improving Results, Ensuring Accountability in Early Childhood Education News from the
Committee on Education and the Workforce

John Boehner, Chairman
March 6, 2003 Washington, D.C. - The House Subcommittee on Education Reform, chaired by Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE), today heard testimony on the impact of the Head Start program in preparing disadvantaged children for school. Promoting school readiness and improving results for children served by Head Start will be top priorities as Congress prepares to reauthorize the Head Start program this year. “Recognizing the important relationship between the quality of a child’s early experiences and their readiness for school, states and schools are focusing greater attention on the cognitive and social development of young children before they enter kindergarten,” said Castle. “Head Start and other early childhood education programs are often the first line of defense in ensuring that children attain the fundamental skills necessary for optimal reading development and overall school readiness.”

62. 21st Century Online
head start on math. Designed to provide curriculum support to teachers prekindergarten through to grade two, the programme uses the latest multimedia and

63. 21st Century Online
Japanese kids to get a head start. For this reason the ministry has held back from introducing English as a full curriculum subject in Japan s 24,000 elementary

64. Seattle Public Schools | Head Start
head start provides curriculum materials and supplies for all preschool children at these three school sites. Preschool children
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Summer Semester
Summer Semester Info
Head Start Summer Programs This page will tell you about two summer opportunities provided for preschool children. The YMCA Childcare Partnership will serve 60 preschool children this summer at Thurgood Marshall, Concord, and Cooper Schools. At these sites, a Family Service Provider will work with families to assist with their social service needs. Head Start provides curriculum materials and supplies for all preschool children at these three school sites. Preschool children at these sites will also participate in a summer field trip. Students already enrolled at these sites have priority for summer enrollment. Kindergarten Transition Head Start teachers and Family Service Providers will conduct home visits in May and June for families with preschool children. They will discuss with these families their plans for kindergarten transition for their preschool children, or whether it is appropriate to re-enroll their children in Head Start for another year. Educational packets will be given to 446 families of preschool children, to help the children maintain their skills over the summer vacation, prior to entering kindergarten. These packets will include scissors, pencils, crayons, language arts cards, and an educational activity guide.

65. Seattle Public Schools | School Readiness
We also operate the Seattle Public Schools head start program, which serves as a model to other community preschools in the way its curriculum and procedures
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Office of Community Learning
Office for Community Learning
School Readiness
Getting Children Ready for School and Schools Ready for Them childcare centers, the homes of friends and neighbors, federal and state-funded programs like Head Start, and centers run by religious, ethnic and cultural organizations. As a result, students reach Seattle Public Schools with a wide range of experiences and capabilities. Some are well prepared to learn in kindergarten. Others are not. Children entering kindergarten come from increasingly diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, social, economic and language backgrounds. Many kindergartners now come from single-parent families and from stepparent families. They also differ in the level and types of early care and educational experiences they have had. Schools are expected to meet the educational needs of every child regardless of their background and experience. (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics

66. United Indians Of All Tribes Foundation
EARLY head start provides services to pregnant women and children ages birth to Childhood Specialists that offer a child development curriculum and referrals
" To create opportunities for Native Children, Youth & Families to build a positive and healthy future"
~Birth-to-Five Head Start
~Foster Care
~Elders Services YOUTH SERVICES
~GED Testing Center
~Indian Art Market ~Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Birth-to-Five Head Start Provides early childhood development and education opportunities for pregnant women and children birth to five years old. The mission is to offer an educational experience for children and families that nourishes the spirit and reflects the cultural richness and diversity of the community. HEAD START partners with parents to nurture children's development in an environment inspired by Native values and traditions. Free services are provided to families who meet federal low-income guidelines. This program is available to children who are three years old by August 31 of program year, and all four year olds. Services Include:
  • Half-day classes, Monday - Thursday. Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

67. Brazoria County Head Start : Curriculum Goals
Thu, May 13, 2004 PrinterFriendly Site Map Home. head start curriculum Goals. The curriculum is designed to Support the child s

68. Daily Local News
a softwarebased measurement system developed by the same company that provides the Chester County head start schools with their curriculum, Creative curriculum

69. Overview
whereas head start mandates that a minimum of 10% of part of the program;; Sure start uses DoDEA PreK Foundational Standards to base its curriculum.
Overview of the Sure Start Program
Eligibility Head Start and Sure Start Model Philosophy
Sure Start is committed to providing the highest quality preschool education for eligible children of families living at military installations overseas. Like the Head Start model on which it is based, Sure Start is dedicated to providing comprehensive services in the areas of education, health, social services, and family involvement. Close collaboration between families, schools, and the community is seen as essential.
Sure Start is founded on the principles of developmentally appropriate practice, as supported by research. Accordingly, the program is philosophically committed to the tenets of child growth and development that stem from the works of Piaget, Erikson, Vygotsky, and Gardner, among others. Through its comprehensive approach to meeting the whole needs of children and families, Sure Start is wedded to the belief that "risk is not destiny." With a Sure Start education, children can develop the social competence and disposition needed for productive, lifelong learning.
Enrollment Eligibility Sure Start is a program for command sponsored dependents. It is primarily a program for qualified four year olds. (The child must turn four years old by October 31 of the current school year.) Children qualify for Sure Start based on family dynamics which may put the child "at risk":

70. Curriculum
About the curriculum In keeping with its motto Mackay s head start , the School has an impressive academic record providing its graduating students with the
About the Curriculum
Whitsunday Anglican School is divided into three Sub-Schools; Junior (Kindergarten to Year 4), Middle (Years 5 to 8) and Senior (Years 9 to 12). In keeping with its motto " Mackay's Head Start ", the School has an impressive academic record providing its graduating students with the best preparation for life and further studies. Over the past few years Whitsunday students have achieved impressive results in the state-wide tertiary entrance examinations. The proportion of WAS students achieving Overall Position (OP) 1 or 2 places Whitsunday in the top group of schools in the state. Have look at different aspects of the School's curriculum by clicking on the links to the left for each of the Sub-Schools. Queensland Education School Year The Queensland education system operates a four term year commencing usually around Australia Day (January 26). Term One operates until Easter and students then have a two week break. Second term continues until around the end of June followed by a two week break. Term Three operates until towards the end of September. At Whitsunday, all students go on camp in the week before the term three break. After a two week break, Term Four finishes about the end of the first week of December for Whitsunday students (a week earlier than public school students).
Whitsunday Term Dates for 2004
Term One
Tuesday 27 January - Friday 02 April
Term Two

71. Catching Up With Head Start Transit And Funding Issues (
31 and eligible for head start or prek if they will be 4 by Sept. 30. That could mean that the teachers are not really teaching the AP curriculum.
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Catching Up With Head Start Transit and Funding Issues

By Karin Chenoweth
Thursday, March 25, 2004; Page GZ06 Remember that big flap about Head Start last year? The one where the county school system was going to have to spend half its Head Start money just on seat restraints and bus monitors to comply with new federal rules, leaving hardly any money for the actual you know Head Start? Well, the problem has faded into nothingness. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) introduced legislation that would compel the U.S. government to pay for Head Start transportation. That bill went nowhere last year and may go nowhere again this year. But in the meantime, a provision was put into the Health and Human Services bill (under which Head Start is funded) that allows local Head Start programs to apply for a waiver from the seat restraint rule if they meet local transportation regulations. Maryland regulations permit school buses to operate without seat belts or other restraints.

72. House Panel Approves Revisions For Head Start
Their proposal would increase the number of allday head start classes and better integrate the program with the K-12 school curriculum.

73. Curriculum Vita--Dr. Janet L. Jewett
Chicago Association for the Education of Young Children; Association for Supervision and curriculum Development; National head start; Work Now and In the Future;
Dr. Janet L. Jewett
Ph.D. Early childhood education, Northwestern University, 1984
M.Ed. Early childhood education, Erikson Institute, 1976
B.A. Psychology, Vassar College, 1973.
Area of Expertise
  • Early childhood education: program models, curriculum, implementation, evaluation
  • Inclusion of children with disabilities in general education environments
  • Education-human service collaboration development
  • Family-community involvement
  • Early mathematics and science instruction
  • Child development and developmental theory; socioemotional development and peer relations
  • Dissertation title: Children's Conceptions of Negative Emotional Reactions
Employment History
  • Project Coordinator, Center for Supportive Education, Washington State University, 1995 - present
  • Senior Associate, Child, Family, and Community Program, Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, 1991 - 1994
  • Research Associate, Erikson Institute, 1989-91
  • Research Associate, Erikson Institute, 1987-89
  • Assistant Professor, National College of Education, 1984/85 and 1986/87
Selected Experience
1995 - present: Project Coordinator, Center for Supportive Education, WSU-Vancouver

74. Early Childhood Programs
Gypsy OlmanWaithe, Associate Director of curriculum Program Development; Linda Rodriguez Early head start Early head start at PS 5 and PS 8 embraces the
About CAS Donate Volunteer Pressroom ... Home Your location: Community Schools Early Childhood Programs Early Childhood Programs The Children's Aid Society's early childhood programs give children and families safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate learning environments. Our programs emphasize the interrelationships between cognitive, social, physical, emotional, and language/literacy development and provide the foundations for children to reach their educational and social goals. All CAS Early Childhood Programs are licensed by The New York City Department of Health. Senior Staff:
  • Risa Young, Director of Early Childhood Programs Linda Rodriguez, Associate Director of Early Childhood Education/Special Needs Coord. Andy Seltzer, Associate Director of Community Schools Early Childhood Programs
Early Head Start
Early Head Start at P.S. 5 and P.S. 8 embraces the philosophy that parents are children's first and primary teachers. The program focuses on infants and toddlers, from birth to 3 years old and their families. Home visits are made and attention is given to the home environment, parent peer support, guided parent-child interactions, socialization classes for small groups of children, workshops, health care, and social services. Children enrolled in the Early Head Start programs make an easy transition into the Head Start programs located at both our sites. Head Start
Head Start is the well-known child and family development program for children ages 3 - 4 years that provides children with a strong educational foundation. Our programs include strong social service, mental health, parenting support, and health and nutrition components. Programs are year round and have half-day (morning and afternoon) classes, full day classes, and extended day options for working families. The Children's Aid Society opened the first Head Start classroom in New York in 1965. Head Start is free for income-eligible children.

75. Entrez PubMed
to read A media literacy nutrition education curriculum for head start parents about the effects of television advertising on their children s food requests.

76. Children Make Gains In High/Scope Classes
Almost all head start teachers received curriculum support (92 percent), with 70 percent of it coming from education coordinators, 24 percent from other
products articles High/Scope Press Room High/Scope Press Releases For Release: July 7, 2003 Contact: Kathleen Woodard
Government Study Shows Children in High/Scope Classes Have Fewer Behavior Problems Head Start Students Also Have Greater Gains in Letter-Word Identification and Classroom Cooperation Head Start classrooms using the High/Scope Curriculum reported a significant decrease in behavior problems among students, especially those with hyperactive behavior, according to a government study of 2,800 children in 43 Head Start programs nationwide. The new report, known as Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), also noted small but significant gains among High/Scope classroom students in letter-word identification skills and greater cooperative classroom behavior than those exposed to other curricula. These are among many findings reported in a new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study, which was developed to explore Head Start effects on children's achievement and behavior, including type of curriculum, teacher salaries and educational background, and classroom quality. Overall, researchers found that Head Start programs that use an integrative curriculum, such as the High/Scope Curriculum, have higher quality and that use of such a curriculum is linked to greater gains in children's cognitive and social-emotional development. (See full report at

77. Irvine Unified School District: Early Childhood Programs
head start teachers evaluate children using assessments designed to target the This information is integrated into a developmental curriculum meeting the needs
Early Childhood Programs home schools enrollment faq ... site map search:
Serving Irvine and Surrounding Areas *All IUSD ECE programs are located at the Early Childhood Learning Center, 1 Smoketree, Irvine, 92604
Early Start Montessori International School Readiness ... Special Education Preschool
Montessori International Multilingual Preschool and Kindergarten Program for 3-6 year olds Preschool Programs 9:30 am - 1:45 pm Kindergarten Program 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Extended Child Care 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
The Montessori International Early Childhood Education Program designed for 3 -6 year olds, offers preschool, kindergarten, and extended day care services. To qualify, children must be 3 years old and toilet trained. Kindergarten children must be 5 years of age by December 3 of their kindergarten year. This multilingual Montessori program reflects the rich diversity of our community. While English is the common language, the staff is multilingual including Chinese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Tamil, Trench and Vietnamese. Staff has extensive training in Montessori methodology, curriculum and philosophy. Children's Program The primary goal of the program is to offer children the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in all aspects of personal growth at their own individual rates of development.

78. NAEYC Resources: Item Detail: Curriculum Comes From The Child! A Head Start Fami
curriculum Comes from the Child! A head start Family Child Care Program. by Maureen Litman, Carrie Anderson, Lyn Andrican, Brenda Buria

79. Beacon Journal 05/14/2004 Head Start Parents Speak Out
head start parents speak out. Mothers, fathers concerned about curriculum, losing teachers as Akron schools return the program to Community Action By John

80. Curriculum
curriculum Page. . head start Tutor
Curriculum Page My Field Experience:
My first field experience was at William Penn Elementary School in the Bethlehem Area School District, with Mrs. Joanne Jones. I was given the opportunity to be a part of her second grade classroom throughout the spring of 2003. Mrs. Jones was an amazing cooperating teacher. Her teaching styles were unique, fun, and creative. The organization and control she had in her classroom were truly amazing. Mrs. Jones was the perfect model for the teacher I would like to become. Throughout my time at William Penn , I assisted students with seatwork, read stories, taught various spelling lessons, and graded homework. In addition, I learned about academic standards, lesson plans, and other work that goes along with being a teacher. Head Start Tutor: Although I have only had one early field experience, I have been working with children in other ways. I was a Head Start tutor during the fall of 2000 as part of my required writing course. Volunteering at the Head Start at Northampton Area Community College was undoubtedly a fulfilling experience. The students in my classroom were absolutely amazing. There is a strict routine that the students follow each morninghang coats in a cubby, place lunches in the kitchen, prepare breakfast, and wash hands. There were various centers around the classroom that allowed sutdents to explore the world, using all the five senses. For example, there were audio clips that described each state in the United States, with a touch of a button.

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