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         Head Start Curriculum:     more books (54)
  1. The effects of an early reading curriculum on language and literacy development of head start children.(Spring 2004)(Montana Early Literacy Project): An article from: Childhood Education by Michael F. Kelley, 2004-09-22
  2. Head Start for the National Curriculum by Terry Cash, Jan Morrow, 1992-10
  3. Head Start for the National Curriculum by Elizabeth A. Cripps, 1992-11
  4. Alaska Head Start oral wellness curriculum by Bonny Headley, 1995
  5. Head Start for the National Curriculum by Terry Cash, 1991-06
  6. Children, get a headstart on the road to good nutrition: A nutrition education curriculum for preschool children in Head Start by Maryfrances Lewis, 1986
  7. Consortium offers head start on manufacturing careers. (school districts in Genesee County, MI, preparing students for the real world): An article from: ... (Technological Horizons In Education) by Raymond C. Green, 1994-03-01
  8. Head Start Work Book by Ken Adams, Adams, 1999-01-01
  9. Reach for a dream: Effie Kokrine Charter School Early College Program gives Native students a head start on advanced education.(Alaska Native BUSINESS ... An article from: Alaska Business Monthly by Julie Stricker, 2007-09-01
  10. What They're Saying.(Brief Article): An article from: Curriculum Review
  11. Trainer's manual (Hawaii State Head Start Training Office model ; [manual]) by Daria Flores, 1976
  12. The Winnebago language: A unit for pre-school head start by Annabess LaRose, 1979
  13. Eating in Maine for less and save: A new nutrition curriculum by Julie Konieczko Christensen, 1983
  14. Culture based curriculum for young Indian children by Sharon N Thomas, 1975

21. Anti-Bias Curriculum
AntiBias curriculum. Children injustice. Anti-bias curriculum embraces an educational philosophy as well as specific techniques and content.
Anti-Bias Curriculum
Children are aware very young that color, language, gender, and physical ability differences are connected with privilege and power. They learn by observing the differences and similarities among people and by absorbing the spoken and unspoken messages about those differences. Racism, sexism, and handicappism have a profound influence on their developing sense of self and others. All children are harmed. On the one hand, struggling against bias that declares a person inferior because of gender, race, ethnicity, or disability sucks energy from and undercuts a child's full development. On the other hand, learning to believe they are superior because the are White, or male, or able-bodied, dehumanizes and distorts reality for growing children, even while they may be receiving the benefits of institutional privilege. The "practice of freedom" is fundamental to anti-bias education. Curriculum goals are to enable every child: to construct a knowledgeable, confident self-identity: to develop comfortable, empathetic, and just interaction with diversity: and to develop critical thinking and the skills for standing up for oneself and others in the face of injustice. Anti-bias curriculum embraces an educational philosophy as well as specific techniques and content. It is value based: Differences are good: oppressive ideas and behaviors are not. It sets up a creative tension between respecting differences and not accepting unfair beliefs and acts. It asks teachers and children to confront troublesome issues rather than covering them up. An anti-bias perspective is intergral to all aspects of daily classroom life.

22. Celebrating 35 Years Of Head Start
headstart®BULLETINMarch 2000Issue No. rote learning! In head start, curriculum is implementedwithin the context of sound child develop 2426Celebrating 35 Years of head startcurriculum2ContentsPlease Read Me First

23. HSIPC - Head Start Bulletins
Bulletin 67 curriculum in head start March 2000 http// http//
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Head Start Bulletins
Stay abreast of topics important to Head Start success with in-depth coverage on a variety of subjects. Each issue provides real-world answers to questions and serves as a resource for further research and information. Issues of the Head Start Bulletin can be viewed and/or downloaded below easily. Please click here if you prefer to receive a paper copy of the publication. We will be glad to add your name to the automatic mailing list. Head Start Child Outcomes Adult Health Why Research Child Mental Health ...
Past Issues
Bulletin #76: Head Start Child Outcomes
The National Reporting System (NRS) has been developed in order to determine "how well Head Start children across the country are being prepared for academic success once they enter school, " (Dr. Wade F. Horn). Articles and resources "set the context" for the information sought through the NRS. The updated The Head Start Path to Positive Child Outcomes is included. Bulletin #75: Adult Health

24. NACOG Head Start Connections
head start Home Page. Volume 3, Issue 2. Building Partnerships with Families Communities. In this issue " Growth Change This year, many NACOG head start activities focused on the 35th Anniversary of NACOG Early head starts curriculum. Definitions for curriculum vary, especially when looking
NACOG Head Start Connections
Head Start Home Page Volume 3, Issue 2 Spring, 2001 In this issue: "Growth & Change" PRISM Evaluation New Facilities HS Recruitment ... NACDAB Executive Board This year, many NACOG Head Start activities focused on the 35 th Anniversary of “Project Head Start”. Many of our year long activities have been reflective of NACOG’s participation in this historical program. Most importantly, we have used this time to focus on the massive growth and change that has occurred since the inception of Head Start in northern Arizona. The “35 th Anniversary” theme helped us focus on the individual struggles, dedication, and vision that are the history of Head Start. It also gave us the opportunity to reflect on the many staff, parents, community partners and other supporters who have helped NACOG successfully address the needs of our families for over 30 years. As we move toward our year-end activities, I would like to ask that we all continue to support growth and change as a normal part of our program’s foundation. It is obvious that Head Start will continue to expand and that our ability to address this change will be the tool needed to provide quality services. Today is the time to carefully evaluate the quality of our program’s services and the individual efforts that we have made on behalf of the children and families that we serve. Your support in developing a future vision of a successful Head Start program, that is founded on those principles that have been part of our 35-year history, will ensure that Head Start services will be available for future generations of children and families.

25. WDMCS: Curriculum: Head Start
DISTRICT HOME curriculum HOME Annual Progress Report English as a Sec. Lang head start Home Schooling Inst. Materials Center Mentoring for Teachers
DISTRICT HOME Curriculum HOME Annual Progress Report English as a Sec. Lang ... Test Scores Visit School Sites... Elementary Schools - Clegg Park - Clive - Crestview - Crossroads Park - Fairmeadows - Jordan Creek - Phenix - Rex Mathes - Western Hills - Westridge Junior High - Indian Hills - Stilwell High School - Valley Southwoods (9thG) - Valley High School - Walnut Creek (alternative) Visit Staff Pages at... Elementary Schools - Clegg Park - Clive - Crestview - Crossroads Park - Fairmeadows - Jordan Creek - Phenix - Rex Mathes - Western Hills - Westridge Junior High - Indian Hills - Stilwell High School - Valley Southwoods (9thG) - Valley High School - Walnut Creek (alternative) Quick Links
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Head Start Drake University operates a Head Start program at Phenix Early Childhood Center, 415 Seventh St., West Des Moines. If you are interested in this program, Drake University handles the registration process. You may reach them at: Head Start/Early Head Start Drake University
3206 University Ave.

26. CL1252: Head Start Nutrition Education Curriculum
head start Nutrition Education curriculum. Joan Bernstein, Maryfrances Lewis, Carol ByrdBredbenner. head start Nutrition Education curriculum (1996).

27. ACF OPRE CORE - Ongoing Research - Head Start Quality Research Consortium
Project Title Achieving head start Effectiveness through Intensive curriculum Training. Grantee High/Scope Educational Research Foundation.
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Head Start Quality Research Consortium II (2001-2006) This section includes: Introduction Team Members Research Partnerships List Research Partners include: Columbia University Education Development Center High/Scope Educational Research Foundation Quality Counts, Inc. State University of New York University of North Carolina University of Oregon ... University of South Carolina Also See: Head Start QRC (1995-2000) Project Title: Achieving Head Start Effectiveness through Intensive Curriculum Training Grantee: High/Scope Educational Research Foundation Project Funding Years: Project Staff: Lawrence J. Schweinhart Head Start Partner: Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency, Pontiac MI Contact Information: Lawrence Schweinhart
Research Division Chair
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
600 North River Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48198-2898

28. ACF OPRE CORE - Publications And Reports - Head Start Children's Entry Into Publ
in their curriculum from their own programs, with 14 percent receiving it from the curricula developers, 10 percent from head start Quality Improvement Center
Questions? Privacy Site Index Contact Us ... Search Return to: ACF Home CORE HOME Ongoing Research FACES Research Update Children and Families (Winter 2003) RESEARCH UPDATE
Keeping You Informed About Research Relevant To The Head Start Community The Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES)
What are We Learning about Program Quality and Child Development? by Ruth Hubbell McKey
(The author represents the FACES study research team) Begun in 1997, FACES is a way to look at the program performance of Head Start and its children over time. It began with a stratified national probability sample of 40 programs and 3,200 children who were followed from the time they entered Head Start at ages 3 or 4 through first grade. In 2000, a second group of 43 different programs and 2,800 children was selected for study. Because data are now available on the 1997 and the 2000 groups of children, we can look at how the program and children are changing over time. Is the quality of Head Start improving? Are children learning more now than just a few years ago? Are they progressing in certain areas of development but not in others? Head Start classroom quality Program and teacher characteristics relating to classroom quality: Curricula: 70 percent of teachers used a single, specific curriculum while just over 20 percent used a combination. The majority used The Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies Inc. (39 percent) or the High/Scope curriculum (20 percent), but 41 percent used another curriculum. Nearly 60 percent of teachers received training in their curriculum from their own programs, with 14 percent receiving it from the curricula developers, 10 percent from Head Start Quality Improvement Center, and the remainder from other sources. More than 90 percent of teachers liked their curriculum for a variety of reasons including that it covered multiple domains, was easy use and adapt, involved parents, provided room for teacher creativity, and had adequate learning materials.

29. MSHS QIC Homepage
Services Director and the EPIC transportation teams for developing, piloting and most especially for sharing this curriculum with the head start community.
entire web www. mhsqic .org NEW in the Professional Development section:
We know that many of you are working hard to help move teachers and other staff towards securing their AA and BA degrees. As a result of culminating a project with the MSHSQIC and Telamon Tennessee we think we have a good resource that will work for some of your staff. If you have staff who have the CDA but not taken it through a college so that college credit was not offered, if you have fluent Spanish-speaking staff who are willing to take the CLEP test to receive college credit for their speaking and writing abilities, if you have staff with a foreign degree that is not acknowledged, the Troy State University Montgomery program may be for you or your staff. Click here for more details and to download documents.

30. President Discusses Strengthening Head Start
have laid out a curriculum that will help us achieve a goal. We ve got a million kids anxious to learn, showing up on a daily basis at head start programs all
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July 7, 2003
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President Discusses Strengthening Head Start

Remarks by the President on Early Childhood Development Highland Park Elementary School Head Start Center Landover, Maryland 11:00 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thanks for coming. Windy, thank you very much. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of your dedication. It is a great country where Windy can come from a Head Start program and is now a leader in the movement to make sure Head Start fulfills the promise of the program. First, I want to thank the good folks here at Highland Park Elementary School for letting me come by and see a program which works. I don't know if the people in the State of Maryland know this, I know the Governor does the teachers here and the program here uses a strategy, what they call a Center for Improving Readiness for Children, Learning and Education, C.I.R.C.L.E., which is a model program. It's a program that incorporates profound and simple reading lessons necessary to lay the foundation for future readers. And it's a program that's working. There is a strong emphasis on learning. There is obviously the continued Head Start focus on good nutrition and health care. This program also works well because the parents are involved.

31. Good Start, Grow Smart: Strengthening Head Start
This summer, 2,500 head start teachers and child care providers representing programs They will receive 32 hours of training in curriculum topics including
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Good Start, Grow Smart:
The Bush Administration's Early Childhood Initiative Strengthening Head Start Overview
In 1994, the Early Head Start program was established because of the mounting evidence that the earliest years, from birth to 3 years of age, also are crucial to children's growth and development. In FY 2002, an estimated 62,000 toddlers will be served under the Early Head Start program. During the 1999 reauthorization of Head Start, Congress mandated that Head Start programs implement standards of learning in early literacy, language, and numeracy skills. These standards of learning set the following goals for children enrolled in Head Start:
  • Develop phonemic, print, and numeracy awareness.

32. Head Start Works | Head Start Performance Standards & Other Regulations
agency s program planning — the continuous improvement process. Source National head start Bulletin curriculum in head start.
Illinois Head
Start Association

1903 E. Forestview Drive
Mahomet, IL 61853
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33. Early Head Start - CFDC - CCSD
The Early head start staff at the Center have participated in training offered by the State Department of Education in Creative curriculum and by First Steps
A hands-on approach to lifelong learning CCSD Home Vision Statement Early Head Start Head Start ... CFDC Home Page Early Head Start Charleston County School District is a community partner in the Berkeley/Dorchester Economic Development Center's Early Head Start grant. The Child and Family Development Center implements the grant and is funded to serve 10 infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. Additionally, six ABC Literacy Voucher infants and toddlers are served in this space. Aftercare is available for all children funded by parent fees and ABC Vouchers.
Early Head Start, an extension of Head Start, is a federally funded community-based program that serves low-income families with infants and toddlers and pregnant women. Its mission is to promote healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women, enhance the development of very young children, and promote healthy family functioning.
The framework of the Early Head Start program includes four cornerstones:
Child Development Programs must support the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development of each child. The staff/child ratio at the Child and Family Development Center's Early Head Start program is one to four. Staff regularly assess, observe and record the progress of their children and provide feedback to parents daily and several times a year during home visits. Parenting education that supports positive parent-child relationships is provided in monthly parent meetings at the Center.

34. Early Head Start - CFDC - CCSD
Naval Base head start. head start is a comprehensive child development program which serves children from 3 to age 5 and their families. head start staff
A hands-on approach to lifelong learning CCSD Home Vision Statement Early Head Start Head Start ... CFDC Home Page Naval Base Head Start Head Start is a comprehensive child development program which serves children from 3 to age 5 and their families. It is a child-focused program and has the overall goal of increasing the school readiness of young children in low-income families. The Head Start program has a long tradition of delivering comprehensive and high quality services designed to foster healthy development in low-income children. Head Start grantee and delegate agencies provide a range of individualized services in the areas of education and early childhood development; medical, dental, and mental health; nutrition; and parent involvement. In addition, the entire range of Head Start services is responsive and appropriate to each child's and family's developmental, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage and experience. All Head Start programs must adhere to Program Performance Standards. The Head Start Program Performance Standards define the services that Head Start Programs are to provide to the children and families they serve. They constitute the expectations and requirements that Head Start grantees must meet. They are designed to ensure that the Head Start goals and objectives are implemented successfully, that the Head Start philosophy continues to thrive, and that all grantee and delegate agencies maintain the highest possible quality in the provision of Head Start services.

35. ECAP. Curriculum Development And Head Start Teacher Training: In Two Voices
curriculum Development and head start Teacher Training In Two Voices.
About ECAP Projects Calendar Publications ... Proceedings of the Lilian Katz Symposium
Curriculum Development and Head Start Teacher Training: In Two Voices
PDF version

One of the most important tasks in working with teachers is to help them develop their own abilities to create developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children. This paper reflects on, from two perspectives, the ongoing process of how teachers develop an understanding of how children learn and how that process affects curriculum development and implementation. The dialogue between a teacher trainer and a teacher she has been working with for six years reveals how the process unfolds over time. The teacher trainer and teacher reflect on their experiences in ongoing teacher training and implementation of emergent, project-oriented curriculum. In Training Teachers: A Harvest of Theory and Practice

36. Head Start Reviews - Disabilities Qualifications
and a preschool program that operates within standards (ie head start Performance Standards, NAEYC accreditation and/or a state approved preschool curriculum).

37. Error >> Our Apologies
a preschool program that operates within standards (ie head start Performance Standards, NAEYC, accreditation and/or a state approved preschool curriculum).
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you might find what you're looking for here: ... privacy USEFUL BRANDS Scotts Canada Miracle-Gro Canada Hyponex Earthgro ...
Miracle-Gro Nursery Select

38. Delta Dental Plan Of New Jersey Newsletter
head start Dental Health curriculum Available Online. To download all or part of the head start Dental Health curriculum, go to
December 2003, Issue 4 Head Start Dental Health Curriculum Available Online Head Start offers child development programs that serve low-income children from birth to age five and their families. It developed a comprehensive curriculum to teach young children about the importance of dental health. The program is available online.
Each lesson includes a description of its purpose, a list of materials required, background information for the teacher, lesson plan, and list of activities to help reinforce the lesson.
The curriculum includes lessons on:
  • Visiting the dentist The importance of keeping teeth and gums clean Tooth brushing Wise food choices for a healthy mouth Keeping teeth safe
The lessons are designed to involve children. For example, the tooth-brushing lesson includes the song, "This is the Way We Brush Our Teeth," sung to the tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush." Children pretend they are brushing their teeth as they sing:
This is the way we brush our teeth

39. KCS Head Start Web - P. Penguin Curriculum Ideas
P. Penguin curriculum Ideas, Fall Winter Spring Summer (graphics are intended for bulletin board use). SUMMER. * Return to the KCS head start Page.
P. Penguin
Curriculum Ideas
Winter Spring Summer (graphics are intended for bulletin board use) FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER Return to the KCS Head Start Page

40. Food Friends - A Curriculum For Preschool Child Nutrition
Locations. Alamosa head start; Boulder County head start; Community Partnership for Child Development (Colorado Springs); Rocky MT SER
  • Alamosa Head Start
    Boulder County Head Start
    Community Partnership for Child Development (Colorado Springs)
    Rocky MT SER - Denver
    Del Norte Town Council Head Start
    Dillon Valley Elementary
    Creative Options (Aurora)
    Catholic Charities (Denver)
    Iliff Community Center Inc.
    Head Start
    The Center Head Start (Leadville) City of Lakewood Head Start New Centers This Year: Carlson Elementary Preschool Program (Idaho Springs) Eagle County School District Head Start Rocky Mountain SER - Pueblo Rocky Mountain SER - Conejos/Costilla The Family Literacy Project (Eagle County) Tri-County Head Start (Durango) The Village for Early Childhood Education (Littleton)

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