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41. Hawaiian Language You can learn more about the hawaiian language here. aina {noun} Land,earth. alelo {noun} Tongue, language. aloha {nountransitive http://www.hawaiiguide.com/freedo~1/hawspk.htm | |
42. Nā Pono Kākoʻo Collection of hawaiian language computer and technology resources including fonts, input methods and localized web browser. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/dual/resources/ | |
43. Hawaiian Language Theses Theses on hawaiian language at University of Hawai`i. http://www.hawaii.edu/speccoll/hawaiihlangt.html | |
44. In English: Ãnuenue Hawaiian Language Immersion School, Messages From The Princ Anuenue School Hawaii hawaiian language immersion English announcementskaiapuni papa hoolaha. Ânuenue hawaiian language immersion http://www.k12.hi.us/~anuenue/po.okumu.html | |
45. Style Guide Style guide for university publications. Of particular note is the section on proper hawaiian language orthography. http://www.hawaii.edu/styleguide/ | |
46. Ke A'a Makalei Project at the University of Hawai`i Center for Second Language designed to attract community members, support and involvement in the long range goal of hawaiian language regenesis. http://www.hawaii.edu/sls/cslr/makalei.html |
47. Reading Online - Electronic Classroom: Technology And The Hawaiian Language Brief History of the Use of the hawaiian language in Schools. Technology sRole in the Revival of the hawaiian language. Slide Show Overview. http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/hawaii/briefhi.htm | |
48. COCONUT INFO REDIRECT Commercial products for hawaiian language publishing, education and reference. http://www.dublclick.com/coconutinfo/productsci.html | |
49. Uatuahine Course materials, literature and project websites used by the Department of Hawaiian and IndoPacific Languages and Literature at the University of Hawai`i in Manoa. Some pages are bilingual, many more are hawaiian language only. http://www.uatuahine.hawaii.edu/ | |
50. And Hawaii ... Culture, Traditions, And Language Information and Hawaii hawaiian language Introduction. ***A page entirely in Hawaiian***.The hawaiian language is a very old and beautifull language. http://www.andhawaii.com/hawaii/vacation/culture/trad.html | |
51. Wired 3.08 How Do You Say Computer In Hawaiian? Wired article on the role of technology in the hawaiian language revival movement. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.08/hawaii.html | |
52. Kaua`i Visitors Bureau Learn The hawaiian language. Until the arrival of American missionariesin the early 1800s, the hawaiian language was an oral tradition. http://www.kauaivisitorsbureau.org/index.php?417 |
53. ALU LIKE, Inc. - Working Together s of services, contact information, office locations and branch operating hours. hawaiian language materials are available for both children and adults....... http://www.alulike.org/library.htm | |
54. The Hawaiian Language The hawaiian language hawaiian language Beginner Lessons This is an excellent primerfor beginners and an excellent guide for those who want to go further with http://www.classbrain.com/artteensb/publish/article_36.shtml | |
55. No Ka Hale Kuamoʻo The hawaiian language Center within the hawaiian language College of the University of Hawai`i at Hilo. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/dual/orgs/hk/index.html | |
56. Hawaiian Language Newspapers Images of hawaiian language newspapers published from 1834 to 1948. The newspapers include stories, chants, photographs and advertisements, political notices and letters to the editor. http://libweb.hawaii.edu/hnp/newspapers.htm | |
57. Hawaiian Language | Language In Hawaii The hawaiian language How to speak it, fun words and phrases to learn, more resourcesAlthough more than 100 different languages are spoken in HawaiÂi, the http://www.hawaii.com/visit/homestory/language.html | |
58. Find Your Hawaiian Name And Hawaiian Language Phrases HAWAIIAN NAMES PHRASES. Find your Hawaiian name Enter your Hawaiianname to find your English name. Hawaiian Phrases. Aunt Makuahine. http://www.hawaiicity.com/hawaiian_name.htm | |
59. Kanu O Ka Aina School servicing students in the Hamakua and Kohala area of Hawai`i Island. Emphasizes the integration of hawaiian language and cultural values into its kindergarten through twelfth grade educational curriculum. http://www.kalo.org/ | |
60. Proper Use Of Hawaiian Language Use of the hawaiian language. (The Hawaiian Alphabet). There are thirteen alphabetsin the hawaiian language. They are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, W, Â. http://www.coralreefnetwork.com/network/hawaiian.htm | |
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