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21. Maui, Hawaii Culture Links - LANGUAGE ('OLELO) (Redirect) hawaiian language. The hawaiian language is a beautiful, flowing tongue, capturing the natural beauty Maui now hosts two hawaiian language immersion schools, where students can learn http://www.hookele.com/kuhikuhi/olelo.html | |
22. Hawaiian Dictionary Of All Hawaiian Language Words, Phrases And Sentences As Wel Hawaiian Dictionary an online browsable dictionary of the hawaiian language (words,phrases and sentences as well Hawaiian names), with the spirit of Aloha! http://www.hawaiian-language.com/ | |
23. The Hula Source An online source for quality hula costumes, implements, music, videos and resources for hawaiian language and culture. http://www.hulasource.com | |
24. Yamada Language Center: Hawaiian WWW Guide Hawaiian Fonts. hawaiian language Center Hale Kuamo'o at the University of Hawaii at Hilo WWW searchable Hawaiian-English dictionary. The hawaiian language Website - a good soruce http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/guides/hawaiian.html | |
25. Maui, Hawaii Culture Links - LANGUAGE ('OLELO) hawaiian language. The hawaiian language is a beautiful, flowing tongue,capturing the natural beauty of the islands in its tones and phrases. http://www.mauiculture.net/kuhikuhi/olelo.html | |
26. Kamehameha Schools: Distance Learning Department Ulukau Hawaiian Electronic Library (featuring online hawaiian language Dictionaries) http//ulukau Aha Punana Leo (hawaiian language Immersion Resources) http//www.ahapunanaleo.org http://ksdl.ksbe.edu/kulaiwi | |
27. Hawaiian Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hawaiian language. (Redirected from Hawaiian alphabet). Hawaiian isthe ancestral Hawaiian is an endangered language. On most of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_alphabet | |
28. Ka Hoʻokele Ka Ko'okele is essentially a hawaiian language version of Netscape Communicator. It is not supported by Netscape Communications, translation of the program was done by the staff of the Hale Kuamo'o, the hawaiian language Center at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/OP/resources/kahookele/ | |
29. Ke Kula Kaiapuni Hawai'i Papahana Kaiapuni 'Âlelo Hawai'i (hawaiian language K12 Immersion Program). Provides history, statistics, immersion schools contact information, FAQ, events calendar and pointers to related cultural web resources. http://www.k12.hi.us/~kaiapuni/ | |
30. Hawaiian Language Banned language shall be taught in addition to the English language, such instruction KamehamehaSchools 567 South King St, Suite 200 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Fax http://www.ksbe.edu/endowment/hawaiian/language/rohban.html | |
31. IZ-the Man And His Music - Israel Kamakawiwo`ole hawaiian language lyrics and translations of Iz The Man and His Music, and links. http://www.geocities.com/~olelo/iz-themanandhismusic.html | |
32. The Hawaiian Language - A Brief History The hawaiian language. I am your write. In order to do this, they neededto give the hawaiian language a written form. The missionaries http://gohawaii.about.com/cs/language/a/olelo_hawaii.htm | |
33. The Hawaiian Language - A Brief History Elsewhere on the Web. The hawaiian language Web site. The hawaiian language. Inorder to do this, they needed to give the hawaiian language a written form. http://gohawaii.about.com/library/weekly/aa070801a.htm | |
34. Aha Punana Leo - Meet Us English The Punana Leo Movement grew out of a dream that there be reestablishedthroughout Hawaii the mana of a living hawaiian language from the depth of http://www.ahapunanaleo.org/MU.htm | |
35. Aloha-Hawaii.com: Native Tongue The Language Of The Hawaiian Islands Author E. Kalani Flores Click on the bold hyperlink to play a .wav sound fileof the word and explore the hawaiian language aina {noun} Land, earth. http://www.aloha-hawaii.com/hawaii/native tongue/ | |
36. The Hawaiian Language Web Site - Awarded 'Best Of The Net' - Http://hawaiianlang Hawaiian lessons, word lists, proverbs, song lyrics and links on language and other related topics. http://www.hawaiianlanguage.com | |
37. A Lesson In Leaning Hawaiian Recounts one person's experiences while studying hawaiian language and Hula with commentary on approaches to learning and the politics inherent in one's choices of vocabulary and pronunciation. http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/NetWorks/NW05/default.html | |
38. Â Â Â Â Kama Aina: The Approved Fanlisting For Hawaiian Language And Culture A True Obsession Production. http://true-obsession.net/808/ | |
39. History Of The Hawaiian Language Vulnerable to misplaced judgment, foreign influences and replacement by Creole, thehawaiian language, Ãlelo Hawai i, has long been threatened with the same http://www.coffeetimes.com/language.htm | |
40. Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library Library of hawaiian language materials including an online edition of the Pukui and Elbert hawaiian language dictionary, nineteenth century newspaper archives, the Baibala Hemolele and Ka Ho`oilina , a journal of hawaiian language resources. http://ulukau.olelo.hawaii.edu/english.php | |
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