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1. Welcome To Kualono Bilingual website offering news, technology resources, online dictionaries and contact information for related organizations from Hale Kuamo`o, University of Hawai`i Center for hawaiian language and Culture. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/ | |
2. Mo'o And Lolo's Cyber Hawaiian Dictionary Online! In the hawaiian language, most words have multiple meanings and sometimes hiddenmeanings. E Ola Mau Ka Olelo Hawai i! The hawaiian language Lives Forever! http://www.hisurf.com/hawaiian/dictionary.html | |
3. No Ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi Kualono is the website of the Hale Kuamoo the hawaiian languageCenter at the University of Hawai i at Hilo. This is the Hawaiian http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/OP/orgs/hk/aboutoh.html | |
4. Ethnologue Report For Language Code: HWI Brief ethnological summary of Hawaiian. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=HWI |
5. The Hawaiian Language Common words and phrases in Hawaiian and Hawaiian Pidgin. http://expert.ics.purdue.edu/~bxu/language.html | |
6. Hawaiian Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hawaiian language. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hawaiian isthe ancestral Hawaiian is an endangered language. On most of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_language | |
7. UH Hawaiian Language Homepage hawaiian language Homepage coming soon UHM hawaiian language Homepage. Ka Pahuhopu o ke Keena Olelo and perpetuate Hawaiian as a living language and culture by teaching hawaiian language and http://www.hgea.org/~wmills/Hawaiian.html | |
8. Speaking Hawaiian A few interesting facts about the hawaiian language. These diacritical marks arecritical to proper pronunciation and word meaning in the hawaiian language. http://www.ksbe.edu/endowment/hawaiian/language/hawnlang.html | |
9. Leoki: A Powerful Voice Of Hawaiian Language Revitalization Discusses the role of the Leok¯ bulletin board system in hawaiian language revitalization. http://www.gse.uci.edu/markw/leoki.html | |
10. Reading Online - Electronic Classroom: Technology And The Hawaiian Language Broad overview on technology and hawaiian language revival. http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/hawaii/ | |
11. Aha Punana Leo living language. We remain committed to a clear and focused visionE Ola Ka Olelo Hawaii. The hawaiian language shall live . http://www.ahapunanaleo.org/ | |
12. Stabilizing Indigenous Languages: Hawaiian Language Programs Brief history of the language programs and historical background behind the modern revival of the hawaiian language. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/stabilize/additional/hawaiian.htm | |
13. The Hawaiian Language Web Site - Awarded 'Best Of The Net' - Http://hawaiianlang An awardswinning hawaiian language site. E komo mai! The hawaiian language WebSite Ke Kahua Pûnâwelewele `Ãlelo Hawai`i http//hawaiianlanguage.com. http://www.geocities.com/~olelo/ | |
14. Hawaiian Culture: THE HAWAIIAN HOME PAGE: Come Home Every Day To Your Hawaiian H A comprehensive Hawaiian culture reference page and hawaiian language minilessons. ThisSite s Sister Pages hawaiian language mai, mai, come learn! http://www.geocities.com/~olelo/home.html | |
15. The Hawaiian Language Web Site - Awarded 'Best Of The Net' - Http://hawaiianlang An awardswinning hawaiian language site. E komo mai! (Welcome!) Come and learn Hawaiian. Basic Hawaiian lessons, word lists, proverbs, song lyrics, cultural insights, Hawai`i links, language The http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/6794 | |
16. Hawaiian Language - Basic Lessons - Table Of Contents hawaiian language Beginner Lessons. Ka Papa Kuhikuhi ~ Table of Contents. E `olu `olu (Please), bookmark this page for your easy reference. Nâ Kumu ~ The Basics. Dedication / Forward / Disclaimer. Reasons for Learning Hawaiian ~ The Calling http://www.geocities.com/~olelo/hltableofcontents.html | |
17. Hawaiian Dictionaries Dictionary of Hawaiian words not printed in the Elbert and Puku`i hawaiian language dictionary as well as new words coined by the Komike Hua`olelo (Hawaiian Lexicon Committee). http://wehewehe.olelo.hawaii.edu/ | |
18. Aloha-Hawaii.com: Native Tongue The Language Of The Hawaiian Islands This page contains commonly used Hawaiian Words. the bold hyperlink to play a .wav sound file of the word and explore the hawaiian language noun} Hawaiian feast, named for the taro tops always served at one http://www.aloha-hawaii.com/hawaii_magazine/hawaiian/index.shtml | |
19. Hawaiian Language - Basic Lessons - Table Of Contents hawaiian language Links Reference Links. Coconut Boyz On-Line Hawaiian Dictionary;Mamaka Kaiao On-line Hawaiian Dictionary. hawaiian language Beginner Lessons. http://hawaiianlanguage.com/hltableofcontents.html | |
20. Hawaiian Language Links Page - The Hawaiian Language Web Site: Http://hawaiianla hawaiian language Links http//hawaiianlanguage.com/olinkpage.html. Quick-JumpIndex (or just scroll down the page). Miscellaneous hawaiian language Links http://hawaiianlanguage.com/o-linkpage.html | |
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