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Hawaii Education Parent Resources: more detail |
41. Parents For Public Schools and Learning (PREL) serves Pacific region including hawaii;. and offers resources for educators and parents. National Center for education and the Economy http://www.parents4publicschools.com/resources.html | |
42. Hawaii Covering Kids program which provides hawaii residents with foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion inlcudes telephone numbers, parent resource directory, Keiki O http://www.coveringkids.com/community/Section_19.asp | |
43. Hawaii Education: @USA advice on finding the right school for a child, and resources for parents, educators, and school directors. Â hawaii Department of education State level http://www.at-usa.com/Hawaii/Education/ | |
44. Energy_Ed_Resource_List energyrelated resources to teachers, students and parents. Fuels Academy of Energy education Adventures of An-Earth-Scientist, University of hawaii Ask the http://www.iogcc.oklaosf.state.ok.us/COMMPGS/Energy_Ed_Resources.htm |
45. Family Help In Hawaii and Adolescent Sex Offenders. Special education in hawaii. Visit Special education. Events. Visit Parenting Teens and resources for the Family. http://www.focusas.com/Hawaii.html | |
46. Special Education News -- Hawaii Stats And Links employment information button to outside web pageHawaii Department of education Special Ed parent and Family Links check out For Families at left http://www.specialednews.com/states/hi/hilinks.html | |
47. Education World® - Teacher Resources : Student Motivation Canoe Plants of Ancient hawaii . consultation, information and resources to educators, parents and business Challenge Discovery and Educational Services Ltd. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=6166 |
48. Family Service Center Search for Relocation; Job Search for hawaii; Family Life education services parenting Classes; Individual Family Resource Library; Lunchtime parent Support Group. http://www.pearlharbor.navy.mil/FFSC/ | |
49. BYU-Hawaii School Of Education resources FOR PARENTS. US Department of education. Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education. hawaii Department of education. http://soe.byuh.edu/resources/parents.htm | |
50. State Resources For Gifted Education for gifted education information) Email Marie Powers (for parenting information) http Guam Department of education Gifted and Talented education PO Box hawaii. http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
51. Palau Parent Network - Hawaii Email, dotty@hawaii.edu. parent centers are funded by the US Department of education under the Individuals with Disabilities education Act (IDEA). http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti/hi2.htm | |
52. Parent Training And Information Centers (PTIs) Georgia; hawaii AWARE Palau parent Network; Idaho Idaho Sinergia/Metropolitan parent Center United We Stand; North Ohio Coalition for the education of Children http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti.htm | |
53. Hawaii Parental Information And Resource Center hawaii parental Information and Resource Center 1485 Linapuni by the US Department of education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, parent Options and http://www.hawaiipirc.org/background.htm | |
55. Essential Web Sites For Special Educators by the University of hawaii s educational Technology Research Inclusive education in Europe http//www.uva.es disabilities for children, parents, and teachers. http://www.bctf.ca/lata/resources/web/web_sites.htm | |
56. Educational Resources Academy One is an online resource for educators, students, parents, and administrators of kindergarten The hawaii Department of education describes how http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~price/lesson.html | |
57. Academic Assistance Research - Parents Student Resources - Education Higher Lear are expected to acquire during their education becomes increasingly for students, teachers, and parents to discuss hawaii Vacation Make it Luxurious, for Less http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/education-and-higher-learning_parents-and-student | |
58. Title VII Bilingual Education In Hawaii: Lessons Learned The initial intent in hawaii for securing Federal through preservice and in-service education. Increase parent involvement through empowering activities such http://www.prel.org/products/Products/bilingual-education.htm | |
59. Reading And Language -Pacific Resources For Education And Learning (PREL) Work-I to the standards, implementation in hawaii public schools Laboratory The Regional Educational Laboratory (REL The projects emphasize to parents the important http://www.prel.org/reading/ | |
60. Resources For Child Care Providers In Hawaii com; Constructive Play Things www.constplay.com; education Works hawaii http//www Parenting resources to Share click here; Safety Issues click here; http://www.patchhawaii.org/providers/resourcesProviders.asp | |
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