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81. Inter-American Human Rights Database Duties of Man in the American Convention on Human rights. 5. haiti, (Case 2401), 37/82, http://www.wcl.american.edu/humright/digest/8283ch3intro.cfm | |
82. Untitled Document director of the Carnegie Endowment for intl. security resources. Ashcroft describedHaiti as a centers that thousands of civil liberties, environmental http://www.agrnews.org/issues/224/nationbriefs.html | |
83. Current Listings: Eddie's Slide Flea Market Civil 158 HANAIR haiti B727100F HP-1178TLN /92, 4.00, -, 05/09 12 155 CAPITAL CARGO INTLB727-200F N308AS, 4.00, -, 05/09 12 HOT Auctions Eddie s Slide Flea Market civil. http://www.airlinehobby.com/listings/index.cfm?category=430599608&sortby=default |
84. GreenNet - Networking For The Environment, Peace, Human Rights And Development process, civil Society has identified two main problem areas that impede progressin the WSIS 1. How to correct imbalances in riches, imbalances of rights, http://www.gn.apc.org/newspage.shtml?cmd[288]=i-288-29008&x=29008 |
85. GreenNet - Networking For The Environment, Peace, Human Rights And Development but they have also consistently pointed out the need for autonomy and diversitywithin a global movement of movements , made up by a civil society that has http://www.gn.apc.org/newspage.shtml?cmd[288]=i-288-31668&x=31668 |
86. FLASHPOINTS RADIO flames; we take a look at the historical incidents of torture courtesy of the UnitedStates; a report from haiti on the ongoing human rights abuses; weÂll http://flashpoints.net/ | |
87. Submerging Markets⢠: Human Rights Archives The 1966 International Covenant on civil and Political rights, Article 7 ÂNoone shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment http://www.submergingmarkets.com/submerging_markets/human_rights/ | |
88. Privacy Rights / Information Security - Investigative Resources International www.forensicsintl.com. http://www.factfind.com/privacy.htm | |
89. General Assembly Resolutions 51st Session HTML, A/RES/51/8 intl. A/RES/51/15 Financing of United Nations Support Mission inHaiti. RES/51/33 Proclamation of 7 December as International civil Aviation Day. http://www.un.org/esa/documents/ares51.htm | |
90. DigitalOpportunity Channel - Homepage>In Depth>{intl-full_coverage_by_topic}>Hum Prezantim nga Anfema. Presidenti Moisiu merr pjese ne forumin nderkombetar te Stokholmit. World Bank's IFC approves Grupo M loan, with union rights conditions OSCE Missions Reconfirm Support for http://www.digitalopportunity.org/article/archive/570/180 | |
91. Amnesty International USA - Defending And Promoting Human Rights Worldwide Amnesty International USA Defending and Promting Human rights Worldwide. Amnesty International defends the human rights of people around the world. Amnesty International is dedicated to freeing http://www.amnestyusa.org/ | |
93. Haiti News http://www.haitipolicy.org/archives/Archives/Dec2000-Feb01/dec00-feb01main3.htm | |
94. Haiti News http://www.haitipolicy.org/archives/Archives/Dec2000-Feb01/dec00-feb01main1.htm | |
95. BlackVoices News Nation/World More News And Features Vernon Jarrett 19212004 Journalist championed civil rightsVernon Jarrett Vernon Jarrett was a pioneering black journalist who used his http://new.blackvoices.com/news/nationworld/ | |
96. OneWorld RadioSEE-sq u SQ.RadioSEE.OneWorld.net {intlcommunity ideas and information, reform and civilsociety establishing http://sq.radiosee.oneworld.net/section/radiosee_sq/community | |
97. DigitalOpportunity Channel - Homepage>In Depth>{intl-full_coverage_by_topic}>Hum 8 maggio, Stoccarda Insieme per l'Europa Serb National Council Constituted in Zagreb Konstituirano Vijece srpske nacionalne manjine Ucesce gradjana u odlucivanju na lokalnom nivou Nastavlja se http://www.digitalopportunity.org/article/archive/1853 | |
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