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         Haiti History:     more books (100)
  1. Haiti, History, and the Gods by Colin Dayan, 1998-03-10
  2. Haiti: State Against Nation: The Origins and Legacy of Duvalierism by Michel-Rolph Trouillot, 1989-10-01
  3. The History of Haiti (The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations) by Steeve Coupeau, 2007-12-30
  4. Voodoo Fire in Haiti by Richard A. Loederer, 2005-12-01
  5. Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, 1789-1804: A Brief History with Documents (The Bedford Series in History and Culture) by Laurent Dubois, John D. Garrigus, 2006-02-22
  6. Toussaint L'ouverture: The Fight for Haiti's Freedom by Walter Dean Myers, 1996-10-01
  7. Haiti: A Slave Revolution: 200 Years After 1804
  8. Paradise Lost: Haiti's Tumultuous Journey from Pearl of the Caribbean to Third World Hotspot by Philippe Girard, 2005-12-11
  9. Notes from the Last Testament: The Struggle for Haiti by Michael Deibert, 2005-10-01
  10. The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below by Carolyn E. Fick, 1990-02-01
  11. In The Name of Liberty, A History of Haiti (Pre-1492 To 1806) by A. J. Victor, 2004-02-23
  12. Unbroken Agony: Haiti, from Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President by Randall Robinson, 2008-05-05
  13. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of U.S. Imperialism, 1915-1940 by Mary A. Renda, 2001-06-18
  14. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934 by Hans Schmidt, 1995-02

1. Discover Haiti: Haiti History Summary
Reference on Haiti's History, historical events, Haitian historical figures Island and the Birth of St. Domingue. Resources. History Timeline. Haiti National Holidays Main Events and Jamaica, the island of Haiti is inhabited by two independent nations
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Part 1: The Tainos

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Haitian History Summary

Jean-Jacques Dessalines: 1758-1806 - Hero or tyrant? Part 1
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Synopsis of Haitian History
Located in the Caribbean, between Cuba, Puerto Rico and Jamaica, the island of Haiti is inhabited by two independent nations: the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. When Christopher Columbus made his first landing in the northern part of what is now the Republic of Haiti in 1492, he referred to the people he met on the island as Indians, thinking that he had reached India in South Asia. These people, however, preferred to be called Tainos meaning "

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O n October 17, 1806, Emperor Dessalines was assassinated at a location now known as Pont Rouge (Red Bridge) at the northern entrance of Port-au-Prince. What was that location's original name before that fateful event? Ans It was called Pont Larnage If you have any ideas for this feature, or any questions you would like us to research, please email us at
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Deep Look: Tortuga Island and the Birth of St. Domingue
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Deep Look Series
(A Chronological voyage through Haitian History)
Part 4: Tortuga Island and the Birth of St-Domingue

Part 3:The buccaneers

Part 2: The Spanish Conquest

Part 1: The Tainos

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Haitian History Summary

Jean-Jacques Dessalines: 1758-1806 - Hero or tyrant? Part 1

3. Haiti History | Lonely Planet World Guide
haiti history. The earliest known inhabitants of Haiti reached the island about 2600 BC, using huge dugout canoes that allowed them
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The earliest known inhabitants of Haiti reached the island about 2600 BC, using huge dugout canoes that allowed them to ride the current from South America and the southern tip of the Lesser Antilles north and west into the Greater Antilles. A second group, often referred to as the Salanoids or ancient Arawaks, reached Hispaniola about 250 BC. The group spread throughout the Antilles. A third migration, from Venezuela, swept through the Antilles about 2000 years ago, and by AD 700 occupied Haiti and most of the surrounding islands. They called themselves the Taino (friendly people), and an estimated 400,000 of them lived on Hispanola when Italian adventurer Christopher Columbus got off the ship to greet them. Folks on another island had told Columbus that there was gold to be found there, and the anxious Italian set off in the night to find it. Although most Tainos died during the next 25 years at the hands of Spanish slave drivers (or Spanish viruses), their contributions to the world - barbecue, tobacco, canoe and hammock are all Taino words - live on. By 1519, the gold mines were empty and the Tainos all but extinct, so the Spanish came up imported African slaves and grew sugarcane. As the 1600s began, the Spanish citizens on the western end of Hispaniola traded illegally with the French. The troops were sent in and those treasonous areas depopulated. The French traders moved into the empty towns, further frustrating Spain's ambitions.

4. Haiti History
History of Haiti.
History of Haiti History Home Page Subscription Discuss World Issues! Past Country Profiles: Historical Setting

5. Haiti History, Statistics, Economy And Government: Republic Of Haiti; Ayiti
Includes news, chat and forums, classifieds, and more. , Bob Corbett s Haiti Page - includes a section on history, and a mailing list.
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Ethnic groups

95% Afro-Haitian; 5% mulatto and other Religions
80% Catholic (majority also practice voodoo); 16%

6. Haiti History - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Cur
haiti history Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political

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  • 7. Haiti History
    Haiti occupies part of the island of Hispaniola, which was discovered by Columbus in 1492. In 1994, the US invaded Haiti and restored Aristide to power.
    BASIC INFO. ECONOMY GEOGRAPHY ... HAITI Haiti occupies part of the island of Hispaniola, which was 'discovered' by Columbus in 1492. The indigenous tribe, the Arawaks, were either murdered, worked to death, or killed off by European diseases against which they had no defenses. The french got control of the western third of the island in 1697 because French pirates so relentlessly beleaguered the area. Slaves made the region economically advantageous to the French. A slave revolt, however, resulted in abolition of slavery. Independence was declared in 1804, but political stability would be a long time coming for the country. From the mid-1800s through the mid-1900s, the US began to exert considerable influence in Haiti. For nearly two decades, in fact, Haiti was under US military occupation (1915-194). In 1957, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier seized control and commenced a repressive rule of the country. His son, Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc") came to power in 1971. under the Duvalier's most of the better-educated and wealthy citizens fled to more hospitable locales. Consequently, Haiti was left both impoverished and with the most illiteracy in the Western Hemisphere. In 1986, Baby Doc was deposed by the military which tried to empower a series of repressive and incompetent governments. In 1990, democratic elections were held. Rev. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a Roman Catholic priest, won but was overthrown in another military coup. The US gave Aristide support in the form of suspending aid to Haiti, which only worked to further hurt the most impoverished in the population. The military junta proceeded to kill at least 3,000 of Aristide's supporters. In 1994, the US invaded Haiti and restored Aristide to power. In 1995, elections were held with 28 parties vying for votes. It was the first peaceful presidential election since independence. US troops were withdrawn in 1999.

    8. Haiti, History And Timeline
    haiti history and Timeline. Dec. 1492, Columbus discovers Haiti (the island of Hispaniola). ca. 1600, Native Carib population (Taino
    Haiti History and Timeline
    Dec. 1492 Columbus discovers Haiti (the island of Hispaniola) ca. 1600 Native Carib population (Taino-Arawak Indians) virtually wiped out. African slaves begin to arrive in increasing numbers. Rise of British, French, and Dutch activity in Caribbean. The Spaniards cede the western third of Hispaniola to the French crown at the Treaty of Ryswick. Haiti is now called "Saint Domingue." Saint Domingue becomes the richest colony in the world. Its capital, Cap Français, is known as the Paris of the New World.
    As many as 700,000 African slaves by end of century (compared with about 30,000 whites and 30,000 "affranchis"/"gens de couleur"). August 1791 The first major black rebellion takes place, initiated by Boukman, a voodoo houngan. This begins the markings of civil war between the black dominated north and the mulatto (mulâtre) dominated south. Toussaint L'Ouverture ("the opening"), an educated herb doctor and military man, emerges as the leader of the former slaves in the north. He restored order, ended the massacres, and restored some of Saint Domingue's former prosperity. Toussaint makes diplomatic contact with the recently established United States.

    9. Profotos - History Of The Country Of Haiti
    Profotos Galleries Larry Davis The Haiti Project haiti history. Profotos Galleries Larry Davis The Haiti Project haiti history.
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    The Haiti Project - History of Haiti
    A tiny tropical island sits in the Caribbean, decorated with palm trees and colorful hibiscus flowers. Its mountains stand majestically looking down upon sandy beaches and green valleys. From afar it appears as any other island one might encounter sailing the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Yet, as we draw closer we notice a difference. There are no tourist resorts dotting the coasts, no high rise hotels with sand volleyball courts and marimba bands. This is Haiti, this is different. If the land could speak it would tell of tragedy and violence, of abuse and bloodshed, of power and greed. Why does the country stand apart from its neighbors? The answer lies in the turbulent history of this tiny nation. The Early Years Christopher Columbus landed on the tiny island he called, "La isla espanola" in December 1492 (The name was later shortened to Hispanola). The island was inhabited by local Arawak Indians who referred to their home as "Hayti", or mountainous land. In keeping with imperialistic ideology, the Spaniards used and abused the native Arawaks to the point of near extinction.

    10. History
    Haiti Maps. Haiti Culture. haiti history. Haiti Economy. Haiti Currency. Haiti People. Haiti Politics. Haiti Provinces. Haiti Time and Date. Haiti, History, Back to Top.
    Country Info Haiti Introduction Haiti General Data Haiti Maps Haiti Culture ... Haiti Time and Date Haiti History Back to Top Haiti formerly renounced its colonial bond with France in January 1804, as the result of the only successful slave rebellion in world history. The country's longevity as an independent nation in the Western Hemisphere is second only to that of the United States. Over this span of almost two centuries, however, the country has never known a period free of tyranny, repression, political conflict, racial animosity, and economic hardship. Haiti, the first black republic in modern times, sprang directly to self-governance from French colonialism, a system that had a profound impact on the nation. Haiti's colonial origins had demonstrated that an illiterate and impoverished majority could be ruled by a repressive elite. The slaveholding system had established the efficacy of violence and coercion in controlling others, and the racial prejudice inherent in the colonial system survived under the black republic. A lightskinned elite assumed a disproportionate share of political and economic power. The chaotic and personalistic nature of Haitian political culture combined with chronic underdevelopment to provide fertile ground for a succession of despots, strongmen, and dictators. Even the few national leaders whose election apparently reflected popular sentiment, such as Dumarsais Estimé (1946-50) and François Duvalier (1957-71), rejected constitutional procedures in favor of retaining personal power. The popular revolt that deposed President for life Jean-Claude Duvalier (1971-86) demonstrated the Haitian people's rejection of parasitic despotism. At the same time, however, the revolt reaffirmed another lesson of Haitian history: violence has often been the only effective route to change.

    11. AllRefer Encyclopedia - FranCois Duvalier (Haiti History, Biographies) - Encyclo reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on FranCois Duvalier, haiti history, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 09, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Haiti History, Biographies ... FranCois Duvalier
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    FranCois Duvalier, Haiti History, Biographies
    Related Category: Haiti History, Biographies FranCois Duvalier A Pronunciation Key Tonton Macoutes . Under Duvalier, the economy of Haiti continued to deteriorate, and the illiteracy rate remained at about 90%. Duvalier nevertheless maintained his hold over Haiti. His practice of voodooism encouraged rumors among the people that he possessed supernatural powers. He died in Apr., 1971, after arranging for his son, Jean-Claude, to succeed him. See J.-P. Gingras, Duvalier: Caribbean Cyclone (1967); A. Burt and B. Diederich, Papa Doc (1969, repr. 1990); J. Ferguson, Papa Doc-Baby Doc
    Topics that might be of interest to you: Jean-Bertrand Aristide
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    More articles from AllRefer Reference on Francois Duvalier
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  • 12. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Alexandre PEtion (Haiti History, Biographies) - Encyclop reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on Alexandre PEtion, haiti history, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 09, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Haiti History, Biographies ... Alexandre PEtion
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    Alexandre PEtion, Haiti History, Biographies
    Related Category: Haiti History, Biographies Alexandre PEtion u p A Pronunciation Key Rigaud against Toussaint L'Ouverture and commanded the heroic but tragic defense of Jacmel, a southern port. Exiled, he returned with the French army under Leclerc in 1802. Rejoining the patriots because he feared the reestablishment of slavery, PEtion, after the death of Dessalines , engaged in a fierce but inconclusive struggle with Henri Christophe for control of Haiti. In 1807 he was chosen president for life of the republic in S Haiti. He confiscated the great French plantations, divided the land among the peasants, and gave his people unprecedented freedom. In 1816 he welcomed the exiled Spanish American revolutionist SimOn BolIvar and provided him with military assistance. Nevertheless, his administration was tainted with waste and corruption. PEtion was succeeded by Jean Pierre Boyer.
    Topics that might be of interest to you: Jean Pierre Boyer
    Henri Christophe

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    13. Haiti History And Geography
    Top of Page. Background One of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has been plagued by political violence for most of its history.
    [Country Listing] The World Factbook Home] Haiti
    Introduction [Top of Page] Background: One of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has been plagued by political violence for most of its history. Over three decades of dictatorship followed by military rule ended in 1990 when Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE was elected president. Most of his term was usurped by a military takeover, but he was able to return to office in 1994 and oversee the installation of a close associate to the presidency in 1996. Geography [Top of Page] Location: Caribbean, western one-third of the island of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, west of the Dominican Republic Geographic coordinates: 19 00 N, 72 25 W Map references: Central America and the Caribbean Area:
    total: 27,750 sq km
    land: 27,560 sq km
    water: 190 sq km Area - comparative: slightly smaller than Maryland Land boundaries:
    total: 275 km
    border countries: Dominican Republic 275 km Coastline: 1,771 km Maritime claims:
    contiguous zone: 24 nm
    continental shelf: to depth of exploitation
    exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
    territorial sea: 12 nm Climate: tropical; semiarid where mountains in east cut off trade winds

    14. Haiti: History
    Click to go to text menu. You are here History. Haiti. When Quisqueya, as the local population named it, was ‘discovered’ by

    15. Haitian Event: Carl Fombrun - Haiti History 1904 - 2004 @ MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC LIBR
    Haiti Music Site featuring Haitian Event Carl Fombrun haiti history 1904 - 2004 @ MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC LIBRARY, KENDALL BRANCH and Haitian music with Haitian
    Haitian Event: Carl Fombrun - Haiti History 1904 - 2004 @ MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC LIBRARY, KENDALL BRANCH Menu

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    The subject : "History of the Republic of Haiti, 1904 to 2004, the last 100 years." CARL FOMBRUN, GUEST SPEAKER AT MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC LIBRARY, KENDALL BRANCH on 97th Avenue and North Kendall Drive, Saturday May 22, 2004 at 2.00 o'clock in the afternoon. Contact Contact Promoter! Tell A Friend! COMMENTS COMMENTS ABOUT THIS EVENT: RE: Carl Fombrun - Haiti History 1904 - 2004 Post New Comment View All Comments EVENT ID: 1388 VIEWED: 218 TIME(S) Add a party - FREE email it to a friend Edit / Delete » Event List ... » Event Archives Owned and Operated by Fouye! Networks

    16. Haiti History
    haiti history. Showing 14 of 4 results Buy haiti history Products We link to merchants which offer haiti history products for sale. history

    17. Haiti History - World66
    History. edit this The Spaniards used Hispaniola (of which Haiti is the western part and the Dominican Republic is the eastern) as a launching point to
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      [edit this] This is no World66 image. It was found using an Internet search. more.. [Change image] [Upload image] The Spaniards used Hispaniola (of which Haiti is the western part and the Dominican Republic is the eastern) as a launching point to explore the rest of the Western Hemisphere. French buccaneers later used the western third of the island as a point from which to harass English and Spanish ships. In 1697 Spain ceded the western third of Hispaniola to France. As piracy was gradually suppressed some French adventurers became planters making Saint-Domingueas the French portion of the island was then calledone of the richest colonies of the 18th century French empire. During this period African slaves were brought to work the sugarcane and coffee plantations. In 1791 the slave populationled by Toussaint L'Ouverture Jean Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christopherevolted and gained control of the northern part of Saint-Domingue. In 1804 local forces defeated an army deployed by Napoleon Bonaparte established independence from France and renamed the area Haiti. The defeat of the French in Haiti is widely credited with contributing to Napoleon's decision to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States in 1804. Haiti is the world's oldest black republic and the second-oldest republic after the United States in the Western Hemisphere. Haitians actively assisted the American Revolution and independence movements of Latin American countries.

    18. Haiti History And Revolution
    A Look At Haitian History 18032003 200 Years Of Indepedence By Noe Dorestant, EE Special Independence Edition. Pages 1 of 4 2 3 4 . Haiti (Ayiti) meaning LOOK AT HAITIAN HISTORY FROM A HAITIAN P
    A Look At Haitian History
    1803-2003 200 Years Of Indepedence
    By Noe Dorestant, E.E.
    Special Independence Edition
    Haiti (Ayiti) meaning, "Land of mountain", was first given its name by its first inhabitants the More Headlines Haitians Demand The Recall Of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Haiti En Danger Haiti's `Garden of Eden' torn apart in search for arable land Apology 'Not Good Enough' ... Empowerment through Education , Western Union SKAH SHAH #1 "THE REUNION" Pictures Of Haiti Arrawaks and the Caraibe Haitian Indians, who were a peaceful and happy people. In those days, before 1492 (before the so called discovery of Haiti) there were five well organized kingdoms in Haiti: the Magua, the Marien, the Xaragua, the Maguana, and the Higuey. Haiti was self sufficient at the time and its early inhabitants lived in perfect harmony with the land that they use to cultivate a great deal of the foods that Haitians still eat today. They also practice hunting to get meat. They worshiped nature and had traditional rituals performed at the rhythm of the drumbeat. Then came Christopher Columbus and the life on this paradise peaceful island would never be the same. Colonial powers have since 1492 claimed and occupied Haitians land. Starting in 1492 with the Spanish, then the French and later on the English to name a few.

    19. Haiti History
    indemnity, ultimatum, embargo and even occupations, by those of its friends, who thought they knew what was best for Haiti or better yet, as history will prove History.htm
    A Look At Haitian History
    1803-2003 200 Years Of Indepedence
    By Noe Dorestant, E.E.
    Special Independence Edition
    Haiti's national palace flying the Haitian national flag, "symbol of a small nation with the willingness to live in liberty, with order and work under the aegis salutary of public peace." Haiti's countryside still has reminiscence of its war of bravery for independence. The ruins of its forts and the life style of its impoverished people remind us that it has paid dearly to maintain its status of independent nation from 1804 to this day. As Dessalines would have said if he were alive today: "Vivre libre ou mourir!" "Live free or die!". Meanwhile his legacy survives. Haiti that was once surnamed the pearl of the Antilles because of its wealth in gold and other precious metals and stones, and its natural beauty, has lived to see its resources and its heritage exploited and mismanaged by its sons, daughters and foes alike. Would Haiti rise up from his ashes? That is the question that we keep on asking as we approach the year 2004 (Haiti's bicentennial, 200 years of independence).

    20. Travel To Haiti History - Detailed Travel Information And More About Haiti Histo
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