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21. Finger Lakes Gymnastics Academy | Ithaca's Only Gymnastics School With all this in mind, new owners Dean Altes and Jayme Pierson welcomethe opportunity to introduce and teach gymnastics to your child. http://www.flga.net/ | |
22. WSDG - The Wilson School Of Gymnastics And Dance Our purpose is to teach dance and gymnastics to children of all ages. Its purposeis to teach dance gymnastics and cheerleading to children of all ages. http://www.wsgd.net/ | |
23. DrillsAndSkills.com - Gymnastics Technique Resource. Find Drills For Skills On A This is NOT intended to teach anyone gymnastics in an uncontrolled environment. Manyof the skills discussed could be extremely hazardous if done incorrectly. http://www.drillsandskills.com/ | |
24. Chantilly Academy Gymnastics, Home Page Our teaching Philosophy includes starting with a professional staff that is trainedto teach gymnastics and fitness in a step by step approach using positive http://www.chantillyacademy.com/ | |
25. Gymnastics : Gymnastics As A Career Hi Yany Well sure you can always satrt to teach gymnastics .I know I know, youdon t have any experience..but that isn t the proble..all you have to do http://experts.about.com/q/2245/471492.htm | |
26. Gymnastics : I Need Ideas KIDS . ITS A PROGRAM FOR KINDERGARDEN TO 3RD GRADE. I WAS WONDERINGIF YOU HAVE ANY FUN EXERCISES OR gymnastics I COULD teach THEM. I http://experts.about.com/q/2245/682792.htm | |
27. Favorite Activities gymnastics. teach your child to do somersaults, walk a balance beam(use masking tape on the floor), or do cartwheels. Begin dance http://www.saferchild.org/favorite2.htm | |
28. UKPE Resource Centre These 24 Learning Experiences are practical, childtested examples of howto teach gymnastics in a variety of environments and situations. http://ukpe.humankinetics.com/resourcecentre/book.cfm?isbn=0873224779 |
29. UKPE Resource Centre the Author Audiences Reference for physical education, classroom,and recreation teachers who teach gymnastics. teaching methods http://ukpe.humankinetics.com/resourcecentre/book.cfm?isbn=0736044345 |
30. USA Gymnastics Online: Technique: A Progression For Teaching The Stalder Handsta by John Wojtczuk North Stars gymnastics Academy, NJ progression for teaching theStalder to HS, and is based on the progressions I use to teach this skill. http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/publications/technique/1997/9/stalder.html | |
31. USA Gymnastics Online: Safety And Education: PDCP Women's Level I-IV Skill Devel All novice teachers with a desire to teach women s gymnastics. Club ownerswith women s artistic gymnastics teams or recreational programs. http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/safety-and-education/w-pdcpdescription.html | |
32. SRSGYM002A - Teach And/or Develop The Fundamental Skills Of Gymnastics 3. Conduct drills, activities and games to teach or develop the fundamental skillsof gymnastics 4. teach fundamental skills of gymnastics 5. Communicate in a http://domino.swin.edu.au/cd31.nsf/0/1fddbe4286738295ca256aa40018044e?OpenDocume |
33. Woodward West Gymnastics Programs Cheerleading gymnastics A unique program that utilizes tumbling and trampolineto teach acrobatic skills required by todayÂs cheerleaders. http://www.woodwardcamp.com/wwwest/gymnastics/west_gpgms.html | |
34. Woodward West Gymnastics Staff Those who make the cut do so because they can teach correct gymnasticsfundamentals and techniques with enthusiasm and fun. Whether http://www.woodwardcamp.com/wwwest/gymnastics/west_gstaff.html | |
35. Gymnastics -- KidSpirit Youth Programs: Fun, Educational, And Caring Experiences From parents with toddlers to high schoollevel competitors, the KidSpiritGymnastics program will teach you basic through advanced skills. http://kidspirit.oregonstate.edu/programs/gymnastics/ | |
36. Gym.Net - The Gymnastics Professional's Network This concise program presents the basic principles of coaching and showsyou how to teach gymnastics skills to girls and boys. Developed http://www.gym.net/eduserve/pdp1.htm | |
37. Gym.Net - The Gymnastics Professional's Network comensurate with experience. We are seeking energetic, positive individualsto teach gymnastics fitness in a fun, safe environment. http://www.gym.net/memserve/wantads.htm | |
38. Teach The Children Well-Other Topics Kids Baseball and Jackie Robinson Baseball The Game and Beyond CBS Sportsline Dressedto the Nines Exploratorium Science of Baseball gymnastics Unlimited Jr. http://www.teachthechildrenwell.com/other.html | |
39. Gymnastics In The UK. We teach Recreational and Competitive gymnastics to ages 418 years Our gymnasium(based at Ashlyns School, Berkhamsted) is fully equipped and permanently http://www.great-british-pages.co.uk/Sport_and_Leisure/Sport/Gymnastics/ | |
40. Champions On Film - Gymnastics Videos falls and adjusting body positions to stop wiggles Balance beam is the Âmakeit or break it event in gymnastics competition Learning to teach and/or http://www.wolverinesports.com/gymvid.html | |
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