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121. National Gulf War Resource Center, Inc. A site for gulf war veterans' issues. Includes gulf war search, selfhelp guide and latest news updates. Updated daily. http://www.ngwrc.org/ | |
122. Contents - Croat Med J 2001;42 Croatian Medical Journal report. http://www.cmj.hr/index.php?P=747 |
123. Current Status 2003-2004 Operation Iraqi Freedom/Persian Gulf War POW/MIAs Current Status of the 2003 Persian gulf war POW/MIAs. http://www.powmiaff.org/gwstatus03.html | |
124. CNN.com - A Decade After Gulf War, Iraq Endures - January 17, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/01/17/gulf.war/index.html | |
125. Iraqi Mourn Those Killed In Gulf War Bombing CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/02/13/iraq.gulfwar.ap/index.html |
126. No War In The Gulf Cut It Up Activist group from the United Kingdom. Includes suggestions for getting involved, a discussion forum, news, and links. http://www.cutitup.co.uk/ | |
127. ENVIRONMENTAL WARFARE: 1991 PERSIAN GULF WAR Analysis of environment pre/post war by professor Paul R. Baumann, Department of Geography, State University of New York. http://employees.oneonta.edu/baumanpr/geosat2/Environmental_Warfare/ENVIRONMENTA | |
128. Liberty Bell Memorial Museum Features a fullsized replica of the Liberty Bell, copies of historical documents, military uniforms, ships and planes of war, and artifacts from all American wars from pre-revolutionary to gulf war. http://www.libertybellmemorial.com/ |
129. CNN.com - US - Clinton Defends Changing Status Of Downed Gulf War Pilot From 'ki CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/01/12/mia.pilot/index.html | |
130. Advanced Techniques For Overcoming CFS, FMS And GWS Techniques for dealing with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and gulf war syndromes. http://www.beatcfsandfms.org/ | |
131. CNN.com - Gulf War Anniversary - Jan. 16, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/01/15/wbr.gulf.war/index.html | |
132. BBC News | AMERICAS | Profile: Bush's Fighting Team The BBC's Paul Reynolds examines an administration which features the very men who fought the gulf war under George W Bush's father. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1547000/1547752.stm | |
133. Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Guide Site Find out everything you need to know about mycoplasma infections what it is, how to detect it and how it's related to CFS and gulf war illness. http://chronicfatigue.about.com/health/chronicfatigue/library/weekly/aa012799.ht | |
134. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Special Report: Iraq Extensive coverage on the political situation in general, UNsanctions, the situation of the Kurds and the gulf war. Including latest news, comment and analysis, interactive guides, a weblog and external links. UK. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/ | |
135. Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood Resides in Canton of Loch Ruadh (Fort Worth, TX). Includes articles on archery, soapmaking, recipes, costuming, gulf war XI photos, and persona story. http://hawkwood.5u.com | |
136. Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages Offers live chat sessions, discussion groups, and mailing lists. The site also publishes a selfhelp guide for affected personnel. http://www.gulfweb.org/ | |
137. UK Gulf War Help UK based site that offers support to gulf war veterans and their families. Contains archives of press releases and information. http://www.geocities.com/ukgulfwarhelp |
138. Depleted Uranium Digital Library From the Special Assistant for gulf war Illnesses Department of Defense. Includes the Depleted Uranium in the gulf Environmental Exposure Report Version II updated December 13, 2000. http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/du_index.htm | |
139. David William Eberly - American Ex-POW - Gulf War David Eberly's story as an American POW during the gulf war. http://www.axpow.org/eberlydavid.htm | |
140. Edwin Moïse Bibliography The Tonkin Gulf Incidents, 1964 Edwin Mo¯se Bibliography of the Vietnam war The Tonkin gulf Incidents, 1964. http://www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/shwv/mb/tonkin.htm |
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