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Guinea Culture Africa: more detail | ||
1. Guinea -- Culture Overview mosque represents the adaptability of Muslim institutions to the culture of WestAfrica. In Upper guinea, the Great Mosque in Kankan is a spiritual center http://expedition.bensenville.lib.il.us/Africa/Guinea/culture.htm | |
2. Equitorial Guinea -- Culture principal mainland city, Bata, cultural centers house Sources Central africa A TravelSurvival Kit of the Sahara; World Bibliographic Series/Equatorial guinea. http://expedition.bensenville.lib.il.us/Africa/EquitorialGuinea/culture.htm | |
3. Guinea (West Africa) On The Internet An annotated guide to internet resources on guinea (Conakry) for students, faculty, librarians, teachers, journalists, businesspeople and others. the discussion group soc.culture.guineaconakry http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/guinea.html | |
4. Atlas - Equatorial Guinea Map Including map and overview of history, culture, economy and currency. http://atlas.freegk.com/world/africa/equatorial_guinea/equatorial_guinea.php | |
5. Africa South Of The Sahara - Culture And Society An annotated guide to internet resources on african culture and society. Language and Popular culture in africa " The main aim of LPCA is to document and further the rites, divination and mankala board games in Botswana, guinea-Bissau, Zambia. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/culture.html | |
6. Equatorial Guinea Vacation Guide: Romantic Equatorial Guinea Vacations, Equatori Equatorial guinea History Equatorial guinea culture Equatorial guinea Vacation PlannerEquatorial guinea Luxury Cruise Luxury Safari s and Tours of africa. http://www.travelwizard.com/africa/EquatorialGuinea_Culture.html | |
7. Guinea guinea Overview guinea History guinea culture guinea Geography guinea Info guineaVacation Planner guinea Luxury Cruise Luxury Safari s and Tours of africa. http://www.travelwizard.com/africa/Guinea_Culture.html | |
8. MapZones.com Culture guinea, culture, Back to Top. Until 1984 artistic and literary expressions werelimited largely to African themes by the single political party and its leader. http://www.mapzones.com/world/africa/guinea/cultureindex.php | |
9. AllAfrica.com Arts, Culture And Entertainment allafrica african news and information for a global audience Djibouti. Egypt. Equatorial guinea. Eritrea. Ethiopia. Gabon. Gambia Sierra Leone. Somalia. South africa. Sudan. Swaziland. São http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.allafrica.com/arts/&y=022A282C40 |
10. MapZones.com Culture Eq guinea Maps. Eq guinea culture. Eq guinea History. Eq guinea Economy. Eq guineaProvinces. Eq guinea Time and Date. Equatorial guinea, culture, Back to Top. http://www.mapzones.com/world/africa/equatorial_guinea/cultureindex.php | |
11. Guinea Culture | Lonely Planet World Guide culture. music remains popular with most of the people in guinea, despite the and internationalstars have blended western instruments with African rhythms and http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/africa/guinea/culture.htm | |
12. African Studies - History And Cultures UNESCO Projects in africa, culture Sector = Projets en Afrique, Secteur de la culture especially for areas now known as Cape Verde, guinea Bissau, guinea, and Sierra Leone http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/cult.html | |
13. Equatorial Guinea Culture | Lonely Planet World Guide Equatorial guinea culture. The Fang people on the mainland have held strong to theirtraditions, which means you re in for a treat if black magic is your thing. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/africa/equatorial_guinea/culture.htm | |
14. West Africa org Djembél A discussion list and web site on the musical culture of West africa.Emphasis is upon the countries of Mali, Burkina Faso, guinea, and Côte d http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/westaf.html | |
15. Les Percussions De Guinee, Djembe Drum Ensemble And African Dancers preserve, spread, and promote the culture of africa around the world. In 1998, theDepartment of Arts and culture of the Republic of guinea appointed Mamoudou http://www.lespercussionsdeguinee.com/ | |
16. West Africa: Conakry Hosts Festival De Guinée, 1st International Heritage And C the USA. Leader of the Memorable africa Oye tour in Japan, the USA, Europe. TopicInvestment Opportunities in guinea s Tourism and culture. http://www.africa-ata.org/guinea.htm | |
17. Guinea: The Switzerland Of Africa Is A Land Of Contrasts the ATA Congress theme of Nature, culture and Hospitality even Les Ballets africains, guinea s musical goodwill to the world and africa s foremost touring http://www.africa-ata.org/guinea_excursion_1.htm | |
18. NetIdentity - Personalized Email Addresses And Web Sites! culture. Travel. Searches Email Home. Equatorial guinea Archive. culture Archeology/Anthopology.Arts and Life in africa Fang People. Ethnologue Equatorial guinea. http://www.equatorialguinea.advocate.net/Links/culture.html | |
19. Newsgroups Available Under Soc.culture soc.culture.guineaconakry guinea (ne French guinea, in West africa);soc.culture.haiti Haiti specific development and cultural issues. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/Newspages/soc.culture.html | |
20. Guinea Travel Guide @ TravelNotes.org Nimba Range, you will pass through some of the most traditional of African villagesconstructed in small groups of round houses. Religion and culture in guinea. http://www.travelnotes.org/Africa/guinea.htm | |
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