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81. Nobel Peace Laureates Conference | 1998 in Chimaltenango, guatemala, and attended by the indigenous leaders of many countries.She also organized the Second Summit of the indigenous peoples, which http://www.virginia.edu/nobel/laureates/bios/tum_bio.html | |
82. Opposition To Columbus Day International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), the Working Group on indigenous Peopleto move military leaders of the death squad governments of guatemala and the http://www.aimovement.org/moipr/columbus-oct00.html | |
83. Robert Leon Photographer - Photojournalism, Feature Stories, Travel Photography, guatemala images of guatemala image of guatemala pictures of guatemala picture ofguatemala picture. indigenous photography of indigenous people photographs of http://www.robertleon.com/index.php | |
84. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous People In Guatemala indigenous People in guatemala Read anthropological papers, and find outabout groups working to strengthen the Mayan community in guatemala. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560156/us560161/us5 | |
85. DPI Press Kit per capita. In guatemala, most indigenous people do not have accessto safe drinking water, sanitation or electricity. Less than http://www.un.org/rights/50/people | |
86. MSN Encarta - Native Americans Of Middle And South America countries, including Mexico, guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. It is oftenvery difficult to distinguish people who are of pure indigenous ancestry from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_701509044/Native_Americans_of_Middle_and_Sou | |
87. Indigenous People In Latin America 54.0 38 24 14 Ecuador 29.5 23 na 14 guatemala 42.0 26 79 socioeconomic conditionsof Latin America s indigenous population, see indigenous People and Poverty http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/hnp/hddflash/hcnote/hrn007.html | |
88. Base OF OF GENERAL REPORTS). 1. Report on the situation of human rights ofindigenous peoples in guatemala (1993). 2. Report on the situation http://www.cidh.oas.org/Indigenas/TOC.htm | |
89. MediaRights the earlier Rights Alert ÂA Massacre RememberedÂ. Following thestruggle of the indigenous Maya Achi people of guatemala to http://www.mediarights.org/search/browse.php?cat_id=00056 |
90. Indigenous Cine And Video Festivals In Guatemala And Mexico Mexico. The Sixth American Festival of Film and Video of IndigenousPeoples took place in Quetaltenango, guatemala, last August. The http://www.laneta.apc.org/telemanita/bull11_art4.html | |
91. Indigenous Cultures Of Costa Rica Was the raw material mined in guatemala and sent to the Chorotega and other indigenouscraftsmen across they have been created by people during one http://costarica.tourism.co.cr/indian2.htm | |
92. NDI - National Democratic Institute For International Affairs encouraged guatemala to safeguard its citizenry from human rights abuses andseek greater political participation by the country s indigenous people. http://www.ndi.org/worldwide/lac/guatemala/guatemala.asp | |
93. UN Chronicle: Indigenous People Still Discriminated - UN Reported: News On The U indigenous people in guatemala still face racial, ethnic and cultural discriminationeven though the Government had signed a human rights agreement, reported http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1309/is_4_38/ai_87425142 | |
94. Latin America Trek: Time Machine -- Guatemala Toj from Defensoria Maya, the indigenous rights organization in guatemala City. Lookdeeper at the atrocities committed against indigenous people during the 36 http://www.worldtrek.org/odyssey/latinamerica/timeguat.html | |
95. Indigenous People Organise In Guatemala expressed the hope that solidarity, Christian and aid groups in Australia couldhelp people here to understand the plight of indigenous people in guatemala. http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/1994/132/132p18.htm | |
96. Indigenous People indigenous people alaska indigenous people right africa indigenous people argentinachile in indigenous people guatemala indigenous people america indigenous http://www.jaspergifts.com/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/ | |
97. RFK MEMORIAL : Human RIghtrs Award 1990 Winners the access to justice at all levels for guatemalaÂs indigenous populace, CERJÂs aÂscorchedearth policy in which 200,000 people were assassinated http://www.rfkmemorial.org/human_rights/1990.htm | |
98. Diego Cevallos, Racism Thwarts Indigenous Rights, Says Menchu in several countries. She also pointed to efforts to clarify massacresof indigenous people in guatemala. But the scant progress http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/123.html | |
99. AFP Berger Wins Guatemala Presidential Election KeepMedia KeepMedia Free Trial. guatemala CITY (AFP) Oscar Berger, a former mayor of guatemala's capital, won the nation's presidential runoff after his opponent Alvaro Colom conceded defeat. improve the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.keepmedia.com/ShowItemDetails.do?ite |
100. Guatemala -- Culture Overview companies that have supported them. His work also idealizes the indigenouspeople of guatemala. A younger generation of writers, best http://expedition.bensenville.lib.il.us/CentralAmerica/Guatemala/culture.htm | |
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