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Guatemala Indigenous Peoples: more books (48) | ||||||
61. USAID: WID Publication: Educating Indigenous Girls In Latin America: Closing The An estimated 40 million people in Latin America, or 10 percent of the total population,are indigenous, including Mayan peoples in guatemala and the Quechua http://www.usaid.gov/wid/pubs/educgap97.htm | |
62. Sida - What Does Sida Do In Guatemala? The rights of women and indigenous peoples Both racism and el machismo are widespreadin guatemala and these mean that indigenous peoples and particularly http://www.sida.se/Sida/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=381&a=17406 |
63. Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America March 31, 1995 ÂAccord on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoplesÂ. · Recognitionof guatemala s indigenous people as descendants of an ancient people http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~caguirre/210_15.html | |
64. Maya People Of Southern Belize and implement the terms of the peace accord signed on the 31st of march 1995, toguarantee the human rights and dignity of the indigenous peoples of guatemala. http://www.belize.gov.bz/features/maya_guate/welcome.html | |
65. International Monitor Institute however, claimed that the atrocities against indigenous groups were so widespread,and so systematically directed at guatemala s indigenous peoples, that in http://www.imisite.org/americas_news.php?id=190 |
66. MapZones.com People of indigenous Mayan peoples. Westernized Mayans and mestizos (mixed European andindigenous ancestry) are known as Ladinos. Most of guatemala s population is http://www.mapzones.com/world/central_america/guatemala/peopleindex.php | |
67. University Of Minnesota Human Rights Library journaling, maps, background information on guatemala, group discussion, and decisionmakingto examine relationships between indigenous peoples of the Western http://www.umn.edu/humanrts/education/4thR-sm94/indigenous-sm94.htm | |
68. GRAIN | BIO-IPR | 14 September 1999 Morales Asociacion Tohil Morales de los Ninos Mayas de guatemala guatemala. MariaMangte Indian Confederation of indigenous and Tribal peoples (ICITP) India. http://www.grain.org/bio-ipr/?id=143 |
69. UNDP/CSOPP/IP Site Map Mali Case Study; guatemala Case Study; Philippines Case Study. Conventions; Treaties;Declarations indigenous peoples Seattle Declaration on the Occasion of the http://www.undp.org/csopp/CSO/NewFiles/ipsitemap.html | |
70. Rights Speach In guatemala, the indigenous Mayan peoples comprise the majority of the inhabitants,yet they are systematically excluded from government; and when they try to http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/political/bosum.html | |
71. CIEPAC: Chiapas Al DÃa, No. 185 of the indigenous peoples and the second is the result of a gathering between theindigenous peoples of Chiapas and those of Ixcan, guatemala, regarding the http://www.ciepac.org/bulletins/ingles/ing389.htm | |
73. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Guatemala - Indigenous Law de los pueblos indÃgenas Text in Spanish of the Agreement on Identity and Rightsof indigenous peoples. In PDF format (On Proceso de Paz en guatemala). http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/52111.html | |
74. Indigenous Peoples Menchu, R. (1984). I Rigoberta Menchu, an Indian Woman in guatemala. NewYork Verso. N. Nickel, JW (1994). Ethnocide and indigenous peoples. http://www.gechs.uci.edu/Indeigenous.htm | |
75. CANCUN DECLARATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES for instance, under Plan Panama has destroyed ceremonial and sacred sites ofIndigenous peoples in the six States of Southern Mexico and in guatemala. http://www.ifg.org/programs/indig/CancunDec.html | |
76. Report From Alvaro Cendeno - Strategimidler 2003 in guatemala about the role of MINUGUA (United Nations mission of verificationof Human Rights for guatemala) regarding indigenous peoples specifically. http://www.sami.uit.no/oza/rapport/alvaro_cedeno.html | |
77. INDIGENOUS-FOLKLORE-TRADITIONS outside world on an isolated indigenous tribe, the Many native peoples of the BrazilianAmazon have Semana Santa en guatemala (Easter in guatemala) Produced by http://www.latinamericanstudies.villanova.edu/media/indigenous.htm | |
78. OHCHR - Guatemala work, OHCHR has collaborated with MINUGUA in the preparation of manuals and guidelineson the human rights for the indigenous peoples of guatemala, and in http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/5/guatemala.htm | |
79. (wto) No To TRIPS Of WTO Say Indigenous People's In Geneva, July 99 Asociacion Tohil Morales de los Ninos Mayas de guatemala guatemala 36. Maria MangteIndian Confederation of indigenous and Tribal peoples (ICITP) India 38. http://lists.essential.org/mai-not/msg00160.html | |
80. OneWorld News Service - Indigenous Peoples indigenous RIGHTS/GUYANA indigenous people demand the right to their land. indigenousRIGHTS/guatemala Simmering law dispute threatens to boil over. http://www.oneworld.org/news/world/indigenous.html | |
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