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41. Minorities At Risk (MAR) Analytic Summary The majority of indigenous peoples in guatemala are of Mayan descentand are dispersed throughout the country with the largest populations in http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/indguat.htm | |
42. Themes - Indigenous Peoples Resources Rights 2001, Nov, CNOC, guatemala Empowering the capacity of agrarian and social conflictnegotiationof 1989-2002, indigenous and Tribal peoples Rights to lands http://www.landcoalition.org/t13iprr.htm | |
43. Development Gateway In guatemala, indigenous girls complete an average of less than one year of Conflictsthat affect indigenous peoples in Africa, Asia and Latin America have http://topics.developmentgateway.org/indigenous/rc/BrowseContent.do~source=RCCon | |
44. PAHO - HEALTH OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - INFORMATION RESOURCES peoples. HSP/HSO. HSO/D. Series 5. Electronic Version Doc. 23 ÂLessons Learnedin Working with indigenous Women and Health The Experience in guatemala, | |
45. Diplomacy Monitor: Guatemala On The Issue Of Indigenous Peoples St. Thomas Univeristy School of Law Diplomacy Monitor, guatemala On the Issue ofIndigenous peoples Most recent Web posts first Page 1 Return To guatemala Sub http://www.diplomacymonitor.com/stu/dm.nsf/nationissued?openform&cat=Guatemala|I |
46. Diplomacy Monitor: Indigenous Peoples 05/05/2004 Dated 05/04/2004 Cached guatemala Ministry of Foreign Affairs guatemalaELECTA EN VARIAS COMISIONES DE NACIONES indigenous peoples Indexed 05 http://www.diplomacymonitor.com/stu/dm.nsf/issued?openform&cat=Indigenous_People |
47. Education In The International Decade Of Indigenous Peoples: Bringing Education 15. In guatemala, the Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous Peoplesbetween the Government of guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/echoes-16-02.html | |
48. Eco-Index: Preparation Of The Regional Map "Indigenous Peoples And Natural Ecosy in other maps, such as the Nahuas and the indigenous people of Texihuat Preparationof national indigenous maps for El Salvador, guatemala and Nicaragua. http://www.eco-index.org/search/results.cfm?ProjectID=442 |
49. Canadian Dimension: Indigenous Peoples Declaration Against United States Invasio Colombia Information Network of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. INIPA. CanadaLiga Maya Internacional . guatemala Universidade Federal de Mato Groso. http://www.canadiandimension.mb.ca/extra/d0408ip.htm | |
50. BBC NEWS | Americas | Americas 'failing Native Peoples' accuses of weakening guarantees on indigenous constitutional rights; guatemala whereAmnesty says almost nothing has been leader of the Xavante people fled his http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2318757.stm | |
51. Economist.com | Indigenous People In South America Rights Watch reports on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, guatemala and Peru. org has Spanishlanguagecampaigning material about Latin American indigenous peoples. http://www.economist.com/world/la/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2446861 |
52. Guatemala: Indigenous Rights And Logging Licenses rights of the indigenous peoples and in a better management of forest resourcesin the region. By Carlos Salvatierra, Colectivo MadreSelva, guatemala, email http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/69/Guatemala.html | |
53. Defenders Of The Forests: Amnesty International Report Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay andPeru) are State Parties to the indigenous and Tribal peoples Convention known http://www.wrm.org.uy/peoples/amnesty.html | |
54. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Maya, Indigenous People Of Mexico And Central America : Related Category South American indigenous peoples. separating ladinos from the indigenouspopulation. division between Mexico and guatemala occurred early in http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/M/Maya-1-the-twentieth-century.html | |
55. AllRefer Encyclopedia - QuichE (Mesoamerican Indigenous Peoples) - Encyclopedia Pronunciation Key, indigenous peoples of Mayan linguistic stock, in the westernhighlands of guatemala; most important group of the ancient southern Maya. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/Q/Quiche.html | |
56. Indigenous Peoples Fund Colombia and Chile), and Mesoamerica (southern Mexico and guatemala), the indigenous theSouthern Cone, and the Caribbean islands, indigenous peoples are small http://www.gm-unccd.org/FIELD/Multi/IPF/Ind.htm | |
57. TVE: Human Rights Catalogue '98 Perhaps the most important thing in guatemala is that indigenous peoples, forthe first time in their history, are now involved in the policy dialogue. http://www.tve.org/humanrights/doc.cfm?aid=374 |
58. GLOBAL VISION : INTERVIEWS : RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM a Quiché (Maya) human rights activist from guatemala, the official spokespersonfor the United Nations International Decade of indigenous peoples (1994 2003 http://www.global-vision.org/interview/menchu.html | |
59. Across The Americas, Indigenous Peoples Make Themselves Heard of a growing militancy and political assertiveness among the native peoples ofthe Americas. In Ecuador and in guatemala, indigenous leaders arguably wield http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/printer_102003F.shtml | |
60. NativeWeb Home Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoples, Maya, America Central,1809. Painters and Paintings from the Highlands of guatemala Pintores y Pinturas http://www.nativeweb.org/resources.php?name=Maya&type=1&nation=212 |
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