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21. Dec. 2000: Guatemala: Human Rights Court Finds Guatemala Government Guilty In Bà Human rights court finds guatemala government guilty in Bámaca case(December 2000). The InterAmerican Court on Human Rights found http://www.rtfcam.org/report/volume_20/No_5/article_8.htm | |
22. Guatemala Government Websites Translate this page Links to Guatemala Goverment sites. Instituto Geográfico NacionalInstituto de Turismo Programa de Competitividad Superintendencia http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/external/lac/lac.nsf/0/0332e59eff6cde5b852569b30064 |
23. Guatemala: Government/Policy Translate this page Guatemala, Government/ Policy, Websites. research in progress, Congresode la República de Guatemala (in Spanish) Página oficial del http://larcdma.sdsu.edu/humanrights/rr/Guatemala/GOV.html | |
24. Quick Reference Guides On Guatemala - Government: Country Name (Facts About Guat Quick Reference Guides on Guatemala Government Country name (FactsAbout Guatemala). Illicit drugs. guatemala government Country name. http://www.reference-guides.com/cia_world_factbook/Guatemala/Government/Country_ | |
25. Quick Reference Guides On Guatemala - Government: Legal System (Facts About Guat Quick Reference Guides on Guatemala Government Legal system (FactsAbout Guatemala). Illicit drugs. guatemala government Legal system. http://www.reference-guides.com/cia_world_factbook/Guatemala/Government/Legal_sy | |
26. Wauu.DE: Regional: Central America: Guatemala: Government Onlye. Links URL hinzufügen. Embassy of Guatemala in Sweden Officialwebsite of the Embassy of Guatemala in Sweden. Information http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Central_America/Guatemala/Government/ | |
27. Guatemala Government And Politics Homepage Country and travel information guatemala government and Politics, Guatemala http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/laenderinfos/laender/laender_ausgabe_html? |
28. Best Of The Web Directory - Regional > Central America > Guatemala > Government Match all words. Include results with mature content. Help. Sponsor This Category.Top Regional Central_America guatemala government Popular Categories. http://botw.org/top/Regional/Central_America/Guatemala/Government/ | |
29. MSNBC - Maya Queen's Tomb Found In Guatemala FreidelÂs project is working with the guatemala government and conservationgroups to try to protect 230,000 acres of the Laguna del Tigre. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4916517/ | |
30. Political Resources On The Net - Guatemala 2:3 Translate this page Gobierno Governments. guatemala government. Legislación de Guatemala Laws. Gobiernode guatemala government of Guatemala. Ministerios Ministries. http://www.politicalresources.net/guatemala3.htm | |
31. Jobs.NET - Guatemala Government Job Search Results Job Search Government in Guatemala. One of the Best FREE InternationalJobs / Career / Recruiting Sites. Government in Guatemala Job Search. http://www.jobs.net/cgi/jsearch2?p_location=GT&searchstring=government |
32. AU Washington College Of Law: War Crimes Research Office - Links rights links, Guatemalan law. guatemala government Homepage Spanishhttp//www.guatemala.gob.gt/. GuatemalaÂs Judicial Branch http://www.wcl.american.edu/warcrimes/guatemala.cfm | |
33. CIA - The World Factbook -- Guatemala Greenland. Grenada. Guadeloupe. Guam. guatemala. Guernsey. Guinea. GuineaBissau short form guatemala. local short form guatemala. local long form Republica de guatemala. government type http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gt.html | |
34. ABC Country Book Of Guatemala - Government Flag, Map, Economy, Geography, Climat guatemala Interactive Factbook GEOGRAPHY, Flag, Map,Geography,People, government, Economy, Transportation, Communications. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/guatemala_government.html | |
35. Guatemala - Consular Information Sheet COUNTRY DESCRIPTION guatemala has a developing economy, characterized by wide income disparities FAA) has assessed the government of guatemala 's civil aviation authority as http://travel.state.gov/guatemala.html | |
36. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Guatemala - Government Legal directory and search engine legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country and subject. WorldLII Categories Countries guatemala government. Find. any of these words http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/50937.html | |
37. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Overview Of Guatemala Includes statistics, history, economy and government. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryIntro.asp?CountryID=128&RegionID=4 |
38. Guatemala Statistical Country Information Statistical data and links to news, travel, weather, and government. http://www.countries.com/countries/guatemala/ | |
39. Delegación De La Comisión Europea En Guatemala Top/Society/government/Multilateral/Regional/European_Union/Institutions/European_Commission/Delegations http://www.ueguate.org/index.html |
40. CIA FOIA - Frequently Requested Records Fulltext government documents from the Central Intelligence Agency Electronic Document Release Center. Topics include UFOs, Bay of Pigs, POW MIA, guatemala, human rights, Ethel and Julius Rosenbert and other spies. http://www.foia.cia.gov/records.asp | |
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