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161. Mythology: Greek Myths .LIVING MYTHS. greek Myths. The deepest expression of greek ideology, however,lay in a mythology so rich that its legacy has endured to the present day. http://www.livingmyths.com/Greek.htm | |
162. Connecticut College - Classics Department Offers courses in greek and Latin from elementary through advanced levels. Also provides courses in English, covering topics such as greek and Roman culture, mythology, history and philosophy. http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/classics/ | |
163. Classics Library Collection covers greek and Latin literature, philology, mythology, paleography, textual criticism, and epigraphy, as well as ancient history, law, religion, philosophy, science, archaeology and art. http://www.library.yale.edu/htmldocs/classics.html | |
164. Bulfinch S Mythology - Home Page And Table Of Contents To HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW, The Poet Alike Of The Many And Of The Few, This AttemptTo Popularize mythology, And Extend The Enjoyment Of Elegant Literature http://www.bulfinch.org/ |
165. Bulfinch S Mythology, The Age Of Fable Or Stories Of Gods And BOOK SEARCH BARNES AND NOBLE. Search by Keyword, BULFINCH SMYTHOLOGY VOLUMES II AND III. http://www.bulfinch.org/fables/welcome.html |
166. Mythography | Exploring Greek, Roman, And Celtic Mythology And Art Exploring mythology and art from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the legends of the Celts. http://www.loggia.com/myth/ | |
167. Greek Myths And Legends http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/carolrb/greek/greek1.html |
168. The Classics Pages - Oedipus Tyrannos By Sophocles to psychologists, but it has no bearing on understanding the myth.(It is Sophocles Oedipus by Frederick Ahl, Cornell UP); Steven Berkoff s play greek has Eddy http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~loxias/myth.htm | |
169. Outdated Page Or Mis-typed URL If you have attempted to access a page of Bulfinch s mythology The Age of Fable,please access that site at www.bulfinch.org or wait a few seconds for this http://www.showgate.com/medea/bulfinch/ | |
170. Brave Women Warriors Of Greek Myth: An Amazon Roster BRAVE WOMEN WARRIORS OF greek MYTH AN AMAZON ROSTER IAXS Research Project No. BraveWomen Warriors Of greek Myth An Amazon Roster. Amazon rider. INTRODUCTION. http://www.whoosh.org/issue12/ruffel3.html | |
171. Myth Syllabus Welcome to the home page for Classics 1305, greek Myth, taught at TrinityUniversity by Mark B. Garrison of the Department of Classical Studies. http://www.trinity.edu/mgarriso/Myth/MythSyllabus.html | |
172. Kings Park-Technology Then they write a myth which includes themselves as a god or goddess and at leastone of the greek Olympians. A digital photo is taken of the student. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/KingsParkES/technology/lessons/myth.htm | |
173. Host Name Www-lib.haifa.ac.il No Longer Valid As Of 24.7.2003 - Use Lib.haifa.ac http//lib.haifa.ac.il/www/art/mythology_westart.html. http://www-lib.haifa.ac.il/www/art/mythology_westart.html | |
174. SimpleNet - Web Hosting / Data Center Solutions http://alexandria.simplenet.com/myth/ | |
175. GreekMyth Quiz Please upgrade you browser to IE 4.0 of Netscape 4.0. http://www.aquiz.com/Greeks/Greekqz.htm |
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