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161. Department Of Archaeology - University Of Nottingham University of Nottingham survey used to identify buildings and roads in the southern half of the ancient Macedonian city of Philippi. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/archaeology/research/balkans/greece/gcity.html | |
162. The Greeks This is the companion site to the PBS documentary. Introduction to ancient Greek history, culture, http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks/ |
163. 15 Ancient Greek Heroes From Plutarch's Lives Abridged modern English version of the classic biographies. The most heroic of the Greek lives, in an easyto-read style, with clickable vocabulary for the student, and an extensive ancient greece Links page. Start here if you've never read Plutarch before. http://www.e-classics.com | |
164. Exploring Ancient World Cultures Guide to web resources on ancient Egypt, India, China, greece, and Rome. http://eawc.evansville.edu/index.htm | |
165. Ancient Greek (Hellenic) Links, Page 1 (courtesy Of MEDEA, THE MUSICAL) of Pennsylvania, ancient greece The Way It Was Mark Woon Princeton Univ. ancient greece in Modern Fiction (bibliography) Dr. Nick Lowe Univ. http://www.webcom.com/shownet/medea/grklink.html | |
166. Ancient & Oriental : Antiquities And Artifacts, Art From Ancient Egypt, Rome, Gr Art, antiquities and artifacts from ancient Egypt, Rome, greece and Mesopotamia. http://www.antiquities.co.uk/index.html | |
167. The Internet Classics Archive | Browse All of the classic biographies of heroes and villains from ancient greece and Rome. The English text is awkward and antiquated, but it's the complete Dryden edition (1683), as revised by A.H. Clough (1864). http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/index-Plutarch.html | |
168. The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greece THE OLYMPIC GAMES. OF ancient greece. The Task. Your task is to discover as much as you can about the Olympic Games in ancient greece. http://education.nmsu.edu/webquest/wq/olympics/olympicwq.html | |
169. Economics In Ancient Greece An essay on the economics and barter in ancient greece. http://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/Classics/EconomicsinGreece.html | |
170. Ancient Greece, Unplugged! Oak View Elementary Join Mr Smith's 6thgraders as they explore ancient Greek architecture, Mythology, Culture, Theatre, Letters, Olympics, Peloponnesian Wars. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/OakViewES/smith/95-96/greece/ | |
171. Goddess Worship In Ancient Greece Introduction to ancient worship of the female Greek gods including Demeter and Kore, Hecate, Hera, others. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~clit387/Worship.html | |
172. HOME Early West and Native/Colonial America artifacts, music, film clips, maps/timelines, plus contributions from visual artists and historians. http://ancientgreece-earlyamerica.com | |
173. Michigan Classical Conference Michigan's statewide organization for teachers, scholars and laypersons interested in the civilizations of ancient greece and Rome. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/clas/mcc/mccevent.htm | |
174. The Role Of Women In The Art Of Ancient Greece An encyclopaedic site of brief entries concerning famous Greek women, goddesses, and literary characters from Amazons to Zosteria (Athena). Includes study questions and answers. http://apk.net/~fjk/index.html |
175. Stehle, E.: Performance And Gender In Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry In Its Describing how men and women performed poetry in ancient greece, Ms. Eva Stehle shows this poetry as an occasion for the performer's self presentation. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5819.html | |
176. Ancient Greece - Athens - Sparta - Mythology - Daily Life - Language - Philosoph Alphabetical index of resources on the ancient Greek civilizations. http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/greecehellas/ | |
177. Ancient History Pathfinder searching WebPALs or EAI Antiquities Archaeology Romehistory historyancient Military history Naval history Civilization, ancient GreeceCivilization to http://www.ar.cc.mn.us/cclibrary/ancientpathfinder.htm | |
178. The Ancient Greek World Under Daily Life/Women's Life are articles and images illustrating the life of women in ancient greece. http://www.museum.upenn.edu/Greek_World/Index.html |
179. ANCIENT EPIDAVROS GREECE Find a message board, tourist guide, photographs, and chat. http://groups.msn.com/ancientepidavrosgreece | |
180. Ancient Greece Resources For 6th Grade Social Studies Collection of links geared toward middle school students. http://www.dalton.org/groups/Greece/ | |
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