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101. Electronic Passport To Ancient Greece About 2 500 years ago, the people of greece introduced many valuable ideas and developed a civilization that influences the way we live today. Discover the ancient Greeks in the Electronic AFRICA http://www.mrdowling.com/701greece.html | |
102. History Frame Links and information on ancient Greek history. http://www.ancientgreece.com/html/history_frame.htm |
103. The Ancient Worlds Collection of articles and links on ancient civilizations, including Egypt and greece. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-63448/ |
104. Mr. Donn 039;s Ancient History Mr. Donn 039;s ancient history This is a collection of dozens of K12 lesson plans and activities for studying ancient history. The materials are produced by education students and teachers and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/index.html&am |
105. WLGR Comprehensive original source materials in translation for women's studies in ancient Rome and greece. Subjects cover law, poetry, literature, and society. Maintained at Diotima. http://www.stoa.org/diotima/anthology/wlgr/ | |
106. Perseus Project An Evolving Digital Library Perseus project an evolving digital library The Perseus Project is a large digital library of texts and images for the study of ancient greece and, more recently, ancient Rome. The resources http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/&y=02C2184B03E |
107. Internet Ancient History Sourcebook Internet ancient history Sourcebook The goal of this site is to provide access to primary source texts about ancient history. The site organizes texts to make them more useful for classroom http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/asbook.h |
108. Web-Based Projects - University Of Richmond Geography, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art, religion, sports, and roles of men, women, and children. http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/as/education/projects/webunits/greecerome | |
109. Images Of Women In Ancient Art Images, articles, art regarding women in prehistory, ancient Egypt, the Aegean, Palestine, greece. Discussion topics, links, further reading. http://www.arthistory.sbc.edu/imageswomen/ | |
110. Libraries, Ancient Greek And Roman [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Describing the public libraries of ancient greece, and the fashion for bookcollecting in Rome. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/l/library.htm | |
111. Topographic Map Of Ancient Greece Map showing the location of a few famous ancient sites from the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan. http://www.umich.edu/~kelseydb/Maps.html | |
112. The Archaeology Of Ancient Greece A guide to archaeological sites of interest on the Greek mainland, Peloponnesos, Greek Islands and western Turkey, with bibliography, from the University of Richmond. http://www.richmond.edu/academics/a&s/classics/students/Cheatham/Page1.html | |
113. Ancient Greece : Science And Technology Facts Discusses early inventions, such as calculating devices, machines using gears, steam engines, war technology, and town planning. Some mathematicians discussed are Thales, Pythagoras, Eudoxus, Euclid, Archimedes, and Appolonius. A few of the main topical concepts discussed were astronomical discoveries, prime numbers, pondering the evolution of the species, and measuring the circumference of the earth. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Greeks.htm | |
114. People With A History: Paul Halsall: Homosexual Eros In Early Greece (1986) Graduate paper by Paul Halsall on the topic of male love in ancient greece. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/greekeros.html | |
115. Stolen Antiquities From Corinth Returned To Greece The Hellenic Ministry of Culture rejoices in the recovery of the priceless collection of artifacts stolen from the Archaeological Museum of ancient Corinth in 1990. Illustrated catalogue. http://www.culture.gr/2/21/211/21104m/e211dm07.html | |
116. Greek Dramatic Criticism An overview of dramatic criticism in ancient greece. http://www.theatredatabase.com/ancient/greek_dramatic_criticism_001.html | |
117. Ancient Coins - Greek, Roman, Pathian, Chinese An educational site by Dr. Tom Buggey. Coins of Rome, greece, and other cultures are featured along with many resources for attributing. Maps of ancient greece and Rome, mints, essays, and other illustrations are featured. http://www.people.memphis.edu/~tjbuggey/coin.html | |
118. Detroit Institute Of Arts : Permanent Collection - Ancient Art - Greece Collection of ancient Greek sculptures, and pottery. http://www.dia.org/collections/ancient/greece/greece.html | |
119. Crocodile Games - Age Of Ãgyptus Producer of a range of alternative, fantasy Egypt miniatures. Hoping to do the same to ancient greece next. http://www.crocodilegames.com/ | |
120. Coastal Navigation - Redirecting... Information about sailing the Greek islands, ancient greece, weather, yacht charter, advanced navigation course, maps and charts. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/SAILING_Greece/greek.html | |
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