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61. Esl Blue(s) Main Index questions; For revision of preintermediate to intermediate grammar, do these quizzes.You have a slow connection. A quick-loading alternative index (5k) lists http://www.collegeem.qc.ca/cemdept/anglais/trouindx.htm | |
62. Index Of German Grammar Exercises index of exercises on the Web, collated by Katherine Munro. Interrogatives (questionwords pick right one to fill gap). Johannes Jänen s set of online grammar http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/la/lote/german/materials/grammar/gramlist.htm | |
63. Kids' Place Houghton Mifflin English KidViews. Houghton Mifflin Lenguaje, *, Bright Ideas for Writing. *, grammar Blast. Children sPrivacy Statement. Kids Place Education Place Site index Feedback. http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hme/k_5/ | |
64. ELanguage.com: Grammar Guidebook-Home The grammar guide provides a summary of the key grammar points andtips for English, French, German and Spanish. Choose a language http://www.elanguage.com/eng/grammar/index.asp?slang=eng |
65. Lingua Aegyptia - Homepage/Impressum Publishes articles and book reviews on Egyptian and Coptic language and literature grammar, language history, comparative linguistics, literature. http://www.gwdg.de/~lingaeg/index.html | |
66. TestMagic TOEFL grammar Explanations for TOEFL Test 98B. Top Pages!! Forum. TestPrep Books. TOEFL Essay Samples. TOEFL Practice NOW!! TOEFL index. Pac Man. http://www.testmagic.com/grammar/ | |
67. The Skou Web Page Research papers on the Skou language of northern New Guinea, including background, history, grammar, phonology and a dictionary. http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/ellmd/Skou/index.html | |
68. Grammar-index Ghost Town. For FUN. grammar. AW. Assignment. HOME. For grammar Classes. This pageis for 99 grammar classes. You might not find anything here. .grammar Sites. . .. http://www.tsuru.ac.jp/~kevin/Grammar/grammar_index.html | |
69. ESL Web Guide: Grammar English grammar Free Help English grammar tests, common mistakes, questions andanswers. http//www.angelfire.com/mo/mozla/index.html (Added Fri Jan 01 1999 http://eslcafe.com/search/Grammar/ | |
70. Spanish Grammar Exercises STUDY MODULES © ojala, Ojalá que llueva café Listen to a guided reading of JuanLuis Guerra s song, practice the subjunctive, and see a Foto Tour of the DR. http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/exercises/ | |
71. Guide To Grammar And Writing Select from . . . http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/ | |
72. Resource Central - Writing Resources Links and resources for writing. Improve your writing skills, library skills, writing style, grammar. Fiction and nonfiction resources. http://resourcehelp.com/qserwrit.htm | |
73. Guide To Grammar And Writing Guide to grammar and Writing Developed by a college professor, this site can be easily navigated to assist students in the rules of grammar. It begins with the basics of sentence structure and how http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/&y=02F10DC2F |
74. Funbrain.com Grammar Gorillas Our friends, the grammar Gorillas, need help identifying parts of speech. Ifyou click on the right word in the sentence, our friends get a banana. http://www.funbrain.com/grammar/ | |
75. MR. HEITMANN'S LANGUAGE ARTS Â WEB PAGE 2003-2004 Reportwriting guide as well as links to help with grammar, terms, writing skills and reading comprehension. http://members.aol.com/MrHLakeRiviera/language.html | |
76. Education Resources On The Internet - Home Page Buy the Full Desktop Edition of the ONlien English grammar Buy the Full DesktopEdition of the ONlien English grammar WORLD ATLAS Usual price £17.50. http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/ | |
77. Lexicon Of Linguistics Searchable database of linguistic terminology updated with many new terms in the areas of Generative grammar (Minimalism) and Phonetics. Includes bibliography. http://tristram.let.uu.nl/UiL-OTS/Lexicon/ |
78. Welcome To Grammar Rocks...Betty Williams... Features exercises in language arts, reference tools, resource units, web tools, career links, computer help and powerpoint slides. Designed by Betty Williams, Altus Schools in Oklahoma. http://www.intplsrv.net/35bettyj/index2.htm | |
79. EnglishClub.com - World's Premier FREE Site For Learning English Talking Point Homework Hot Links for Learners Lessons grammar Vocabulary PronunciationListening Speaking Reading Writing Interactive Help Desk Games Quizzes http://www.englishclub.com/ | |
80. Liberation Philology lowcost, no-nonsense, user-friendly computer programs to help beginning and intermediate students master the vocabulary and/or basic grammar of a variety of ancient, medieval, and modern languages. http://members.aol.com/libphil/ | |
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