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1. English Works! Grammar: Conjunctions Conjunctions and Interjections. A conjunction is a word that connects phrases,words, or clauses. Conjunctions are often used as transitions. http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/grammar/main/conjunction.htm | |
2. Stufun.com: Grammar: Conjunctions: Main Section: Free Download Sample Exercise. Conjunctions (Joining Words). A table and a chair. There is a table. Wordswhich join two sentences or two sets of words are called Conjunctions. http://www.stufun.com/conjunctions/ | |
3. Stufun.com: Grammar: Conjunctions: Subordinating Conjunctions: Free Download Sam Subordinating Conjunctions. I shall come home after my work is over. Conjunctionswhich introduce dependent clauses are called Subordinating Conjunctions. http://www.stufun.com/conjunctions/subordinating.php3 | |
4. The Write Right Guide - Grammar: Conjunctions Conjunctions. One longrunning debate regarding conjunctions is theuse of words like and, but and or at the beginning of a sentence. http://www.cdtl.nus.edu.sg/wrg/conjunction.htm | |
5. ThinkQuest : Library : Lit Cafe There are two main types of conjunctions coordinate and subordinate. The primaryconjunctions in common use are although, because, however, or, that, when, whereas. http://library.thinkquest.org/17500/data/infobar/conjunction.html | |
6. German Grammar: Conjunctions CONJUNCTIONS. There are two typesof conjunctions subordinating conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions. http://class.georgiasouthern.edu/german/grammar/gr-konj.htm | |
7. Kélen Grammar Conjunctions in order that y are rarely used these days, but the noncoordinating conjunctionstó x 2000, 2001, 2002 by Sylvia Sotomayor Back to Kélen Grammar Home Page http://1elrond.brinkster.net/KRG/conj.html |
8. NHG Grammar: Conjunctions excerpt. Conjunctions. A term used in traditional grammar to includeboth coordinators and subordinators. For interest. Bibliography. http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/jon.west/nhggr/nhggr_conjunction_data.htm | |
9. NHG Grammar: Conjunctions http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/jon.west/nhggr/nhggr_conjunction.htm |
10. Rules Of Grammar Conjunctions. The Groups of Conjunctions. Conjunctions are auxiliary parts ofspeech. 2. Subordinate Conjunctions join clauses of complex sentences. http://webdisk.berkeley.edu/~shorena/conjunction.html | |
11. Scott Foresman Reading: Teacher Resources Grammar Prepositions, 124. Writing Adding Details to Your Writing, 127.grammar conjunctions, 128. Writing Using Conjunctions in Your Writing,131. http://www.sfreading.com/resources/ghbgrd3.html | |
12. Conjunctions Submenu grammar. conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions. Subordinating conjunctions ©. 1997 by Gary Smith http://www.wm.edu/CAS/modlang/gasmit/grammar/conjmnu.htm |
13. Conjunctions for this section on the uses of and, but, and or A University grammar of English extinct,but it is not used nearly as often as the other conjunctions, so it http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/conjunctions.htm | |
14. English Grammar A detailed explanation of all the important points of English grammar. of a sentence. The conjunctions in the following examples are most commonly used coordinate conjunctions are and, but and or may be used as coordinate conjunctions. In the following http://www.fortunecity.com/bally/durrus/153/gramch28.html | |
15. Linda Bryson's List Of English Conjunctions three types of conjunctionscoordinatingconjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinatingconjunctions LEARN MORE ABOUT conjunctions AT grammar Safari http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/bryson.htm | |
16. Preposition And Conjunction Study At English-Zone.Com - Grammar Quizzes And Exer PREPOSITIONS and conjunctions. INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED LEVEL. Coordinating conjunctions- AND / OR / BUT / SO It started to rain, _ Sam got out his umbrella. http://www.english-zone.com/grammar/1preps.html | |
17. English Works! Grammar: Parts Of Speech Source Capital Community College Guide to grammar Writing Adjectives.Reprinted with permission 25 February 2003. Pronouns. conjunctions. http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/grammar/partsofspeech.html | |
18. English - Grammar - Conjunctions: Learn Back. English grammar - conjunctions Learn. http://www.buzzin.net/english/conjunct.htm | |
19. English - Grammar - Conjunctions: Test Back. English grammar - conjunctions Test. Pick out the conjunctions inthe following statements. Click the icon to check your answers. Answer. http://www.buzzin.net/english/conjun-x.htm | |
20. Grammar French grammar Central. With nearly 585 links, this resource is ample material for courses on an advanced college level, and would be particularly good for those studying for exit exams, where a thorough knowledge of structure is required. Present Subjunctive (French grammar Help Online) French conjunctions requiring the Subjunctive http://globegate.utm.edu/french/globegate_mirror/gramm.html | |
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