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61. JAWRA Bibliography For Topical Keyword Grain Crops Kit Links Help Home. JAWRA Bibliography for topical keywordgrain crops. Potential, Actual, and Equilibrium Evapotranspiration http://www.awra.org/jawra/keywords/keygraincrops.html | |
62. OECD Macrothesaurus - GRAIN CROPS OECD Macrothesaurus grain crops. ID 4530 KW grain crops BT FOODCROPS NT CEREALS NT GRAIN LEGUMES RT GRAIN FA 07.07.02 en http://info.uibk.ac.at/info/oecd-macroth/en/4530.html | |
63. Breeding More Productive Grain Crops - Could Selecting The Right Rooting Traits Breeding more productive grain crops could selecting the right rootingtraits help? Vanessa Dunbabin 1 , Art Diggle 2 , Zdenko http://www.regional.org.au/au/asa/2003/c/1/dunbabin.htm | |
64. Government Portal :: Ukraine's Grain Crop Harvest Predicted Fairly Good In 2004 As of early February, Ukrainian farmers stockpiled 1,033,300 tons ofseed materials to sow grain crops, peas and beans (barring corn). http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/en/publish/article?art_id=5071806&cat_id=2307028 |
65. The Land Institute - Breeding Perennial Grain Crops(section 1 Of 3) Breeding perennial grain crops (section 1 of 3). TS Cox, M. Bender, C. Picone, DLVan Tassel, JB Holland, EC Brummer, BE Zoeller, AH Paterson, and W. Jackson. http://www.landinstitute.org/vnews/display.v/ART/2002/06/01/3dcbf8a7874a8 | |
66. The Land Institute - Perennial Grain Crop Research: Experimental Design Perennial grain crop research Experimental design. Some of the perennials ina polyculture of perennial grain crops will be forbs, such as legumes. http://www.landinstitute.org/vnews/display.v/ART/1983/10/23/3e7771c0bd677 | |
67. Marketing Farm Grain Crops-Student Manual Marketing Farm grain cropsStudent Manual This student manual assistsstudents in making and implementing grain marketing decisions. http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/4DACTION/WEB_InventoryIndividualDisplay/1035M | |
68. Marketing Farm Grain Crops-Teacher Guide Marketing Farm grain cropsTeacher Guide This student manual assistsstudents in making and implementing grain marketing decisions. http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/4DACTION/WEB_InventoryIndividualDisplay/1036G | |
69. UQ Gatton Campus, Warming To Impact On Queensland Grain Crops Home » News » Warming to impact on Queensland grain crops. Warming to impacton Queensland grain crops. Printer friendly version Print version. http://www.uq.edu.au/gatton/?page=3651&pid=3580 |
70. Pravda.RU Russian Agriculture Ministry Reports Gross Grain Crops 1240 200209-04 Russian Agriculture Ministry reports gross grain crops. The grossgrain crop will be at least 85m tons in Russia this year, SeniorDeputy http://english.pravda.ru/economics/2002/09/04/35941.html | |
71. Pravda.RU Russia To Boost Grain Crops By 30-40m Tons A Year grain crops may grow by 3040m tons up to 100-110m tons a year, while grain exportsmay total 20m tons, Deputy Prime Minister and Agriculture Minister Alexey http://english.pravda.ru/economics/2003/02/04/42968.html | |
72. AgriUkraine - Gateway To The Growing Agrimarket RF sown areas under spring grain crops smaller this year. Areas under springgrain crops dropped in all federal districts except Southern. http://www.agriukraine.com/news.jsp?id=11641&type=3&lan=3 |
73. UNCRD Bibliography. Subject:Â Â GRAIN CROPS Home. http://www.virtualref.com/uncrd/_sub/s188.htm | |
74. QIANLONG.COM--Beijing Portal--Gov't Plans Make Grain Crops Pay Better Beijing Portal News China China news. Gov t plans make graincrops pay better. Beijing Portal 200403-11 170056. Chinese http://www.beijingportal.com.cn/7838/2004/03/11/1380@1934791.htm | |
75. Gov't Plans Make Grain Crops Pay Better Last updated at (Beijing Time) Thursday, March 11, 2004. Gov t plansmake grain crops pay better. Chinese farmers are receiving ever http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200403/11/eng20040311_137161.shtml | |
76. Gov T Plans Make Grain Crops Pay Better - Macro-Eco Prospective Gov t plans make grain crops pay better. Latest Updated by 200403-11110832. Chinese farmers are receiving ever stronger assurances http://www.newsgd.com/business/prospective/200403110041.htm |
77. Gov't Plans Make Grain Crops Pay Better Gov t plans make grain crops pay better By Zhao Huanxin (China Daily)Updated 200403-11 0116. Chinese farmers are receiving ever http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-03/11/content_313628.htm | |
78. LSU AgCenter College of Agriculture, Crops Livestock. grain crops. Ag Summary forLouisiana Agriculture and Natural Resources. Aflatoxin Production http://www.lsuagcenter.com/nav/publications/graincrops.asp | |
79. FOURTH YEAR OF LARGE GRAIN CROPS WEIGHS DOWN PRICES FOURTH YEAR OF LARGE grain crops WEIGHS DOWN PRICES. Writer Marlene Fritz(208/3644010 in Boise) Source Larry Makus (208/885-6037 in Moscow). http://info.ag.uidaho.edu/news/99october/102299d.htm | |
80. Delta Farm Press: Bin-busting Grain Crops Anticipated Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals Binbusting graincrops anticipated Delta Farm Press, Oct 4, 2002. Byline Lamar James. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HEE/is_2002_Oct_4/ai_92693771 | |
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