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61. InterAction.org | Library The us government made seven commitments, including the establishment of a structureto follow a decision for which InterAction and many other ngos had lobbied http://www.interaction.org/library/mdbeiji1.html | |
62. US Embassy Norway - Services - IRC - US Govt. Web Resources Includes information on links to websites of major us government agencies, InternationalOrganizations, ngos, etc -us newspapers and magazines -Statistics http://www.usa.no/services/irc/govportal.html | |
63. World Tribune.com Palestinians NGOs Not Buying US Anti-terror Palestinian sources said the ngos have been under pressure from to pass a law similarto the us Patriot Act, which would grant the government wide authority | |
64. Will NGOs Save Ukraine? institutions, the us government, various research and think tanks, and numerousfoundations have poured billions of dollars into the creation of ngos in CEE http://www.civilsoc.org/resource/ukraingo.htm | |
65. Donors Shift More Aid To NGOs The us stance is being followed, to varying degrees Nairobi, Kenya, told journaliststhat his government, which spent aid to governments and give more to ngos. http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/subjindx/131ngo.htm | |
66. Africa Recovery/UN/13#1.Aid For NGOs In February us Ambassador to Kenya Prudence Bushnell announced her government wouldnow through nongovernmental organizations (ngos), rather than http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/vol13no1/aid2ngo.htm | |
67. US ECOs Position Paper On Environmental Action Programme For CEE 1. The us nongovernment organizations (ngos), listed below, express our strongsupport for the recommendations and commitments made by the European NGO http://www.ljudmila.org/retina/eco-forum/useapposition.htm | |
68. CFR Publications: NGOs And Governments In A New Humanitarian Landscape be a situation where a group of increasingly marketminded ngos combine and officialwho has spent years both inside and outside the us government noted that http://www.cfr.org/pub6084/arthur_c_helton_gil_loescher/ngos_and_governments_in_ | |
69. Bangkok Post Sept 5, 1998 - NGOs Rally Against Patent Law Changes of the Coordinating Committee for Primary Health Care of Thai ngos said if the Stopdrug price monopoly ; and Enough double standard of the us government. . http://www.cptech.org/ip/health/cl/bangkokpost.html | |
70. January 22, 2000 Letter To Thomas M. Rosshirt, Spokesperson For Vice President G has changed. ngos leave the meeting believing the us government willdo this. The ddI case is considered a very clear cut case. http://www.cptech.org/ip/health/c/thailand/tmr-jan22-2000.html | |
71. NGOS PROTEST US INTERVENTIONS OVER TRIPS ngos PROTEST us INTERVENTIONS OVER TRIPS. Geneva, 30 June (TWN) Over 60 leadinginternational and national nongovernment environment and development http://www.sunsonline.org/trade/areas/intellec/06300297.htm | |
72. The Uribe Government And NGOs in a speech on the floor of the us House of We know that when high government andmilitary Colombia head endangers ngos BBC (UK) Human rights activists in http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/ngos.htm | |
73. Foei: Link Magazine In a briefing to both ngos and industry, the us State Department (the agency DirectEngagement Difficult For FoE us, engaging our government on issues http://www.foei.org/publications/link/98/e982502.html | |
74. Aid Workers Forum: Bush To NGOs: Watch Your Mouths signs. The position being taken by Natsios seems to view ngos ashaving the role of a PR engine for the us government. While we http://forum.aidworkers.net/messages/142/10787.html?1063899109 |
75. Press Releases Of U.S. Mission In Nepal To address NepalÂs weak democratic institutions, the us government worked withthe government, civil society, and American ngos to bolster support for free http://www.south-asia.com/USA/pr_06-25-2003.htm | |
76. SOS Children's Villages: "We've Learnt To Face Anything" Villages to Liberia where violent conflict between government and rebel When theUN and other ngos and the international So you put 150 us dollars in a boy s http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/html/we_ve_learnt_to_face_anything.html | |
77. Women 2000: Beijing +5 - Special Session Of The UN General Assembly, United Nati Events of us government Officials (Please note This schedule Whelan, Deputy Chairof the us Delegation, will Women, will moderate this discussion with ngos. http://www.un.int/usa/00_073.htm | |
78. U.S. To Fund NGOs Providing Assistance To Afghanistan ngos that have never received PRM funding must be prepared to demonstrate that meetthe financial and accounting requirements of the us government, before they http://www.useu.be/Categories/GlobalAffairs/HumanResponse/Feb1103USNGOsAfghan.ht | |
79. US Conservatives Take Aim At NGOs executive director, charged that international ngos supported secession blow in the9th us Circuit Court The government and major business organizations have http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Company/unocal.htm | |
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