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41. NGOS ASSAIL US EFFORT TO DERAIL TOBACCO TREATY Infact joined other usbased ngos including the Last week us Attorney General JohnAshcroft announced Department lawyers for the federal governmentÂs lawsuit http://www.infact.org/5201ngo.html | |
42. Final Text Of Global Tobacco Treaty Important Victory For Global Public Health A Executive Board s debate on a new WHO policy for relations with ngos. has come underattack by food corporations, industry associations and the us government. http://www.infact.org/012204food.html | |
43. 2-Plants: U.S. NGOs Seek Halt To Bio-pharming Field Trials news@xs4all.nl ; Subject 2Plants us ngos seek halt to government regulators haven tlooked at what the impacts Species Act to prevent the us Department of http://www.gene.ch/genet/2003/Aug/msg00012.html | |
44. 4-Animals: U.S. NGOs On GE Animal Report genetnews@xs4all.nl; Subject 4-Animals us ngos on GE underlines the critical needfor the us Food and Union has consistently urged the government to require http://www.gene.ch/genet/2002/Aug/msg00050.html | |
45. AUSFTA: Open Letter To Canberra From US Environment NGOs : Melbourne Indymedia We represent some of the usAÂs largest environmental ngos with a EnvironmentalReview In March of this year, the us government commenced an environmental http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/news/2004/01/60181.php | |
46. Rabble Columns gave a speech blasting us ngos for failing to play a role many of them didnÂtrealize they had been assigned doing public relations for the us government. http://www.rabble.ca/columnists_full.shtml?x=22893 |
47. Advocate No government has done anything to outlaw, sensor or restrict ngos in Barbados. Solong as the poor are always with us, ngos will never be in jeopardy, we will http://www.barbadosadvocate.com/NewViewNewsleft.cfm?Record=17360 |
48. Crusader War College: Palestinian NGOs And US Government Aid October 01, 2003. Palestinian ngos and us government Aid. Memo fromthe Dean Little Green footballs has a post about Palestinian ngos http://www.crusaderwarcollege.org/archives/000075.html | |
49. Crusader War College: Comment On Palestinian NGOs And US Government Aid Crusader War College. Comments Palestinian ngos and us government Aid.Dean Ptah,. I always enjoy your writing, both here and elsewhere http://www.crusaderwarcollege.org/cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=75 |
50. Government & NGOs If you are looking for us government material, be sure to check out theexcellent Web site operated by the government Printing Office (GPO). http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/africana/governme.htm | |
52. United Nations NGOs Trade Personnel With Us Federal Agencies. Nations ngos trade personnel with us federal agencies fit in with the federal government sregulatory agencies federal payroll, even while working for the ngos. http://www.comeandtakeit.com/un-fedem.html | |
53. POLITICS-U.S.: Iraq-Attack Think Tank Turns Wrath On NGOs charged that ngos that received usAID funding for projects in Afghanistan and elsewherewere not giving sufficient credit to the us government as the source of http://ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=18733 |
54. NGOs Attack US Administration For Trying To Block EU Chemicals Bill ngos attack us administration for trying to block EU chemicals bill. The groupshave written to the us government, accusing it of Âintervening in the http://www.edie.net/news/Archive/7525.cfm | |
55. A Joint Effort By Japanese And US NGOs And The Japanese Government TOPICS. A Joint Effort by Japanese and us ngos and the Japanese GovernmentProviding used Bicycles to Teachers in Ghana. Desert terrain http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/oda/summary/1998/t7.html |
56. World Hunger Notes -- USAID Administrator: NGOs Must Promote Ties To U.S. Or W usAID Administrator ngos Must Promote Ties to us government or WeWill Find New Partners . Monday Developments. (Washington, June http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/03/us/natsiosinteraction.htm | |
57. WWF DETOX associations, parents associations and environmental ngos issued a calling on theBritish government to support for European governments to protect us and our http://www.panda.org/campaign/detox/the_solution/ngo.cfm | |
58. Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre For Science And Env Hypocrisy number 1 Rather than critiquing this retrograde, undemocratic and inequitousposition taken by their government and industry, us ngos in particular http://www.cseindia.org/html/cmp/climate/ew/art20001025_3.htm | |
59. Poverty Relief ngos offer us$3.6b in povertyrelief ( 2001-06-11 ) Non-government organizations(ngos) have poured at least 30 billion yuan (us$3.6 billion) in a seven-year http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/chinagate/role of NGOs.html | |
60. Grassroots Who We Are based ngos that expressed strong opposition to the war, have said that they wouldattempt to respond to the crisis, but would not apply for us government funds http://www.grassrootsonline.org/dilemma.html | |
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