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21. [APGR-list] WCAR Onsite Report US NGOs Condemn US DelegationÂs us NGO representatives also denounced us government for sending a very juniordelegation. This, despite their demands to the us government to send a high http://www.isiswomen.org/womenet/lists/apgr-list/archive/msg00219.html | |
22. Palestinian Refugees And NGOs Boycott Aid Of The US Government And USAID assistance and funds provided directly or indirectly by the us government and its 2)Communique issued by the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) PNGO convened a http://www.badil.org/Resources/War_Crimes/Jenin/BADIL Press Releases/press250-02 | |
23. American Birding Association Links: Government Organizations LINKS ORGANIZATIONS. government Organizations / ngos  us / Canada. We dependon users to help us keep the information on these pages upto-date. http://www.americanbirding.org/abalinks/linkspage1c.htm | |
25. US NGOs Criticise Bush Lobbying On EU’s Chemicals Review us ngos criticise Bush lobbying on EUÂs chemicals review. Last modified on October1st 2003. The us government is lobbying the European Union on behalf of the http://www.epha.org/a/790 | |
26. DIOXIN: Request For Help Of U.S. NGOs By IPEN Colleague In Russia I am sending the names and addresses of the us government representatives who fromElena Kolpakova XMozilla-Status2 00000000 To the us ngos Dear activists http://lists.essential.org/dioxin-l/msg01369.html | |
27. U.S. EPA Administrator Carol Browner Meets Chinese NGOs the us environmental protection movement that came into being on the first EarthDay stood on three legs the government, including congress; ngos sometimes in http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/sandt/Epangoca.htm | |
28. PRC Environmental NGOs Part V: China Energy Research Society Like so many other government sponsored ngos , CERS is seminars with foreign governments,ngos, and private society has cooperated with the us Department of http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/sandt/WATT5.htm | |
29. The Globe And Mail gave a speech blasting us ngos for failing to play a role many of them didn t realizethey had been assigned doing public relations for the us government. http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20030620/CONAOMI20/T | |
30. ENN News Story - Business, Labor, NGOs, And Government Find Common Ground To Pro us government must work harder to promote responsible behavior by firms operatingoverseas. The study group included leaders from Fortune 500 companies, ngos, http://www.enn.com/news/2003-11-19/s_10321.asp | |
31. AEGiS-Reuters US NGOs Attacks Bush Foreign Assistance Policy us ngos Attacks Bush Foreign Assistance Policy doing overseas relief work, was scathingin its criticism, particularly of the us government s tendency to view http://www.aegis.com/news/re/2003/RE031034.html | |
32. Gov T Fails To Make Anti-Retroviral Drugs Available - NGOs but they are very expensive, costing between 40 and 200 us dollars a month. NGOsbelieve that the shortage can be reversed if the government acquires cheaper http://www.aegis.com/news/ips/2002/IP021019.html | |
33. US Women Connect of national and local womenÂs ngos have come this country, which are outlined inthe us WomenÂs network to strengthen efforts for government accountability http://www.uswc.org/women2000.html | |
34. BURUNDI-TANZANIA US NGOs Concerned Over Voluntary Repatriation NAIROBI, 15 May 2002 (IRIN) A group of 10 American ngos have expressed United NationsHigh Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the us government, the group http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=27780 |
35. PAI: Resources: Global Gag Rule Guide - Introduction us ngos can continue to perform, counsel, refer, or advocate on abortion with fundsfrom nonus government sources without risking their eligibility to receive http://www.populationaction.org/resources/publications/globalgagrule/ | |
36. Bush Administration Declares War On NGOs gave a speech blasting us ngos for failing to play a role many of them didn t realisethey had been assigned doing public relations for the us government. http://www.organicconsumers.org/corp/bush_ngos.cfm | |
37. International NGOs United Nations, nongovernmental organizations (ngos) and human Coalition ProvisionalAuthorities (CPA) (the us occupiers shadow government in Iraq http://www.actionla.org/Iraq/IraqReport/ngo.html | |
38. ICSS -- About Us A joint governmentNGO assessment is required as to which procedures would surelyde-profitise the ngos in the Where am I? ICSSA Home Page About us Welcome. http://icssa.org/ICSS - theme_Pakistan_govt_vs_NGOs.htm | |
39. US Conservatives Take Aim At NGOs international level that threatens us sovereignty and To them, the international NGOsare pursuing according to Cornell University government professor Jeremy http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0612-09.htm | |
40. Drishtipat :: Voice Of Human Rights In Bangladesh - NGOs To Face New Curbs In Ba Feb 12 (OneWorld) The Bangladesh government is likely curbs on nongovernmental organizations(ngos),amid protests development projects worth us $500 million. http://www.drishtipat.org/nuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=95 |
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