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1. U.S. NGOs Blast Government Stance On Small Arms Click to scroll to commentary. us ngos Blast government Stance onSmall Arms OneWorld us Special Report ^ July 16, 2001. Posted http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/692309/posts | |
2. U.S. Government Assists Angolan NGOs Press Release EMBASSY PRESS RELEASE. For Immediate Release October 20, 2003 us Embassy,Office of Public Affairs. us government Assists Angolan ngos. http://usembassy.state.gov/angola/wwwhsmallgrantsceremonyeng.html | |
3. HIGH LEVEL U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS VISIT DUSHANBE The us government assistance program also includes a large food aid program implementedby the UNÂs World Food Program and several us ngos that support http://usembassy.state.gov/dushanbe/wwwhpr040204.html | |
4. Reuters AlertNet - U.S. NGOs Hail Success In Safeguarding Independence was widely reported to have said in a speech that ngos receiving taxpayers moneyshould start acting more like an Âarm of the us government or risk http://www.alertnet.org/thefacts/reliefresources/108492935415.htm | |
5. Reuters AlertNet - Some NGOs Open Shop In Baghdad, Others Wait In Jordan although us agencies are restricted by their own government s sanctions. This isnot like Kosovo and Afghanistan, where you had several hundred ngos working http://www.alertnet.org/thefacts/reliefresources/590648?version=1 |
6. US NGOs Press Campaign Against Qatar As Next WTO Site - Global the us groups, Qatar would be unlikely to permit ngos and other WTO critics to demonstrateagainst the WTO and its policy decisions. Either the government of http://www.globalpolicy.org/ngos/role/globdem/globprot/2001/0302qata.htm | |
7. Funding For NGOs- Global Policy Forum - NGOs the Âwar on terror. In Iraq and Afghanistan the us government dramatically increasedfunding for private companies in sectors where ngos traditionally work http://www.globalpolicy.org/ngos/role/fundindx.htm | |
8. What Should We Do About The United States? - CitNet Most usbased ngos, environmentalists, consumer sustainable development are frustratedand embarrassed with the actions and attitudes of our government. http://www.citnet.org/files/USNGOStatement-6Jun02.aspx | |
9. Environmental Services, Environmental Consulting In Washington State Provides access to information on government agencies, services, consultants, ngos, and events in this us state. http://www.esdwa.com | |
10. East Timor Action Network Web Page Indonesian ngos Write us government on Military Ties Press releaseon letters Identical letters were sent to Secretary of State http://www.etan.org/news/2000a/ngoltr600.htm |
11. Main Page a government, .. that will respect international laws and norms, . WHATLIES AHEAD FOR THE EUROATLANTIC COMMUNITY. Europe - us. ngos AND ENLARGEMENT. http://www.ngonet.org/ | |
12. OneWorld US - NGOs To Face New Curbs In Bangladesh The Bangladesh government is likely to adopt a curbs on nongovernmental organizations(ngos),amid protests cripple development projects worth us $500 million. http://us.oneworld.net/article/view/79052/1/ | |
13. OneWorld US - Nepal Maoist Threats Prompt NGOs To Retreat According to member secretary of the Social Welfare Council, an apex government bodythat regulates ngos, Prabha Basnet, Local and international ngos require http://us.oneworld.net/article/view/83152/1/ | |
14. US NGOs Press Campaign Against Qatar As Next Ministerial Venue Either the government of Qatar must pledge that free assembly will be respected,including for its own citizens and foreign visitors, the us ngos statement http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/venue.htm | |
15. Africa: NGOs Start Campaign Against US AGOA the us government is having difficulty achieving in the World Trade Organization.Â.The AGOA will also set African countries against each other, the ngos http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/agoa.htm | |
16. Asia Times Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle, suggests that the events may herald a muchmore antagonistic attitude toward ngos on the part of the us government. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/EF14Aa01.html | |
17. Development And Cooperation us ngos are having a hard time with the present government Crisis preventionin Africa  promising progress Cooperation  The path to successful http://www.inwent.org/E Z/content/archive-eng/12-2003/stud_art2.html |
18. US NGOs Call For Review Of Federal Dams Conservation groups urge us government to follow WCD recommendations andbegin monitoring federal dams. us ngos call for review of federal dams, http://www.irn.org/revival/decom/001205.ngocall.html | |
19. USAID/El Salvador - Earthquake Reconstruction: Emergency Operations The United States government responded with over $20 million in emergency relief Inpartnership with six us ngos, usAID provided nearly $7.5 million for the http://www.usaid.gov/sv/er/eremer.htm | |
20. USAID Fact Sheet: U.S. Humanitarian Assistance To Iraq Through technical assessments, prepositioned supplies, and the ability for immediateresponse, the us government, in coordination with IOs and ngos, will work http://www.usaid.gov/press/factsheets/2003/fs030325.html | |
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