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Government Military Acronyms: more detail |
81. Acronyms Dictionary 126. LogisticsWorld acronyms US government and military acronyms. Domain www.logisticsworld.com Added 3/3/2003 - Hits 101. Alphabet http://acronyms.dictionary.kamous.com/translator/reference.asp | |
82. Online_dictionary and meanings. It covers common acronyms, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications, and military acronyms. http://www.onlinedictionary.com/social/acronyms.htm | |
83. The World Wide Web Acronym And Abbreviation Server words. acronyms are included from business, computer science, education, government, military, sports, and many other subjects. A http://www.bowdoin.edu/~samato/IRA/reviews/issues/may00/acronyms.html | |
84. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide definitions. Covers common acronyms, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications, military acronyms. ©1988 http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Reference_Acronym_Finder.shtml | |
85. U.S. Government Commonly Used Abbreviations And Acronyms US government Commonly Used Abbreviations and acronyms. Relations Board NMCS National military Command System NML Register OGE Office of government Ethics OGPS http://bovis.gyuvet.ch/3dict/315usago.htm | |
86. MilSpec Communications / Richard Lacroix's Communications WWW Links area for radios) dead link Canadian Marconi (Look in the Products government area for Journal of Electronic Defense FORCE XXI military acronyms. http://www.milspec.ca/links/mainbk.html | |
87. Reference Works Navy Related acronyms and Abbreviations (Naval Education Training Center). US government and military acronyms (Logistics World). Top of Page . Directories. http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/refworks.html | |
88. The Jakarta Post - Indonesian Acronyms Back to Home Page, Indonesian acronyms, May 25, 2004. DLLAJ, City Land Transportation Agency. DOM, military operation areas. GOI, government of Indonesia. http://www.thejakartapost.com/resources/acronyms.asp | |
89. Military Links military acronyms and Glossaries. Lablink; Tech Connect, gateway for providing Free Air Force technology information to all branches of government, industry, and http://library.afit.edu/subj/milcgov.htm | |
90. AWOL - Encyclopedia Article About AWOL. Free Access, No Registration Needed. Wha acronyms have idiosyncratic pronunciations, like NAACP, which is pronounced N double ACP . Click the link for more information. for the US military http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/AWOL | |
91. Military Acronyms And Dictionary,~INFANTRYMEN.NET, YOUR DIGITAL CONNECTION TO TH Contact Us. military acronyms and Dictionary. Infantrymen s military acronyms and Dictionary page! This page consists of acronyms and words used in the military. http://www.infantrymen.net/military_acronyms_dictionary.html | |
92. Military Acronyms FREE. military acronyms Author Unknown Submitted by Frederick F on 1004-2001 Genre Quickie, Rating 0.02, Suitability PG-13. http://www.funnymail.com/cgi/joke.cgi?category=govemili&id=33612 |
93. Military Acronyms military acronyms Author Unknown Submitted by Frederick F on 1004-2001 Suitability PG-13 Genre Quickie, Rating 0.03 NAVY- Never http://jokes.winamilliondollars.com/cgi/joke.cgi?category=govemili&id=33612 |
94. MILITARY ACRONYMS - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for military acronyms, military acronyms. Shopping online for military acronyms or just looking for more information about military acronyms? http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/mi/military_acronyms/index.shtml | |
95. U.S. MILITARY ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST. data automation ADA name (not acronym) of high MFR multifunction radar MGFEL master government furnished equipment training craft MILSTD military standard MIL http://www.2-sir.com/TwinFalls/acronym6.html | |
96. S:AAB FanFic Flightdeck Mikes, (slang) military term for minutes. REMF, (acronym, slang) Rear Echelon Mother Fucker. The world has its first united government although all states keep http://www.fanficflightdeck.space-readyroom.de/acro.html | |
97. DefenseLINK: DoD Policy For Clearing Electronic Information For The Public DefendAmerica.mil. Transformation. DoD Transformation. News Products. Press Articles. Radio Reports. TV Reports. Subscriptions. Press Resources. Today in DoD. Press Advisories. Press Releases. Contracts. Speeches. Transcripts. Briefing Slides. Subscriptions. Images http://www.defenselink.mil/locator | |
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