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161. Alliance For The Separation Of School & State Argues against any interference by government in education. http://sepschool.org/ | |
162. Citizens For Better Government Gainesville, Florida social group and civic activist organization advocating limited and constitutional government, uncensored news, and individual rights. http://www.coolmedia.net/cbg/ | |
163. Federal, State, And Local Governments - Main Page Census of governments 1992 Â 1997 Â 2002 government Organization government Finance and Employment Classification Manual governments Integrated Directory http://www.census.gov/govs/www/ | |
164. Planning Comprehensive online UK government publication outlining the government's policy on the issue. (1997) http://www.planning.odpm.gov.uk/litc/ | |
165. House Of Commons Science And Technology Seventh Report Light Pollution And Astro A comprehensive report, published by Parliament in 2003, outlining what action needs to be taken by all levels of government to regulate photopollution. Also available in PDF at ./747.pdf . http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmselect/cmsctech/747/74702.ht | |
166. Solutions For Government Solutions for government governments at federal, state, and local levels can achieve their objectives with highvalue, standards-based solutions from 3Com. http://www.3com.com/solutions/en_US/government/ | |
167. Welcome To The Black Vault Large UFO site, with features including scanned pages of official government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, court documents, information on viewing UFO's, and a discussion board. http://WWW.blackvault.com/ |
168. Grandfather Federal Government Debt Report By MWHodges Information on the National Debt, including who the money is owed to, how much worse it is than ever before, how the budget surplus is fake, and how the debt is still growing. http://home.att.net/~mwhodges/debt.htm | |
169. VeriSign, Inc. - Redirect Organizational Performance Management and Balanced Scorecard OUR SOLUTION, pbviews, the leading Performance Management and Balanced Scorecard software solution, helps organizations achieve their http://www.verisign.com/enterprise/government/ |
170. Tennessee Government Main content begins below. government Home government, LOCAL. County and City government Web Sites. Resources for Local and http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/government/ | |
171. GIS For Government GIS for government. GIS technology provides a flexible set of tools to perform the diverse array of functions handled by government agencies. http://www.gis.com/specialty/government/ | |
172. GovernmentBids.com This site consolidates bid opportunities, requests for proposals and requests for information by state. Their resources page has information on learning how to get started bidding and doing business with the government. http://www.governmentbids.com | |
173. Major U.S. Government Sources : UVM Libraries government Information. Major US government Sources. Ben s Guide US government Sites for Kids; Budget of the United States; Bureau of Labor Statistics; http://library.uvm.edu/reference/government/ | |
174. Government Resources Cowles Library Politics and government Page. Quick Links to Operation Iraqi Freedom . General document. National (US) government Sources. General http://www.lib.drake.edu/government/ | |
175. NYC.gov Moreover, New York City ranked 211th out of 230 cities across the nation on the total crime index; in 2002, the city ranked 203rd. http://home.nyc.gov/portal/index.jsp?pageID=nyc_home |
176. Privacy And The Public Sector - Government HOME Privacy and the Public Sector government, Privacy and the Public Sector - government. View printable version of this page http://www.privacy.gov.au/government/ | |
177. Federal Trade Commission - Your National Resource For ID Theft The U.S. government's central website for information about identity theft. http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/ | |
178. AII POW-MIA Site Map A massive POWMIA Archive featuring news, reports, email news network, documents, daily monthly updates, military, government research links, testimony on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea - Cold War, World War II, Russia, China and Iraq. http://www.aiipowmia.com/ | |
179. Washingtonpost.com Computer and technology news from the Washington Post. Categories include Tech Policy, government IT, Markets, and Personal Tech. http://www.technews.com | |
180. Government Of Canada Newsroom Upto-the-minute news releases, media advisories, warnings/advisories, speeches, reports, and other related news resources published by government of Canada organizations. http://news.gc.ca |
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