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121. Minnesota YMCA Youth In Government Model assembly and educational program for youth. Information about the program and upcoming events. http://www1.umn.edu/gavel/ | |
122. Lietuva Internete: On.lt WWW buveiniu registras (index of Websites), WML lapeliu kartoteka (WAP), tiesioginiu paslaugu internetu rodykle (On-line Services), pirminiu interneto http://www.on.lt/ | |
123. AKK Rt. Technical information for resident and nonresident investors. http://www.akk.hu/ | |
124. Kenyaweb::Government government Sections. Office of the President; Office of the Vice President; Ministries; Office of the AttorneyGeneral; Browse government by Category http://www.kenyaweb.com/government/ | |
125. U.S. Government Info - Resources Information and links about doing business with the U.S. Federal, State, and Local government. The information includes contracting, grants, labor, safety, and market research data including all public sectors. http://government.about.com | |
126. AAF | Government Affairs Overview The AAF protects and promotes advertising at all levels of government through grassroots activities. Our nationwide network http://www.aaf.org/government/ | |
127. University Of Sydney Library. Government Subject Guide Extensive guide from Australian National Library to sites and information about world's governments, sorted by country and topic. Includes news and background resources, links and online documents. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/subjects/government/ | |
128. Baltimore City Departments, Text Version - City Of Baltimore, Maryland City Services. government. Mayor. Search. GovEngine.com. Home News government Business Services Neighborhoods Mayor Visitor Search. Webmaster. http://www.ci.baltimore.md.us/government/ | |
129. Issues In Science & Technology Home Page Journal published by the National Academy Press (U.S.) Publicly available archives going back many years from influential people in US government science policy. http://www.nap.edu/issues/ | |
130. ACS :: Government government Overview. governments today must meet the longstanding public-sector demands for economy, efficiency, and accountability. http://www.acs-inc.com/government/ | |
131. Australian Federal Government Home Help . Access to Australian government Information, Most Accessed Sites. Â, Budget Web Site. , government Online Directory. Federal Budget website link. http://www.fed.gov.au/ |
132. National Institute On Aging - NIA government site with information on research and practical resources for the aging population. http://www.nia.nih.gov/ | |
133. E-Government: Startseite Translate this page Balanced E-government, Ein Projekt der Bertelsmann Stiftung. http://www.begix.de/ |
134. School Of Government At UNC-Chapel Hill School of government CB 3330 Knapp Building UNC at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 275993330 919-966-5381 Fax 919-962-0654 Copyright 2002 to present. http://www.iog.unc.edu/ | |
135. Government Auctions; Federal, Auctions, Foreclosures, Seized, Surplus Provides links to government auctions and profitmaking tutorial in exchange for paid membership. http://www.governmentauctionlist.com | |
136. Social Issues & Government - ChristianAnswers.Net Includes questionand-answer sections on government and Politics and America's Christian Heritage . http://www.christiananswers.net/menu-ag1.html | |
137. Welcome To NNFA - Products And Services Information Services Locator, Enter Zip Code. http://www.nnfa.org/services/government/ | |
138. WVU Libraries: Government Documents Welcome to government Information Services. The The unit houses mainly federal government publications and some state documents. We http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/government/ | |
139. The Campaign For Responsible Government--Home Page Blames the separation of powers for political malaise in the United States; advocates Westminster government with American constitutional principles. http://www.geocities.com/~responsegov/ | |
140. Occupational Safety And Health Administration - OSHA HOME PAGE The department of the US government with the responsibility to ensure safety and healthful work environments. http://www.osha.gov | |
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