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1. Federal Government: General Information Resources Federal government general Information Resources. Welcome to the Libraryof Congress page on Federal government general Information Resources. http://www.loc.gov/global/executive/general_resources.html | |
2. Federal Government: General Information Resources Federal government general Information Resources. Welcome to the Library of Congress page on Federal government general Information Resources. This page is under construction. http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/executive/general_resources.html | |
3. Government General - Encyclopedia Article About Government General. Free Access, encyclopedia article about government general. government general in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. government general. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Government General | |
4. Students.gov - Student Gateway To The U.S. Government General information about federal student aid programs (who is eligible and how to apply), tax credits for education expenses, and other federal, state, and private sources of information. http://www.students.gov | |
5. Federal Government: General Information Federal government general Information. Documents Center (onestopshopping from the University of Michigan); Frequently Used Sites http://www.tnstate.edu/library/gov_doc/fedl_gov.htm | |
6. Federal Government: General Information Federal Government Legislative and Regulatory Information. Congress.Org DocumentsLibrarian. Return to Government Information Home Page. http://www.tnstate.edu/library/gov_doc/fedinfo.htm | |
7. Government Information Federal government general Information. Documents Center (onestopshopping from the University of Michigan); Federal Websites in http://info.jefferson.lib.co.us/docweb.htm | |
8. Findlaw's Message Boards - Welcome Politics government general Discussion. F Findlaw s Message BoardsPolitics Government Politics government general Discussion http://boards.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/WebX.fcgi?13.ef0628c |
9. Budget Paper No. 1 — Statement 13: Historical Australian Government Data Table 1 Australian government general government sector receipts, payments andsurplus (a). There is a break in the series between 199899 and 1999-2000. http://www.budget.gov.au/2004-05/bp1/html/bst13.htm | |
10. Government In Latin America - LANIC government general Knowledge; Central Bank; ConsulateGeneral in New York Permanent Mission to the UN; Government of St. http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/government/ | |
11. The Libraries Government Information Federal government general Executive, Legislative, Judicial International Foreign Legal . Federal government general Information. http://www.sheridan.edu/library/research/govinfo.html | |
12. The United States General Accounting Office The United States general Accounting Office Main Page The general Accounting Office is the audit government through its commitment to the core values of accountability, integrity, and reliability. From the Comptroller general http://www.gao.gov/ | |
13. .GOV Registration general Services Administration, GSA, website for domain name registration and related web services for the US government computer system is for the use of the United States government. Unauthorized access, or access which exceeds authorized http://www.nic.gov/ | |
14. Welcome To Directorate General Of Shipping, Mumbai Statutory Maritime authority appointed by government of India under Merchant Shipping Act 1958. Responsible for implementation of the provisions of the act. http://dgshipping.nic.in/ |
15. Philippines General Information With the country's profile, history, economy, politics, government, foreign affairs, and security. http://www.geocities.com/ph_info | |
16. Government Auditing Standards 2003 questions regarding government Auditing Standards call Michael C. Hrapsky SeniorProject Manager, government Auditing Standards US general Accounting Office http://www.gao.gov/govaud/ybk01.htm | |
17. Government Information general and collection information. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/govdoc/ | |
18. GSA - Home (Entry Point) of Performance Improvement. Office of general Counsel. Office of Civil Rights WirelessAcquisitionAircraft ManagementElectronic government and TechnologyFederal Regulation Policy http://www.gsa.gov/ |
19. Delaware.gov -- The Official Website Of The First State government. Visitor, Visitor. Most Popular Sites. Index of State Agencies Divisionof Corporations Division of Revenue Department of Correction Attorney general http://www.delaware.gov/ | |
20. Virtual Australia - Government Administrative divisions, constitution, legal system, executive and legislative branch, political parties, and general information. http://www.virtualaustralia.com/facts/government.shtml | |
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