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161. USA Services - Your "front Door" To The US Government Do you have questions about the current military situation? Please visit FirstGov.gov, the official web portal of the US government. http://www.info.gov/ | |
162. Contact Virginia Government Printable Acrobat PDF version of the State Directory for download (This document is 1.1 MB State government Organizational Chart Hierarchy of State government. http://www.virginia.gov/cmsportal/government_881/government_957/ | |
163. Louisiana Local Governments Index Directory. Law Enforcement. Louisiana Sheriff s Association, Municipal Fire Police Civil Service. Louisiana Tax Assessors, Louisiana State Police. government http://www.state.la.us/gov_local.htm | |
164. Www.state.nm.us/state/phone_idx.html Taiwan eGovernmentYour Location Home directories, Agency. Search Website. . National Assernbly (3), . Office of the President (4). . The Executive Yuan (2673), . http://www.state.nm.us/state/phone_idx.html |
165. 123India.com Government 123India.com, 123India.com Home. http://dir.123india.com/government/ | |
166. Telephone Directory - Home Page Topic. Directory of 800 Numbers for Services Provided by NYS government. Directory of Telephone Devices for the Hearing/Voice Impaired. http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/telecom/ | |
167. United States Congress Pictorial Directory 105th Congress January 1997 Congressional Pictorial Directory (S. Prt. Document 106197) TEXT PDF Our American government (House Document http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/ | |
168. The United States Government Manual - 1998/1999 Thank you for using GPO Access. This page, The United States government Manual 1998/1999, has moved to the new gpoaccess.gov domain. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/browse-gm.html | |
169. WashLaw Web - StateLaw: State & Local Government - Executive, Legislative, And J State Court Directory (The Piper Letter) This site provides links to existing designed to serve as a topical clearinghouse to state government information on http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/statelaw.html | |
170. Government Directory - Local, State, Federal government Directory locate an embassy, congressman, senator, military personnel, inmates, zip code, government contractors, departments, organizations http://www.webweeder.com/government.htm | |
171. :: Kimberley Development Commission (KDC) :: of WA Homepage includes Hansard, Bills, Statutes, Directory of Members. Accessed May 19, 2004 (0100 AM). Title Premier of WA. Owner government of Western http://www.kimberley.wa.gov.au/index.cfm?menu=700&page=links&id=state |
172. Student Government Directory Student government Directory. Weclome, Internet User Print Ready Online Tools. Search Directory Resources. Enter name Find Your Senator(s) Your College http://students.ncsu.edu/directory/ | |
173. Gdir.gits.net.th/ http://gdir.gits.net.th/ |
174. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > ... > United States > Government > Dire Carroll Publishing Directory information for Federal including Defense, state, municipal, and county governments. www.carrollpub.com Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=349252&mode=general |
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