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61. EurasiaNet Environment nation in Central Asia, an analysis of the Since the spill, the government, alongwith its and international nongovernmental organizations (ngos) have urged an http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/environment/articles/eav120799.shtml | |
62. ASTP - PADCO, Inc. analysis of Potential Roles of government and ngos in Providing Healthand Social Services in Armenia. Under USAID Contract No. 111 http://www.padco.am/reports/82.html |
63. IWRAW Asia Pacific Does the government/State party report mention specific Platform for Action thatincludes accountability to ngos? What is your analysis of the efficiency or http://www.iwraw-ap.org/using_cedaw/alternative_guidelines.htm | |
64. A Comparaive Institutional Analysis Of Government, NGO And Private Rural Primary to be achieved in government schools, the utapapers2003_11 Keywords Basic education;ngos. Education, and Welfare - Education - - - analysis of Education. http://ideas.repec.org/p/uta/papers/2003_11.html | |
65. US NGOs Call For Review Of Federal Dams US ngos call for review of federal dams, The federal government owns at least 1932significant dams the development of scientific environmental impact analysis. http://www.irn.org/revival/decom/001205.ngocall.html | |
66. UofT G8 Research Group. Scholarly Paper. Alan M. Rugman. Political Economy Of Th What analysis can be used to explain this dichotomy? Recently, this has not workedas ngos are operating of Canada, (now the Canadian government) Maude Barlow http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/annual/rugman1998/rugman4.htm | |
67. James Ensor Rejects The Institute Of Public Affairs' Criticisms Of Oxfam Communi drive against ngos was foreshadowed in Johns s inaugural paper for the IPA in 1997,Whither Labor? This was an analysis of why the Keating government lost http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=304 |
68. Local NGOs Unhappy About Tangguh Environmental Impact Analysis Tangguh LNG Project Environmental Impact analysis Inadequate for the local administration(Manokwari Local government), the documents as a forum of ngos in the http://www.westpapua.net/news/02/05/080502-lng.htm | |
69. Another Woman Murdered insisting on solutions and pressuring the government to take the evidence to the prosecutor soffice for analysis. It was recommended that the ngos contact the http://www.nmsu.edu/~frontera/old_1998/dec98/feat2.html | |
70. The Czech Government And NGOs In 2001 International Center for Notfor-Profit Law (ICNL), located in Washington, D.C., is an international organization whose mission is tofacilitate and support the development of civil society on a http://www.icnl.org/journal/vol3iss3/ar_pajas.htm | |
71. Introduction To NGOs - Global Policy Forum - NGOs professor, discusses the role of ngos in representing report provides an overall analysisof the accountability, the importance of government partnerships, and http://www.globalpolicy.org/ngos/role/index1.htm | |
72. Research And Opinion On Civil Society a survey regarding the Moldovan third sector given to the general public, governmentagencies and Cemetery Bombing ngos and the Mafia analysis of November http://www.friends-partners.org/~ccsi/resource/rsrchopn.htm | |
73. Japan Analysis Japan ReInvents Inadequate Policies. A major Japanese NGO has recently produced a damning report on Japan's official report to the Convention. The government's analysis of Japan's predicted CO2 http://www.climatenetwork.org/eco/E4Japan.html | |
74. E-Government & Public Sector IT News From PublicTechnology.net Alliance of egovernment suppliers is launched NGOsThe Alliance of eGov Budget analysis,Public Spending by Institute for Fiscal Studies NGOsArticle by http://www.publictechnology.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&cati |
75. ILAB - Analysis Of Issues Raised In Submission 9701: Gender Discrimination And P analysis of Issues Raised in Submission 9701 Gender Discrimination and to the Submission, the government of Mexico fails to 10) The Mexican government recognized that these laws http://www.dol.gov/ILAB/media/reports/nao/9701analysis.htm | |
76. CICE - 1(1) Steiner-Khamsi A microlevel analysis helps us to explain why on external funding from internationalNGOs but, at time, establish alliances with national government officials http://www.tc.columbia.edu/cice/articles/gsk111.htm | |
77. BD: E.Timorese Grassroots Organisations / Organisasi Populer (East Timor) formed by these ET ngos Grupo Alfabetização to establish a democratic governmentof national for Reconstruction Monitoring and analysis / Instituto Timor http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/linksindig.htm | |
78. ICSS -- About Us unfair to criticise either the government or ngos certain directions, away from politicalanalysis toward sentiment On another level, the ngos offer idealistic http://icssa.org/ICSS - theme_Pakistan_govt_vs_NGOs.htm | |
79. JURIST - Lindsey: Indonesia's New Anti-Terrorism Laws - Damned If You Do, Damned Human rights activists, proreformasi (reform movement) leaders and ngos opposedthe dysfunction of the legal system and overt government support for their http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forum/forumnew65.php | |
80. Firstamendmentcenter.org: Analysis take effect for major government departments until considerable criticism from manyNGOs and politicians factual information, its analysis, research findings http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/analysis.aspx?id=11404 |
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