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21. ANALYSIS: NGOs Form Front Line Of US Role In Yugoslav Polls UPI, October 07, 2000 analysis ngos form front line Of US role In Institute forInternational Affairs, one of the US nongovernment organizations that forms http://www.balkanpeace.org/hed/archive/oct00/hed839.shtml | |
22. Business Directory Bangladesh Government NGO Pages Of ngos. Global Data IT Development. I am a forestry graduate from Bangladesh.We are working in the field of statistical analysis of research based data. http://www.bizinfo-bd.com/detail_gov_ngo.php?per=ngos |
23. NGOs And The Peace Process In Angola: Special Reports: Publications: U.S. Instit by either Angolan or international ngos to promote Undertake policy analysis of constitutional,economic, and to ensure that future government policies promote http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/early/angola.html | |
24. About Idasa within the field of new technologies, ngos tend to Human Rights; Land Reform; Landmines;Local government; Media; Political analysis; Poverty Eradication http://www.idasa.org.za/m_main.php?view=2&art_id=889 |
25. About Idasa design and policy processes on all levels of government. a project to strengthen thecapacity of ngos to engage the ECNGOC conducted a needs analysis to inform http://www.idasa.org.za/m_main.php?view=2&art_id=1072 |
26. Anti-Corruption Initiative: Stability Pact For South Eastern Europe ALBANIA. Country Information. government Strategy. Policy analysis. Civil Society.Law. National Contacts. Senior Representatives. Media. Professional Associations.ngos. http://www1.oecd.org/daf/SPAIcom/sitemap.htm | |
27. Governance Resource Centre (GRC) Exchange - Information Database capacity building process, the government and ngos can learn economists capable oftraining others (including government actors) in budgetary analysis; http://www.grc-exchange.org/info_data/record.cfm?Id=15 |
28. The Analysis Of The Current Situation Of Environmental NGOs In Poland THE analysis OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL THE STATUS, THE ROLE, AND THECLASSIFICATION OF ngos. The government is responsible for satisfying these http://www.zb.eco.pl/gb/23/ngos.htm | |
29. AllAfrica.com: Ethiopia [analysis]: Ethiopia: Focus On Constituency Building For analysis December 24, 2003 Posted to the web a new study by Oxfam, most ngos havefailed than advocating change and applying political pressure on government. http://allafrica.com/stories/200312240189.html | |
30. AllAfrica.com: Sudan [analysis]: Sudan: Tens Of Thousands Could Die Of Hunger An analysis May 18, 2004 Posted to the web May 18 The government also frequently impoundsvehicles and holds them access over many months had made ngos fearful of http://allafrica.com/stories/200405180515.html | |
31. IndianNGOs - NGOs In India Conducting training programmes on Computer Applications and Information Managementto senior government officers ;; Data processing and analysis for ongoing http://www.indianngos.com/issue/rural/technology/govt/ciit.htm | |
32. IndianNGOs - NGOs In India in Street Children of Bangalore A Situational analysis (NOIDA government of India DifficultiesEncountered by ngos Every project has its own history and http://www.indianngos.com/issue/child/street/resources/ | |
33. International Budget Project - Related Web Sites Related ngos. IBASE) Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic analysis (in Portuguese forDemocracy in South Africa (IDASA) Â Nongovernment institute in http://www.internationalbudget.org/resources/sites/rel_ngo.htm | |
34. Unity Statement/analysis Of Philippine NGOs, Social Movements On Seattle Below is a joint statement/analysis of various labor groups, people s organizationsand ngos) December 10 the convention hall, the US government and western http://www.jca.apc.org/asia-apec/msg00935.html | |
35. Strategic Environmental Planning Process For NGOs In Botswana and mechanisms of ngos and local communities with government and private sector.Economic issues. Improving economic valuation and analysis of natural resources http://www.iucnbot.bw/pages_sub_dir/sepp.html | |
36. Oxfam - Gender Equality - Gender Budgets: What's In It For NGOs? gender budget work in isolation from government, which results in as a standaloneactivity, ngos can also incorporate gender budget analysis and advocacy http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/issues/gender/gad/gender_budgets.htm | |
37. NGOs In The City - Analysis analysis. ngos over 10 years old tend to perform better than their younger where staffmay be less professional and relationships with local government and CBOs http://www.urbandevelopmentforum.org/NGOsInTheCity/Analysis_en.html | |
38. ISAR Archive Of NGO Reporting And Analysis Take A Journal on Civil Society In Eurasia, a rich source for five years ofreporting and analysis on the Fall 2000 ngos and government Looking for http://www.isar.org/isar/archive/GT/GT.html | |
39. Kazak NGOs Struggle For Influence A comparative analysis of data from 1995 and 1996 a steady decrease in interest inNGOs among expert The same trend is evident among government officials at http://www.isar.org/isar/archive/ST/kazinfluence47.html | |
40. Environmental NGOs Network and actions of the government which leads to distrust and loss of credibility withthe people. Situation analysis. · The activities of the ngos often lack a http://www.iranngos.org/reports/SituationAnalysis/007_14NGONetwork.htm | |
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