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81. Primate Books Recommended By Ark Animals Primate Cognition. Minds of Their Own Thinking and Awareness in Animals Introduction to the primates. Primate Societies. Return To List. gorillas ORANGUTANS. http://www.arkanimals.com/Ecommerce/Books/apebk.htm | |
82. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Gorillas Do Well Despite War They are vegetarians. gorillas, the largest primates, are one of humanity s closest relatives. But all primates are under intense http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1138000/1138283.stm | |
83. BBC News | AFRICA | Keeping Cameroon's Primates From The Pot Change of mind. All said they utterly enjoyed bushmeat. Most were not aware that some primates like gorillas and chimpanzees were protected species. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_1209000/1209338.stm | |
84. National Geographic News @ Nationalgeographic.com Studying how the gorillas and chimpanzees coexist, Stanford found not two, but three, primates struggling together to survive. A Dark Past. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/03/0308_gorillas.html | |
85. 404 (PAGE NOT FOUND) - We Apologise For The Inconvenience..... forest on the slopes of the volcanoes, led by experienced trackers will bring you amongst a family of Mountain gorillas. » These massive primates are extremely http://www.uyaphi.com/GCtoursugandaprimates8days.htm | |
86. Gorilla Help Site: Links To Other Sites Louis, Missouri. World Wildlife Fund Not just gorillas or primates, but a great site representative of a worthwhile organization. Other StrangelyRelated Links. http://www.kilimanjaro.com/gorilla/websites.htm | |
87. Untitled Document Pictures, vocalisations and information on chimpanzees, gorillas, mangabeys, colobus monkeys and other primates can be found at this site. http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~chan/capa/resources/primates.html | |
88. Het "Save The Bonobos !" Fonds Yamagiwa, J., Mwanza, N., Yumoto, T. Maruhashi,T. 1991. Ant eating by eastern lowland gorillas. primates 32(2) 247253. YAMAGIWA http://www.savethebonobos.addwittzhosting.com/modules/motionmill/index.php?iid=7 |
89. The Foraging Behavior Enrichment Of Primates In Taipei Zoo This report is the study results of primates. The Foraging Behavior Enrichment of gorillas, Chimpanzee and Fattailed Dwarf Lemurs. gorillas (Gorilla gorilla). http://www.seaza.org/Conference/7th_conference/scientific_papers/foraging_behavi | |
90. Nat'l Academies Press, Nutrient Requirements Of Nonhuman Primates: (2003), Page Yamagiwa, J., N. Mwanza, T. Yumoto, and T. Maruhashi. 1994. Seasonal change in the composition of the diet of eastern lowland gorillas. primates 35114. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309069890/html/40.html | |
91. The Four Word Film Review gorillas mist. sbudgie Status Movie mogul. Vote, (2), Fossey squats, shits poachers. palefox Status Movie mogul. Vote, (1), Poaching precious protected primates. http://www.fwfr.com/display.asp?id=1720 |
92. International Wildlife: Soldiers In The Gorilla War - Defending Congo's Primates of Virunga National Park brave war and hunger in defense of Congo s rare primates. of the Virunga volcanoes, home to some of the world s last mountain gorillas. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1170/is_1999_Jan/ai_53731234 | |
93. AR-News: Primates: ALERT RE UPCOMING GORILLA SHIPMENT ARNews primates ALERT RE UPCOMING GORILLA SHIPMENT. Four should return to Cameroon I have been following with concern the saga of the Taiping four gorillas. http://lists.envirolink.org/pipermail/ar-news/Week-of-Mon-20031215/013381.html | |
94. Stop The Bushmeat Trade/End Hunting Of Primates! Petition primates! We, the undersigned, call for an end to the illegal hunting of chimpanzees, gorillas and other primates in Africa. The http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/867535375 | |
95. 2/6/2002 -- Smuggling Threatens Africa's Primates keep the gorillas would set a ``disturbing precedent and touch off a flood of similar shipments further threatening the alreadyendangered primates, McGreal http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=11694 |
96. Animal Rights Group Slam Decision To Keep Gorillas In South Africa An international animal rights group on Tuesday slammed a decision to shelter in South Africa four young gorillas from Malaysia, saying the primates should go http://www.terradaily.com/2004/040420163910.40q8bi5a.html | |
97. African Primates At Home African primates at home This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by Indiana University, provides information on primates inhabiting several countries of Eastern Africa. From the home page, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html&a |
98. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Primate Sites Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources Primate Sites NetVet Veterinary Resources Primate Sites http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm&y=0272 |
99. Gorilla Foundation - Koko The Gorilla The Gorilla Foundation, home of Koko the gorilla famous for her sign language skills, is bringing interspecies communication to the public. Help save Koko and other endangered great apes. Ape Linguistics "Sign Modulations of CrossFostered Chimps gorillas" Learn About Koko http://www.gorilla.org/ | |
100. Gorilla Facts? http://www.geocities.com/primatesau/Gorillas.html | |
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