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1. Primates.com : Great Apes : Gorillas : Gorilla Gorilla Primate Info. Gorilla Hotlinks. Primate Species. Animal Rights FAQ. Planet of the Apes. A Gorilla Fact Sheet. Primates and Primatology Hotlinks. Email. info@primates.com. http://www.primates.com/gorillas | |
2. Addison Wesley Longman Math For example, suppose you enter gorillas primates. This search yields only 21 hits. Entering gorillas primates yields approximately 14 400 results. http://www.awl.ca/school/math/link_notice.html | |
3. Primate Photo Gallery: Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orang-utans, Monkeys, Lemurs ENTER. http://www.primates.com/ | |
4. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Primate Sites Laboratory Primate Newsletter; Lemur Gallery (GIF); Lemurcon; Les gorilles (gorillas); Liontailed Macaque, Macaca silenus; Living Species of primates; LPN-L http://netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm | |
5. The Virungas Information about Diane Fossey, gorillas, and other primates as well as links and snailmail addresses for gorilla and primate activist organizations. http://members.tripod.com/~DawnEve/ | |
6. Gorillas - Primates Animals gorillas Created by player dopey0222. Test your knowledge of these amazing primates! http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=119558&origin=5371 |
7. Evolution Of Social Behavior In Primates: Personality Traits Theory based on Mendelian genetics predicts that personality traits can be traced in ancestral hominid lineages. Reference to sociobiology, evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics. primates can be fruitfully analyzed by the model. For example, baboons are primarily PA types (perfectionistaggressive, non-narcissistic). Orangutans and gorillas http://primate_behaviour.homestead.com/ | |
8. Famous Gorillas - Primates Animals Famous gorillas Created by player dopey0222. Test your knowledge on these famous gorillas. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=119568&origin=5371 |
9. East African Research Sites OTHER SPECIES PRESENT, Eleven species of primates live sympatrically in Kibale is the last remaining sanctuary for the endangered mountain gorillas (Gorilla g http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/sites.html | |
10. African Primates At Home African primates at Home. monkeys and apes studied by primatologist Dr. MK Holder in East Africa (Uganda, Rwanda, Zaire) Mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, red http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html | |
11. University Level Course Syllabi The Primates University Level Course Syllabi. THE primates (Anthropology 2011Introductory Level) Colin Groves, Australian National University and transfer by primates, with particular reference to gorillas . http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/syllabi/groves.html | |
12. Untitled Document Primate Facts on Primate and Orangutan Information Centre (Grungy Ape) details on gorillas. African primates at Home by MK Holder fact sheet with sample http://www.szgdocent.org/pp/p-gorilla.htm | |
13. Care2's Race For The Primates Generates a Donation. To Save the primates. Login. Shop to Donate Help protect chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and other endangered primates supported by the Jane Goodall Institute http://primates.care2.com/ | |
14. Signing Primates Signing primates. I am your Guide, From Jamie Berke, Your Guide to Deafness / Hard of Hearing. gorillas and Chimpanzees Use Sign Language Too. http://deafness.about.com/cs/signfeats2/a/signinganimals.htm | |
15. Nat'l Academies Press, Nutrient Requirements Of Nonhuman Primates: (2003), Page 124 in 15th Congress International Primatology Society Handbook and Abstracts . Seasonal change in the composition of the diet of eastern lowland gorillas. primates 35114. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309069890/html/40.html | |
16. Primate Programming(tm) Inc Primate Programming Inc confirms that PPI chimps and gorillas play winning poker against human opponents. Humans and higher primates share approximately 97 http://www.newtechusa.com/ppi/main.asp | |
17. ECES - Endangered Species: Primates (Monkeys, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, list of endangered primates (monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc.) with information and news articles about their status, range, and causes of population decline. not anything close http://www.eces.org/ec/extinction/primates.shtml | |
18. All About Gorillas - EnchantedLearning.com gorillas are primates, advanced mammals from Africa which are in danger of going extinct. Zoobooks magazine for kids! EnchantedLearning http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/apes/gorilla/ | |
19. All About Gorillas - EnchantedLearning.com gorillas are primates, advanced mammals from Africa which are in danger of going extinct. Become a member of Enchanted Learning. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/apes/gorilla/index.shtml | |
20. Meet The Zoo's Western Lowland Gorillas - National Zoo| FONZ History. The Zoo s western lowland gorillas live in two groups. pm. Four baby gorillas have been born at the National Zoo since 1991. http://natzoo.si.edu/Animals/Primates/MeetPrimates/MeetGorillas/default.cfm | |
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