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         Golden Mean Geometry:     more detail
  1. Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition by Kimberly Elam, 2001-08-01

81. AntKnee Cure-Rated
PolyLovely Shareware Program for Constructing Nested Polyhedra; golden mean@;Sacred geometry Coloring Book - for children and adults; taken fromt the Flower
a Sacred Geometry Systems of hidden numbers and formulas. Templates from nature and belief systems and language founded on numeric relationships. Greeks, Jews, Egyptians, Arabians, the Stock Market, Designers, Painters, Musicians. This subject has been around for a while - ever since Islamic people divided a circle in two and further still. I recently used one of the sacred geometric forms to undertake some music and the results were mind bogglingly good. Indian ragas.....murals....check out the links below for your next big project. Most of these links can be found at - an excellent site.

82. Untitled Document Golden Ratio
of successive Fibonacci number ratios is the golden mean. the relation among thegolden Ratio, Fibonacci HSM Coxeter s Introduction to geometry, published by
The Golden Mean I believe that this geometric proportion served the Creator as an idea when He introduced the continuous generation of similar ojects from similar objects. J. Kepler (1571-1630) We start with a problem in aesthetics. Consider a line segment. What is the most "pleasing" division of this line segment into two parts? Some people might say at the halfway point. Others might say at the one-quarters point. The "correct answer" is, however, none of these, and is found in Western art from the Ancient Greeks ownward (art theorists speak of it as the principle of "dynamic symmetry"): A geometric definition can be given in terms of the above figure. Let the ratio x = BC/AB. The Numerator and Denominator can then be taken as AB = a and BC = x without loss of generality. Now define the position of B by Plugging in gives or which can be solved using the Quadratic Equation to obtain This quantity known as the Golden Ratio, Divine Proportion, etc. The quantity where is the Golden Ratio. The golden ratio conjugate is sometimes also called the Silver Ratio. Click on the icon for a GSP scritp to divide a segment in golden ratio.

83. Mathematics Links
and golden Spiral. The golden mean 3 Another investigation of the algebraand geometry of the golden mean. The golden Section Constructing
Golden Mean


Number Theory
Geometer's Sketchpad

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Use Java applets to experiment with the graphs of different curves
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A visual dictionary of special plane curves
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Witch of Agnesi
A really nice discussion of this special parametric curve. Witch of Agnesi A gif animation of the curve known as the Witch of Agnesi. Return to Mathematics Links
The Golden Mean, Rectangle, ... The Golden Mean #1 A nice summary of the golden ratio and its derivation. The Golden Mean #2 Some "golden geometry", Penrose tilings, and Golden Spiral. The Golden Mean #3 Another investigation of the algebra and geometry of the Golden Mean. The Golden Section Constructing the Golden Section The Golden Rectangle Constructing the Golden Rectangle and Golden Spiral The Golden Rectangle Animated Animations illustrating the Golden Rectangle and Golden Spiral The Fibonacci Numbers The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature An interesting and well illustrated site investigating the occurrance of the golden ratio in nature.

84. The Golden Ratio : The Story Of PHI, The Worlds Most Astonishing Number
why so many people see the golden mean in ancient The golden Ratio The Story ofPHI, the Worlds serious lovers of proportion and geometry, architects, mystics
The Golden Ratio : The Story of PHI, the Worlds Most Astonishing Number
The Golden Ratio : The Story of PHI, the Worlds Most Astonishing Number

by Authors: MARIO LIVIO
Released: 23 September, 2003
ISBN: 0767908163
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: You save: Book > The Golden Ratio : The Story of PHI, the Worlds Most Astonishing Number > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
The Golden Ratio : The Story of PHI, the Worlds Most Astonishing Number > Customer Review #1: Remarkable Catalyst for Thought

Author Mario Livio has added another wonderful book that bridges the gap between writings meant for the academic and for the layperson. "The Golden Ratio", was not quite as accessible as some other books that I have read, but it is certainly worth the extra effort even if many of the proofs found at the books end remain a mystery. The book spent a great deal of time disproving the myths of application that have been attributed to the remarkable relationships of the number PHI. Like the more familiar PI it is a decimal that has yet to be proven to ever repeat itself, and it demonstrates its presence both widely and in fascinating manners. Whether or not Mozart used the number or Leonardo DaVinci did, or even if a building long considered to be predicated upon the number truly is or is not, does not detract from the wonders of this numbers appearance.

85. Re: Posting PROBLEM FIXED - Golden Mean - Architecture Forum
make rational some choices has produced any theories, from epicicles, to welds andpassing through golden mean. Aesthetical or sacred geometry theories in the
Message - Re: Posting PROBLEM FIXED - Golden Mean Responses Architecture Forum Architecture Students Architecture Scrapbook ... ArchitectureWeek
Posted by Manuel Oliveros on February 03, 2002 at 09:49:53: In Reply to: Re: Posting PROBLEM FIXED - Golden Mean posted by Paul Malo on February 03, 2002 at 07:56:34: JW, we even don't know what happens truly in a weld, how to say about ideal sizes for families or indiviudals? The need to apparently make rational some choices has produced any theories, from epicicles, to welds and passing through golden mean. Aesthetical or sacred geometry theories in the past were well practiced for the plan and elevation design of many beautiful items, it seems, and so may bear some true value in this sense. But of course only as tools, for it was always design in the end what made it more or less beautiful. By completely discarding such theorizations one would ignore history and maybe would be losing some tool, but it would be equally wrong to discard the programmatic statement (written or not) of a building as an useful tool to ascertain if fit to use.
Search Buildings Architects ... Library Search

86. List Of Mathematical Topics (G-I) At Opensource Encyclopedia
geometry Géometrie Algébrique et Géométrie Analytique geometry of numbers Goldbach sweak conjecture golden angle golden mean golden mean
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87. Golden Ratio -- From MathWorld
as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encounteredwhen taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric figures such as
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Golden Ratio
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric figures such as the pentagram decagon and dodecagon . It is denoted or sometimes (which is an abbreviation of the Greek "tome," meaning "to cut"). is a Pisot-Vijayaraghavan constant . It also has surprising connections with continued fractions and the Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers Given a rectangle having sides in the ratio is defined such that partitioning the original rectangle into a square and new rectangle results in a new rectangle having sides with a ratio Such a rectangle is called a golden rectangle , and successive points dividing a golden rectangle into squares lie on a logarithmic spiral . This figure is known as a whirling square . The legs of a golden triangle are in a golden ratio to its base and, in fact, this was the method used by Pythagoras to construct

88. A Little Geometry
Some golden geometry. Here are instructions for constructing the golden Rectangle,a rectangle whose sides measure 1 and 1.618 Construct a square.
Some Golden Geometry Here are instructions for constructing the Golden Rectangle, a rectangle whose sides measure 1 and 1.618...
    Construct a square. Bisect the square. Draw a line from one end of the bisecting line to one of the opposite corners. Extend the baseline of the square. Using the diagonal line as the radius, drop an arc from the corner of the square down to the baseline. Draw a line from the point of intersection of the arc and the baseline, perpendicular to the baseline. Extend the top edge of the square to meet this line and form a rectangle. This rectangle is referred to as the Golden Rectangle
On to the The Golden Spiral or to the Penrose Tilings Original webpage by Rashomon

89. Mathsoft: Well-known Constants: The Golden Mean, φ
as n approaches infinity, the limit of the sequence of successive Fibonacci numberratios is the golden mean. Nested Rectangles. Here is a geometric connection.,,1941,00.htm
search site map about us  + news  + ... Feigenbaum Constants The Golden Mean, Natural Logarithmic Base, e Number Theory Constants Analytic Inequalities Approximation of Functions ... Math Resources The Golden Mean,
If the left-hand portion is of length u = 1, then the right-hand portion is of length v u , as drawn, is to the whole length u v , as the length v is to u . In symbols,
u v
The positive root of the resulting quadratic equation
a constant which is called the Golden mean or Divine proportion.
The Fibonacci's Sequence
We claim that the Golden mean is intricately related to Fibonacci's sequence:
which can be used to model population growth.
Continued Fraction
f n
All of the resulting fractions are ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers! This motivates the theorem that:
In words, as n approaches infinity, the limit of the sequence of successive Fibonacci number ratios is the Golden mean.
Nested Rectangles
The length and width of the nth Golden rectangle can be written as linear expressions a b Logarithmic spirals are found throughout nature, for example, the shell of a chambered nautilus, the tusks of an elephant and patterns in sunflowers and pine cones. The Mathcad file

90. Golden Mean 3
Again If a straight line is cut in extreme and mean ratio, then as the wholeis to the greater segment, the greater segment is the lesser segment.
Page 1: Intro Page 2: Euclid Page 3: Repeating geometry Page 4: Golden Rectangle ... Page 11: Golden mean and Fibonacci Numbers
If a straight line is cut in extreme and mean ratio, then as the whole is to the greater segment, the greater segment is the lesser segment.

91. Sacred Geometry Of Sekhmet
Swing the compass downward to see it cross the original line at its golden meanbalance. Upper circle will be Sekhmet s Celestial orb. 1. geometry showing the
Drawing the Face of the Goddess Sekhmet using the Geometry of the Square Root of Five and Phi ø by Lady Sekhmet I spent most of 1996 and 1997 working on recreating illustrations for a book on the physics of consciousness. It promised to be a remarkable workrelating the language of emotion to science and to geometrical principles. To be able to accomplish my task, I learned the principles of sacred geometry. Only after I completed my part did I discover the book would not be published and would never be published. For a long time, I stewed in anger, frustration, and disappointment. I was never paid for my efforts. Sekhmet comforted me. She indicated that all was not lost. The gift was in the doing. Did I not gain the secrets of sacred geometry? By going through the entire process of drawing fundamental shapes and relating them to universal concepts, did I not now comprehend everything the author was trying to impart and in fact create images with more precision, more clarity, and more beauty than the author's originals? So it was in September of 1998 that Sekhmet inspired me to create an image of Her based upon the double square. My process appears below:

92. Links
Section. The golden mean and a geometric expansion of a line in theproportions of the golden Section, presented by T. Smith. Another
The Links

The golden mean is a geometric progression employed by the Greek mathematician,Euclid, in the 1st century BC. In practice, however
Laurence Gardner. Bloodline of the Holy Grail
Tradition relates that "Three Tables bore the Grail; they were round, square and rectangular. Each had-the same perimeter, and the number of the Three was Two-One.' This ambiguous description of Tables has served to perpetuate the image of the Grail being an object, such as a cup or platter. The Tables have been likened to those of King Arthur, Grail Castle, and the Last Supper. However, the 2-1 specification is an inherent tabular proportion of the Golden Mean, and has little to do with tables in the utility sense. The Golden Mean is a geometric progression employed by the Greek mathematician, Euclid, in the 1st century BC. In practice, however, it dates back far beyond Euclid to the time of Plato. The Golden Mean has been used as an architectural standard for proportionment, and is used today in sophisticated artwork, framing and design. Roughly speaking, it is a proportion of 5:8, but the precise mathematical ratio is .618:1. The subject is fully covered in Nigel Pennick's Sacred Geometry ch2, pp 25-28.

euclidean like the golden Section which provides extensive information on what Euclidean Geometryreally is. The golden Section, also known as the golden mean and the

95. List Of Posted Documents
bragged when he was first confronted about his lying that he knew that whathe was presenting (particularly with regard to the golden mean and the golden
usr="ctenen"; Tenen v. Winter 6:94-cv-7934
See List of Posted Documents

English Translation (with footnotes)

May 2004
Persons interested in the Heart Tuner, click here

for statements from Rollin McCraty of the Institute of Heart Math

Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona, and

Vinny Pinto, moderator of the
... e-group on Yahoo
Meru Foundation is offering substantial rewards and "finders' fees" for information that leads to the collection of the $140,000 in court costs and interest owed to it by Mr. Daniel E. Winter. If you have done business with Mr. Winter, or have information with regard to his business and/or business partners, please contact for further information. Meru Foundation is also accumulating evidence for possible future legal action (US and world-wide) with regard to Mr. Winter's (and those acting with and for him) new plagiarism and disparagement. If you have purchased copies of Mr. Winter's illicit works, if you have attended presentations by Mr. Winter, or those working with and for him, or if you have other first-hand knowledge or physical evidence of the new and quite obvious works of plagiarism and disparagement, please contact Dear Friends

96. Excerpts From Sworn Statements Of Witnesses
a nearperpendicular manner. It has nothing to do with the golden meangeometry which he is claiming. It is impossible for rotation
EXCERPTS FROM SWORN STATEMENTS OF EXPERT WITNESSES AND FACT WITNESSES The excerpts below are from sworn statements of witnesses, taken prior to June 1998 when USDJ Charles Siragusa issued his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Sworn Testimony of Expert and Fact Witnesses
Excerpted from Affidavits and Depositions, as noted
Compiled by Cynthia Tenen, Meru Foundation, November 1997
Copies of the original documents available on request
[The following persons were scheduled to be expert witnesses on our behalf in our lawsuit against Mr. Daniel Winter. We have sworn affidavits and depositions from them; below are some quotations from the body of their testimony, and their conclusions.]
Louis H. Kauffman, Ph.D.
Mathematics: Full Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago. One of world's foremost experts in topology and knot theory. From the Affidavit of Louis H. Kauffman, Ph.D., 11 November 1994:
Quotation: Page 2, line 21 through Page 3, line 9:
"I have examined Mr. Winter's book, "Alphabet of the Heart," and his CD-ROM for Macintosh, "The Language of Geometry Animated," as well as Macintosh disks which were the precursors of the CD-ROM and contain much of the same material. In my opinion it is abundantly clear that Mr. Winter was inspired by Mr. Tenen's work to create a three dimensional computer image (using the program Aldus Super 3-D) that copies as best he could manage Mr. Tenen's design for a "flame letter" that projects the different letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I am fully aware that this flame letter is Mr. Tenen's individual design, as I had the honor of watching him evolve this design over the decade of the 1980's."

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