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81. Encyclopedia Smithsonian Encyclopedia Smithsonian Features People Important to the California gold rush. Levi Strauss. and extensive informationon Native Americans, covering the history Leaders of the Oglala Lakota http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Pioneers.html | |
82. Surfing The Net With Kids: Gold Rush -- The Best Gold Rush Sites For Kids, Teens most celebrated mass migrations in US history. The San examination of some the thorniergold rush issues such as the devastation of native Americans by disease http://www.surfnetkids.com/goldrush.htm | |
83. Book News: More Losers Than Winners In Gold Rush | AMERICAN WESTERN MAGAZINE - R others of its kind had the goldrush story been is rare indeed to encounter a historybook written the express written permission of american Western Magazine http://www.readthewest.com/BookNewsElDorado.html | |
84. Gold Rush Studies With Mother Lode's Outdoor Education Program Based Learning, Natural history, Riparian Habitat Conservation Awareness, NativeAmerican Culture, Nisenan gold Discovery, gold rush history, Geology Programs http://www.malode.com/outdooreducation/goldrush.html | |
85. America: A Narrative History, Brief 6th Edition - Digital History Center Read California gold An Authentic history of the View Sutter s Mill, AmericanRiver (submerged), Coloma vicinity View Packers on trail, gold rush in the http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america6_brief/dig_hist/goldrush/ | |
86. What Was The Gold Rush William Sound Region was the Klondike gold rush of 1897. An All american route tothe gold fields was by steamship companies as the All american route to the http://www.alaska.net/~vldzmuse/whatwas.htm | |
87. Web Site Review The Journal Of American History, 88.3 The linking the references to African Americans, Californios/Latinos legacy of the CaliforniaGold rush in a Californians and others interested in their history. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/88.3/wr_1.html | |
88. Gold Country, California Gold Rush History Discover how the historical landmarks of our area weave a tapestry of gold rushhistory. Learn about the Native Americans who lived in Nevada County for http://www.ncgold.com/goldrushtown/ | |
89. A Brief History Of The S.S. CentralAmerica The most talked about treasure in american history, tons of California gold Rushera gold coins and gold bars from the fabled 1857 voyage of the SS Central http://www.sscentralamerica.com/history.html | |
90. All About The Gold Rush All about the gold rush. Preface. The gold rush and the american Dream. http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/allabout.html | |
91. American History Throws, Historic Tapestry Afghans, History Throw Blankets, Amer american history and Historic Throw Blankets. America was built on wars, civil andinternational, gold rushes, farming, and cultural influences from all over http://www.cindysthrows.com/americanhistoryblankets.cfm | |
92. ALHN Topics - Home Help Wanted. gold rush. Help Wanted. The Great Land rush. Help Wanted. Oregon Trail.Help Wanted. Fred Smoot. Native american and First Nations. Help Wanted. http://www.alhn.org/topic/ | |
93. WayBack . Gold Rush . Teachers And Parents | PBS Kids For Parents The gold rush is a very exciting episode in Americanhistory. You can explore this site together and then visit the http://pbskids.org/wayback/goldrush/tp.html | |
94. Gold Rush! California 039;s Untold Stories gold rush! California 039;s Untold Stories Students from elementary to high school can learn more about California apos;s stories, art, and photographs from the gold rush period. Celebrating the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/index.html& |
95. American History From About Make this your home for american history on the Internet. Find informative articles, great content and reviewed sites to give you the best american history resources the web has to offer. You are http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://americanhistory.about.com/&y=02D693B |
96. Gold Rush! California's Untold Stories, Oakland Museum Of California. On January 24, 1848 James Marshall discovered gold at Sutter s Mill,touching off the California gold rush. On the 150th anniversary http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/ | |
97. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - American History Academic Info US history Home Page Index a wellchosen list of linksto support the teaching of american history; arranged by time period. http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/history/hista.html | |
98. Gold Rush Handbill, 1849. Select a New Teaching Politics Destination. gold rush handbill, 1849. http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/thumbnail163.html | |
99. California Gold Rush! CALIFORNIA S INDIANS AND THE gold rush By Clifford E. Trafzer. Tracing the historyof the Native Americans who lived in the Mother Lode region, this unique http://www.educationplanet.com/articles/goldrush.html | |
100. U.S.A History - Image Archives - Public Domain american history Public Domain Images. american history Links - Public DomainImages. american history July 1942 United We Stand - Smithsonian exhibit. http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/histlink.htm | |
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