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1. California's Natural Resources: A Brief History Of The Gold Rush The California gold rush. In January of 1848, James Marshall had a work crew camped on the american River at Coloma near Sacramento. The crew was building a saw mill for John Sutter. http://ceres.ca.gov/ceres/calweb/geology/goldrush.html | |
2. San Francisco History By Subject - Museum Of The City Of San Francisco 1849 California gold rush. history of the San history of San Francisco gold rushera Street Names, by Henry C. Carlisle. From the Diary of Alvin Coffey, African american http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist1/index0.1.html | |
3. U.S. History Lesson Plans The Colonies and Independence (3rd) Peg's american history Unit Colonies. When Travelers Meet Lesson Plan/Simulation See Also Native american lesson plans. gold rush. Lesson Plans http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/American.html | |
4. Colorado Historic Sites - Gold Mines Information on a tour focusing on the gold rush history in Colorado. http://www.web-xpres.com/stcfgeagles.htm | |
5. Chinese American History Timeline Timeline covers the major events in Chineseamerican history from the California gold rush of 1848 to the Immigration Reform Act of 1995. http://online.sfsu.edu/~ericmar/catimeline.html | |
6. Today In History: January 24 construction of a sawmill on the american River Brown, California gold; An AuthenticHistory of the The gold rush began in earnest only after President James http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jan24.html | |
7. GOLD RUSH HISTORY gold rush history. GENERAL. Welcome to the gold rush. gold rush history Alliance. gold Fever The Great american gold rush / Recreation of a placer miner http://www.malakoff.com/gorh.htm | |
8. PBS | History | United States House Crucible of Empire The Spanishamerican War Death of Century Frank Lloyd WrightFreedom A history of US Blood Goin to Chicago The gold rush The Good http://www.pbs.org/history/history_united.html | |
9. California Gold Rush - Gold Rush Of 1849 the gold rush Learn about the history behind the experience between the time of thegold rush and turn through the Library of Congress american Memory Project http://americanhistory.about.com/cs/goldrush/ | |
10. The Klondike Gold Rush: Curriculum Materials For The History Of The Pacific Nort The Klondike gold rush Curriculum Materials for the history of the Pacific Northwest in the Washington Marks, Paula Mitchell, Precious Dust The american gold rush Era, 18481900 http://www.washington.edu/uwired/outreach/cspn/curklon/main.html | |
11. Going To California: 49ers And The Gold Rush However, the impact of the gold rush on american history cannot be overestimated.The gold rush reinforced the idea of Manifest Destiny. http://americanhistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa090901a.htm | |
12. Gold Rush History Links Miscellaneous African american Rights During the gold rush The Bear Flag Republic We are Republicans The Bear Flag Revolt - California history The Bear Flag http://malakoff.com/goldcountry/history.htm | |
13. Gold Rush History Links gold rush history Links. The Discovery of gold African american Rights During the gold rush. The Bear Flag Republic http://www.malakoff.com/goldcountry/history.htm | |
14. Gold Rush Book Store: Gold Rush History $23.75 California gold rush Search for Treasure by Catherine E. Chambers PB, 32pages, (Out of stock) The California gold rush in american history by Linda http://malakoff.com/bscat4.htm | |
15. The Overland Trail--Trails To The Gold Rush (Last Updated 6/09/02) farmlands of California during the 1840 s and 1859 s, the greatest mass migrationin american history. The Days of 49 A Song of the gold rush; The Discovery of http://www.over-land.com/trgold.html | |
16. Asian-American History Asianamerican history. After the California gold rush brought thousands of Chineseto California, however, Asian immigrants faced restrictive laws and http://www.infoplease.com/spot/immigration1.html | |
17. Asian-American History Timeline Heritage Month. Timeline Asianamerican history Asian immigration to America, 1600sto Top. 1848, California gold rush attracts Chinese prospectors. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/asiantimeline1.html | |
18. Idaho Mining Association : History one of the largest migrations in american history, and it It s a history of goldendreams and silver The Idaho gold rush also attracted merchants who set up a http://www.idahomining.org/history.html | |
19. Dahlonega Gold History operated during America s first gold rush, were in produced relatively lowmintagegold coins with the most turbulent conflict in american history, the Civil http://www.dahlonegagold.com/dghist.htm | |
20. The Gold Rush Of California No, it is not easy to ignore such a defining moment in western american history.The gold rush has really never lost its attraction, its excitement. http://wwwlibrary.csustan.edu/bsantos/goldrush/GoldTOC.htm | |
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