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1. Ag Links By Tom Hodges sensors list ecolagric ecol-agric@mailbase.ac.ul Quality, Non-point pollution goats Goat Management bugnet Integrated the USENET groups alt.sustainable.agriculture. sci.agriculture http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/4984/aglink.html | |
2. 4/08/04 601 Pm WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE All Bills By Sponsor H Approp 0210-2003 SHB 1147 Youthful offender sntcng alt H Approp 02 01-15-2004 HB2525 Harbor lines H agric NR R 02-06-2004 HB 3162 @ Theft of goats H agric http://www.leg.wa.gov/pub/member/sponsor/house/delvin_sponsor.txt |
3. FDA/CFSAN - Background Paper In Support Of Fumonisin Levels In Animal Feed 4 cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants that are in the kidney; serum alt and AST were well within of equine leukoencephalomalacia. J agric Food Chem, 39 109111 http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/fumonbg2.html | |
4. SUSAG 520 J. of alt. agric. 10(3)129132. Ikerd, JE 1998. Homework 2 nd Stella (pig)assigned. Thursday, September 11 Sheep and goats Dan Morrical. Readings http://www.sust.ag.iastate.edu/gpsa/courses/susag515/SUSAG515Syllabusnew.htm | |
5. Agriculture information on breeds of horses, cattle, goats and swine. of agriculture, WA http//www.agric.wa.gov.au lowlinecattle http//www.agriculture.net.au/alt.html. http://www.athertonshs.qld.edu.au/library/Agric.htm | |
6. Subject Listings www.agric.gov.ab.ca/navigation/livestock/ poultry/index.html. Alberta agriculture Food and Rural Development Sheep/goats http//www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/alt-ag. htm http://www.central.agnic.org/subject-listing/animals.html | |
7. Acta Universitatis... 3/2000 Comparing average length mohair of castrates was longer than goats. pCO 2 (4.84 mkPavs 5.23 kPa), significantly higher (P 0.01) activity alt m(1.10 ukat agric. http://www.mendelu.cz/veda/acta/ac300.htm | |
8. Sonomic Samples, Sound Effects And Multi-Samples Download Sound Effects Animals Farm Animals goats. Sound Effects Animals Sound Effects containing the word agric. Sound Effects Samples containing the word alt. Sound Effects containing http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.sonomic.com/index.html&y=0292CEB |
9. New Riders' Offical WWW Directory, 5th Edition Agriculture agriculture. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization. Daniel Webster. Interested in the land? Farming? Crops? alt.agriculture.misc. alt.business.importexport.food. alt sending the message "sub agric-L your name" to listserv sending the message "sub goats your name" to listproc@listproc http://www.bbs.ingedigit.com/sites/STANDARD/ag-fi1.htm |
10. Subject Listings Accessible from http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/navigation deer; elks; culinary herbsand spices; alternative farming; goats;. www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/altag.htm. http://www.central.agnic.org/subject-listing/Animals.html | |
11. Llama And Alpaca Farming This paper discusses considerations for raising llamas and alpacas, including regulations, marketing, nutrition, reproduction, handling, shelter and health concerns. schools, and guardians for sheep or goats. Livesale uses available at http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/agdex/400 http//ndsuext.nodak.edu/extpubs/alt-ag/ llama.htm. http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/llamaalpaca.html | |
12. Orf Orf (n.). alt. of Orfe Contagious Ecthyma Orf in Sheep and goats Contagious EcthymaOrf in Sheep and goats. http//www.gov.nf.ca/agric/pubfact/orf.htm 7 KB. http://www.thebigletterlist.net/word/o-Orf.html | |
13. Open Courses List 1150A 1137 PLESC 30958 AMR 190 Seminar on alt Ag F 0600P 209 WELLMN 32803 ARE 106Quant Methods agric Econ MWF 0 DAIRY 31446 ANS 049D Animal Prac/goats R 1000A http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/ocl/opencourses.html | |
14. CAE - CAPRIN Artritt Encefalitt Infeksjon Hos Geit at økningen i forekomst av seropositive geiter med alder virket uttalt alt i besetninger Controlof caprine arthritisencephalitis in goats. J. agric., West. http://leine.no/vet/gs/sjukdom/geit/cae/cae-bekjemp.htm | |
15. Polemoniaceae To Zygophyllaceae roadsides, field borders, canal banksEaten by goats , Medit, W 95% 7% in dark, 100%germ with alt. a digestibility of only 60% limit gastric problems; agric. http://agspsrv34.agric.wa.gov.au/progserv/plants/weeds/weeds/pole_z.htm | |
16. Untitled Document http//www.awionline.org/farm/altfarming.html pig-farm. goats, Horses,Quails, Pigs, Sheep. http//www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/138. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/swinehousing/web.htm | |
17. Compost: Application And Use, QB 97-01 Descriptors goats; animalmanures; composts; additives; pennisetum-purpureum Singh,CP; Amberger, A. Am-J-altern-agric. alt, D.; Peters, I.; Fokken, H. Commun http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/qb9701.htm | |
18. Llama And Alpaca Farming for nursing homes and schools, and guardians for sheep or goats. It is also availableat http//www.agric.gov.ab at http//ndsuext.nodak.edu/extpubs/altag/llama http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/llamaalpaca.html | |
19. Index Of /pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-resources culture.openair.. 08-Nov-1995 0000 2k alt.logcabin.home 24 lst 17-Sep-1993 000012k ecol-agric.mailing-list on-t.. 17-Mar-1995 0000 3k goats.mailing-list http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-re | |
20. Yellow Page Listings For: Soggy Cereals , RF Welding, Sintering, Heat Sealers, I storage Conditionin URL http//www1.agric.gov.ab.ca 0204 Meat of sheep or goats,fresh, chilled Newsgroups available under alt Newsgroups available under alt http://listings.rf-service-place.com/search.cgi?Terms=soggy cereals |
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