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41. This Page Has Moved global warming (The Warming of the Earth) The Woods Hole Research Center http://www.whrc.org/globalwarming/warmingearth.htm | |
42. University Of Cambridge, DAMTP Polar Ocean Physics Group The overall aim of this project is to explore, simulate and design an acoustic concept for longterm monitoring of the ocean temperature and ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean for global warming detection. http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/sig/amoc_fnd.htm | |
43. Welcome To CoolAction.com Enables individuals and organizations to purchase greenhouse gas emission reductions to combat global warming and benefit the environment. http://www.coolAction.com/ | |
44. GWIC The 14th global warming International Conference and Expo BOSTON May 2729, 2003 - REGISTRATION - DEADLINES The 12th global warming International Conference http://www.globalwarming.net/gwnew/default.asp | |
45. CNN.com - Nature - Texaco Quits Global Warming Group - March 1, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/03/01/tex.climate/index.html | |
46. Global Warming global warming. If some environmentalists are to be warming poses a threat to humanity. Articles about global warming on this site http://www.skepticism.net/faq/environment/global_warming/ | |
47. CNN.com - Nature - Arctic Trek To Monitor Global Warming - June 12, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/NATURE/06/12/arctic.trek/index.html | |
48. CNN.com - Nature - Vicious Cycle: Global Warming Feeds Fire Potential - November CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/11/02/global.warming.enn/index.html | |
49. Poll Most In U.S. Say Global Warming A Problem CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/04/02/global.warming.poll.ap/index.html |
50. U.S. To Take More Heat On Global Warming At G8 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/04/11/canada.environment.reut/index.html |
51. Small Island States Urge Action To Check Global Warming CNN http://cnn.com/2001/NATURE/01/15/cyprus.smallislands.ap/index.html |
52. What's Up With The Weather? This NOVA Online and FRONTLINE report examines the science and politics of global warming and what climatologists really know about the greenhouse effect. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/warming/ | |
53. CNN - Scientists See If Global Warming Causes Hurricanes - September 17, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/NATURE/9909/17/floyd.global.warming/index.html | |
54. The EPA Global Warming Kids PageCarbon Cycle Animation Animations of how global warming occurs and how it is linked to the carbon and water cycles. http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/kids/carbon_cycle_version2.html | |
55. Global Warming -- Environmental News Network global warming and Climate Change. An ENN Indepth Report. Human impact how we trigger global warming, and what each individual can do about it http://www.enn.com/indepth/warming/index.asp | |
56. Japan Ratifies Kyoto Pact On Global Warming CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/06/04/japan.kyoto.ratification.reut/index.html |
57. An End To Global Warming Hydrogen fuel plays a significant role in a plan to eliminate global warming before 2060. This book attempts to justify the need and describes the Author's plan of implementation. http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/6/2/3/4/0/8/index.htt | |
58. Www.arm.gov/docs/education/ More results from www.arm.gov global warming, photography, pictures, photos, climate change global warming photography photographs of global climate change in the Arctic, Antarctica, glaciers, temperate climate zones, rising seas. http://www.arm.gov/docs/education/ |
59. Race To Stop Global Warming Green House Network invites you to join with the thousands of participants who support solutions to global climate change. http://www.racetostopglobalwarming.org/ | |
60. UNDO IT Join the 51 Club We need 51 Senate votes to pass the McCainLieberman Climate Stewardship Act the most important global warming bill ever introduced in http://www.undoit.org/ | |
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