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121. Carlson School Of Management Home Page The mission of the Carlson School of Management is to advance the practice of management in the context of a global economy with increasing technological and social change. http://www.csom.umn.edu/ | |
122. MarClim - Marine Biology And Climate Change Uses novel syntheses of existing longterm data on temperature-sensitive, readily observed intertidal climate indicator species to make predictions on changes in coastal diversity that may result from global warming. http://www.mba.ac.uk/marclim/ | |
123. World Wildlife Fund - Global Warming And Climate Change Features information and breaking news on climate change, with a focus on resources and actions you can take to help stop global warming. http://www.worldwildlife.org/climate/climate.cfm |
124. DRI Home Page affiliated with University of Nevada; research programs focus on water resources and air quality, global climate change and the physics of the earth's turbulent atmosphere, and humanity's historic struggle to adapt to harsh environments. http://www.dri.edu/ | |
125. Global Climate Coalition Is The Voice Of Business And Industry On Global Warming Lobby group formed in 1989 to provide a voice for industry and in particular the oil industry - in the debate on climate change and global warming. Seeks to discredit human-induced climate change theories and argue against CO2 reduction. http://www.globalclimate.org/ | |
126. Arctic Climate System Study The scientific goal of this study is to ascertain the role of the Arctic in global climate change. Site includes a summary of the objectives and a diagram of the organisations structure. http://acsys.npolar.no/ | |
127. International Arctic Research Center Home Page The primary goals of the IARC are to study arctic climate change and its global feedbacks and consequences and to plan and carry out international cooperative arctic research of the highest possible quality. http://www.iarc.uaf.edu/ | |
128. CIESIN Agriculture Guide CIESIN Thematic Guides. AGRICULTURE. AND global ENVIRONMENTAL change. Welcometo the CIESIN Thematic Guide on Agriculture and global Environmental change. http://ciesin.columbia.edu/TG/AG/AG-home.html | |
129. Center For Energy And Environmental Studies - Boston University Undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental policy, environmental science, remote sensing, energy analysis, international relations and policy. Research on global climate change, energy flow modeling and indicators on sustainable development. Includes course contents, international options, project on human development. http://www.bu.edu/cees/ |
130. NASA Goddard Institute For Space Studies This NASA research institute subdivision of the Goddard Space Flight Center is located near Columbia University in New York City. GISS is primarily engaged in studies of global climate change. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/ | |
131. Global Environmental Change Programme Home Page This is the home page of the global Environmental change Research Programmeof the United Kingdom s Economic and Social Research Council. http://www.susx.ac.uk/Units/gec/ | |
132. Business Simulations & Business Acumen By BTS global business and technology consultants, supporting leading corporations in implementing change and profit improvements. Specialized in developing and delivering workshops containing tailormade business simulations IT based or manual. http://www.btsgroup.com/ | |
133. Human Dimensions Of Global Environmental Change Discussion List Mailing list subscription information and link to archives. http://sedac.ciesin.org/home-page/hdgec.html | |
134. Stormy Weather - EarthFuture Companion site to the book of the same name. Offers information on climate change, and tips for individuals, companies, municipilaties, governments and developing nations to counter this issue. http://www.earthfuture.com/stormyweather | |
135. Center For Environmental Prediction Homepage Specializes in research and education in regional and global environmental prediction, particularly with reference to climate change modeling. http://www.cep.rutgers.edu | |
136. The Global Warming Information Center Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact sheets, media kits, research, and links critical of the manmade climate change orthodoxy. http://www.nationalcenter.org/Kyoto.html | |
137. One World Journeys Mercury Rising Bearing Witness To Climate Join the digital journalists from OneWorldJourneys.com as they webcast from CostaRica and discover how global warming and climate change is impacting the http://www.oneworldjourneys.com/climate/ |
138. Alexander Shlyakhter's Home Page: Variation Of Fundamental Constants; Neutron Ac Researcher at Harvard University. Interests include variation of fundamental constants, nucleosynthesis, neutron cross sections, radiation risk, uncertainty analysis, risk analysis, monte carlo simulation, and global climate change. http://sdg.lcs.mit.edu/~ilya_shl/alex/ | |
139. CBL - File Not Found a research program organized by oceanographers and fisheries scientists to address the question of how global climate change may affect the abundance and production of animals in the sea. http://cbl.umces.edu/fogarty/usglobec/ | |
140. Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies To Reduce Greenhouse Gases A review of market based initiatives to combat global warming, including tradeable permits and carbon taxes. http://www.policyalmanac.org/environment/archive/crs_climate_change_market.shtml | |
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