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61. Global Change And Health Home global change and health. The programme on global Environment and Health,1999. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about global change and health. http://www.euro.who.int/globalchange | |
62. Northern Global Change Research Program - USDA Forest Service The Forest Service goal for global change research is to establish a sound scientificbasis for making regional, national, and international resource http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/global/ | |
63. Alt.global-warming FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions An archived Usenet FAQ. http://www.inch.com/~matty/agwfaq.html | |
64. Pacific Institute: Global Change global change. Program Directors environment. These include global climatic change,ozone depletion, deforestation, and extinction of species. Growing http://www.pacinst.org/global.html | |
65. Human Dimenions Of Global Change Specialty Group The Human Dimensions of global change Specialty Group is organized to promote thevaried interests of geographers who are united by research, teaching, or http://www.essc.psu.edu/hdgc/ |
66. Centre For Climate And Global Change Research This is the front page of the Centre for Climate and global changeResearch website within the McGill University Gateway. http://www.mcgill.ca/ccgcr/ | |
67. CORDIS FP6: Find A Call Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Call for Proposals, FP62002-Global-1CLOSED, Thematic call in the area of global change and Ecosystems. http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_activity.cfm?ID_ACTIVITY=315 |
68. GCSI - Global Change Strategies International Inc. GCSI global change Strategies International Inc. is a Canadian companythat brings together a wide range of environmental, engineering http://www.gcsi.ca/ |
69. IHDP - International Human Dimensions Programme On Global Environmental Change, Translate this page IHDP is also a scientific sponsor of the global change System for Analysis, Researchand Training (START) and collaborates with intergovernmental bodies, such http://www.ihdp.uni-bonn.de/ | |
70. Global Change Course At Iowa State University Welcome to the global change Course at Iowa State University. Public accesspage. Contributing Members of the ISU global change Course Team, Hot links. http://www.iitap.iastate.edu/gcp/ | |
71. A Carfax Publishing Title: Global Change, Peace & Security - Formerly Pacifica R global change, Peace Security formerly Pacifica Review Peace, Security global change. Editors Shahram Akbarzadeh, School of http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14781158.html | |
72. Paleoclimate, Greenhouse Warming, El Nino & Climate Change The El Nino section has numerous links to the latest mpeg el nino movies.Includesglobal change database and global change search engine. http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/html/globalchange.html | |
73. Aspen Global Change Institute The Aspen global change Institute is a nonprofit dedicated to furthering the understandingof Earth systems through interdisciplinary science meetings http://www.agci.org/ | |
74. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Global Change articles dealing with the interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere,and biosphere in the context of global issues or global change. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/g/globalchange.htm | |
75. Global Change /Climate Change NASA Facts. Global Warming. global change/Climate Change. The predictionof climate change due to human activities began with a prediction http://www.maui.net/~jstark/nasa.html | |
76. Global Change Expeditions Listing of Earthwatch global change volunteer expeditions. Sign upto join an expedition today! global change expeditions, Climate http://www.earthwatch.org/subject/global.html | |
77. Www.icsea.or.id/ DEVELOPMENT, global change, AND THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTHome. DEVELOPMENT, global change, AND THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTBy Gretchen C. Daily Paul R. Ehrlich. Paper global change. Homo http://www.icsea.or.id/ |
78. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Performs science investigations of atmospheric radiative, chemical, and dynamical processes for understanding global change and quantifying human impact on the atmosphere. http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/ASDhomepage.html |
79. GLOWA - Global Change In The Hydrological Cycle The BMBF launched GLOWA on December 10, 1998. ©20032004 GLOWA - global changein the Hydrological Cycle Last Update 5/24/04 Webdesign art180. http://www.glowa.org/ | |
80. Global Change At The National Academies Our activities in the broad area of global change are overseen by a number ofboards, standing committees, and other units from throughout the National http://dels.nas.edu/ccgc/ | |
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