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41. Global Change Biology Home Page global change Biology journal information, contents lists and abstracts on theBlackwell Publishing website. global change Biology. Edited by Steve Long. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/gcb/ | |
42. CORDIS FP6: What Is FP6: Activity Areas: Sustainable Development, Global Change Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Activity Service.Services currently available global change and ecosystems. http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/sustdev.htm | |
43. CORDIS FP6: Sustainable Development, Global Change And Ecosystems This CORDIS Web Services is dedicated to the EU s Sixth Framework Programme on SustainableDevelopment and global change and Ecosystems. skip to page content, http://www.cordis.lu/sustdev/ | |
44. IMAGES: International Marine Past Global Changes Study a global program to collect and study marine sediment records. The overriding IMAGES science issue is to quantify climate and chemical variability of the ocean on time scales of oceanic and cryospheric processes; to determine its sensitivity to identified internal and external forcings, and to determine its role in controlling atmospheric CO2. http://www.images-pages.org/ | |
45. IGCI - International Global Change Institute The International global change Institute (IGCI) provides research,training and consultancy in the human dimensions of global change. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/igci/ | |
46. NOAA/Office Of Global Programs Office of Global Programs. The NOAA Office of Global Programs (OGP)leads the NOAA Climate and global change (C GC) Program. OGP http://www.ogp.noaa.gov/ | |
47. Global Change Dictionary Welcome to the global change Dictionary. Copyright © Center for theStudy of Carbon Dioxide and global change (www.co2science.org). http://www.co2science.org/dictionary/define.htm | |
48. Science For Everyone: Climate And Global Change Science for Everyone Page, Science for Everyone Climate and GlobalChange. Stories, reports, and images that are specially selected http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/everyonecl.html | |
49. AGU Web Site: Global Change Researchers Assess Projections Of Climate Change global change Researchers Assess Projections of Climate Change. Regionalscale (100-2000km) climate changes will be different from the global average changes. http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/barron.html | |
50. Canadian Global Change Program Translate this page Promoting informed action through sound advice on global change. Continuein English. Faciliter une intervention éclairée en fournissant http://www.globalcentres.org/cgcp/ | |
51. The Global Change Curriculum At The University Of Michigan The University of Michigan s global change Curriculum, part of the Program inthe Environment, offers an innovative approach in undergraduate science and http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/ | |
52. Global Change 1: Lecture Schedule 9/5, fri, A Roadmap to global change Physical Processes, van der Pluijm. 12/10,wed, Human Impacts of global change and Evaluation, van der Pluijm. http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/ | |
53. Southern Global Change Program Through cooperative research efforts and inhouse research, the Southern global changeProgram provides increased understanding of forest ecosystem response to http://www.sgcp.ncsu.edu/ | |
54. SHEBA Homepage Coordinated project to investigate the role of arctic climate in global change. Site includes a list of journal articles, some of which are also provided to download as PDF files. http://sheba.apl.washington.edu/ |
55. Nsf Global Change Research Programs NSF global change research programs support research and related activities thatadvance fundamental understanding of dynamic physical, biological, and http://www.geo.nsf.gov/egch/ | |
56. Human Dimensions Of Global Change DEVELOPING ACTIVE LEARNING MODULES ON THE HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF global change. Introductionto the Human Dimensions of global change Web Version. http://www.aag.org/HDGC/Hands_On.html | |
57. Global Change In Local Places . The To learn moreabout the GCLP Project and global change visit these sites The......global change in Local Places. Project http://www.aag.org/gclp/gclpnew.html | |
58. Eliassonassociates Consultancy for energy, sustainability and global change. http://www.eliasson.ch | |
59. USGS Learning Web :: Lesson Plans :: Global Change :: Introduction And Activitie The following activities are presented to assist in teaching these concepts of GlobalChange. Scientists study global change to help answer these questions. http://interactive2.usgs.gov/learningweb/teachers/globalchange.htm | |
60. Fontier Research System For Global Change Taroh Matsuno, DirectorGeneral of the Frontier Research System for global changehas been selected as a Honorary Member of the American Meteorological Society. http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frsgc/eng/ | |
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