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21. Global Change Education Program global change Education Program, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE),Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS), http://www.atmos.anl.gov/GCEP/ |
22. GCRIO Global Change And Environmental Education Resources This collection of resources was selected for their relevance to global change and environmental education. Included are a wide range of resources for educators and students at all levels. http://gcrio.org/edu/educ.html |
23. Global Change Associates Homepage Focus on restructuring, risk management, and commercialization of new energy technologies. Also, offers competitive and market intelligence services. Offices in New York and the UK. http://global-change.com/ | |
24. ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) For Biogeochemical Dynamics Offers Earth science data for global change research and Earth systems studies. Sponsored by NASA, the archive includes field data, remotesensing data, imagery, and the results of ecosystems modeling. http://www.daac.ornl.gov/ | |
25. Environment Journals Online newsletters, yearbooks, and other publications for environmental managers cover policy trends, scientific research, and industrial developments related to topics such as global change, sustainable development, ISO 14000, recycling, and emissions trading. Subscription required. http://www.cutter.com/envibusi/ | |
26. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Global Change & Human Health http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1389-5702/contents | |
27. MIT Center For Global Change Science An interdisciplinary academic research organization that conducts scientific investigationon issues of global environmental change at the Massachusetts http://web.mit.edu/cgcs/www/ | |
28. GCTE Focus 1 Homepage The ecosystem physiology program within the global change and Terrestrial Ecosystems Core project. Includes details of the program, conferences, publications and science highlights. http://www.gcte-focus1.org/ | |
29. MIT Joint Program On The Science & Policy Of Global Change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that conducts research, analysis,and public communication on issues of global environmental change, with a http://web.mit.edu/globalchange/www/ | |
30. IAI - Inter-American Institute For Global Change Research Ask Dr. global changeHe stands ready to answer your most difficult questions about global change on planet Earth. Archives http://www.iai.int/ |
31. Nsf Global Change Research Programs PAGES Past global changes PAGES in brief PAGES (Past global changes) supports research aimed at understandingthe Earth s past environment in order to make predictions for the future. http://www.nsf.gov/geo/egch/ | |
32. Welcome To START Aims to evaluate the impact of global change and enhance scientific capacity in developing countries. http://www.start.org/ |
33. Ask Doctor Global Change He stands ready to answer your most difficult questions about global change on planet Earth. Archives are available. http://gcrio.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/gcrio.cfg/php/enduser/home.php | |
34. DOE Global Change Education Program Information-GREF global change Education Program. Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships(GREF). The GREF program began in June 1999 to support http://www.atmos.anl.gov/GCEP/gref.html | |
35. Global Change Data Center Please update your bookmarks to http//tsdis02.nascom.nasa.gov/gcdc/. In 10seconds, you will be automatically transferred to the new GCDC web page. http://tsdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcdc/gcdc.html | |
36. Dr Patrick Dixon, Ranked One Of 50 Most Influential Business Thinkers - 4 Millio New edition of Futurewise Six Faces of global change out now - 500 expectationsabout life by 2010 and beyond - summary of key messages - order copies. http://www.globalchange.com/main.htm | |
37. APN: Asia-Pacific Network For Global Change Research AsiaPacific Network for global change Research. http://www.apn.gr.jp/ | |
38. USDA Global Change Program Office Welcome to the global change Program Office Website. http://www.usda.gov/agency/oce/gcpo/ | |
39. Potential Effects Of Global Change On Bats Article by Michael A. Bogan, a Research Biologist of USGC, and Professor at University of New Mexico. Pictures, map, and resources included. http://geochange.er.usgs.gov/sw/impacts/biology/bats/ | |
40. Global Change Research Program Of The USEPA global change AND CLIMATE MODELLING TEAM Translate this page http://www.epa.gov/globalresearch/ |
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